Sothebys Gen Art

Sothebys Gen Art

Sotheby's Gen Art Presents: Themes and Variations by Vera Molnar in collaboration with Martin Grasser. The collection encompasses a series of 500 unique generative artworks. Within these works, Molnár passionately explores ideas she has delved into since the late 1960s when she first embarked upon the realm of algorithmic art. Central to her artistic expression is the seamless integration of letters as pure abstract forms, coupled with her affinity for embracing disorder. This deliberate choice grants the machine a certain level of autonomy, allowing it to challenge and even contradict the predefined rules established by Molnár herself. Thus, through this exploration of a dynamic interplay between the artist and the machine, uncharted territories within her creative practice are unveiled.
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Son 24 saatte Sothebys Gen Art için işlem gerçekleşmedi. Taban fiyat 1,69 ETH ve son 24 saatte taban fiyatta +%11,92 değişim gerçekleşti. Şu anda 25 listeleme emri mevcut.
Sothebys Gen Art koleksiyonunda toplam 540 NFT var ve bunlar 258 farklı cüzdanda bulunuyor.
Bu projenin taban fiyatı 1,69 ETH ve son 24 saatte bir işlem gerçekleştirilmedi. Bu nedenle, satın almayı tamamlamak için cüzdanınızda en az 1,69 ETH bulunmalı.