Damien Hirst - The Currencycertified

Damien Hirst - The Currency

HENI is delighted to present The Currency, the first NFT collection by Damien Hirst. Starting with the creation of the physical artworks in 2016, The Currency explores the boundaries of art and currency—when art changes and becomes a currency, and when currency becomes art. Collectors had 1 year to decide between the digital NFT or the physical artwork, both of which are artworks in their own right. Whichever was picked, the other got burned. After the Exchange deadline, on 27th July 2022, the final NFT Supply is 4,851 NFTs. 5,149 NFTs were burned in exchange for the physical artworks. The collection was launched on the Palm blockchain, which is a token-powered ecosystem for NFTs connected to Ethereum. It is 99% more energy efficient than proof of work systems such as Bitcoin. The Currency NFTs can be moved to Ethereum using the Palm NFT Bridge. The entire collection can be viewed by visiting https://currency.nft.heni.com/
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Nasıl bu koleksiyondan NFT alabilirim?
OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden ve daha fazla platformdaki NFT emirlerini birleştiren OKX Pazar Yerinde doğrudan satın alımlar yapabilirsiniz.
Bu koleksiyonun son işlemleri ne?
Son 24 saatte Damien Hirst - The Currency, toplam hacmi 7,44 olan 13 işlem tamamladı. Taban fiyat 0,63 ETH ve son 24 saatte taban fiyatta -%25,8 değişim gerçekleşti. Şu anda 46 listeleme emri mevcut.
Kaç cüzdanda bu koleksiyondan NFT’ler bulunuyor?
Damien Hirst - The Currency koleksiyonunda toplam 2.984 NFT var ve bunlar 1.650 farklı cüzdanda bulunuyor.
Satın alım için bulunması gereken miktar nedir?
Bu koleksiyonun taban fiyatı 0,63 ETH ve 24 saatlik ortalama fiyat 0,5729. Bu nedenle, satın almayı tamamlamak için cüzdanınızda en az 0,63 ETH bulunmalı.