The Age of Bit Empire

The Age of Bit Empire

In the cybernetic realm of the Bit Empire, a war unfolds between the Bit Samurai and the Bit Pirates, two factions battling for control over the blockchain’s future. The Bit Samurai are noble warriors, protectors of the Bit Core, the heart of blockchain integrity. Armed with energy katanas and cybernetic armor, they fight to uphold decentralization, ensuring digital transactions remain secure and unbreakable. Their duty is to defend the financial freedom and stability of the metaverse. Opposing them, the Bit Pirates are ruthless cyber marauders seeking to hack, steal, and destroy the blockchain. With high-tech weapons and hacking sorcery, they aim to corrupt digital assets, disrupt financial order, and seize power over Bitcoin. Masters of deception, they burn, crack, and manipulate the blockchain, leaving chaos in their wake. As neon-lit cities become battlegrounds and cyberspace turns into a warzone, the fate of cryptocurrency hangs in the balance.
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OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden ve daha fazla platformdaki NFT emirlerini birleştiren OKX Pazar Yerinde doğrudan satın alımlar yapabilirsiniz.
Son 24 saatte The Age of Bit Empire toplam hacmi 0 olan 1 işlem tamamladı. Taban fiyat 0,0003 BASE_ETH ve son 24 saatte taban fiyatta %0,00 değişim gerçekleşti. Şu anda 612 listeleme emri mevcut.
The Age of Bit Empire koleksiyonunda toplam 1.312.487 NFT var ve bunlar 14 farklı cüzdanda bulunuyor.
Bu koleksiyonun taban fiyatı 0,0003 BASE_ETH ve 24 saatlik ortalama fiyat 0,0003. Bu nedenle, satın almayı tamamlamak için cüzdanınızda en az 0,0003 BASE_ETH bulunmalı.