Polish Cryptophilatelic Thalers 3.0
The collection of Cryptophilatelic Thalers 3.0 is a continuation of the two previous editions of this kind and serves to promote cryptophilately due to its digital nature, features and method of distribution. These tokens, this time in gold and silver, are intended for the cryptophilatelic community in Poland and around the world. Each item in the Thaler collection has special, unique properties associated with it, but the main purpose of these tokens is to reward the collecting community and integrate it around the theme of digital philately.
Kolekcja Talarów Kryptofilatelistycznych 3.0 jest kontynuacją dwóch poprzednich wydań tego typu i służą promocji kryptofilatelistyki z uwagi na swój cyfrowy charakter, cechy oraz sposób dystrybucji. Tokeny te, tym razem w złoto - srebrnej odsłonie są przeznaczone dla społeczności kryptofilatelistów w Polsce i na świecie. Do każdego elementu kolekcji Talarów są przypisane specjalne, unikalne właściwości, jednak głównym przeznaczenie...
You can make direct purchases on the OKX Marketplace, which consolidates NFT orders from platforms such as OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden, and more.
No transactions occurred for Polish Cryptophilatelic Thalers 3.0 within the last 24 hours. The floor price is 16 POL, and there’s been a 0.00% change in the floor price in the last 24 hours. There are currently 4 listing orders.
Polish Cryptophilatelic Thalers 3.0 has a total of 6,284 NFTs, and these are held by 349 different wallets.
The floor price for this project is 16 POL, and there have been no transactions in the last 24 hours. Therefore, your should have at least 16 POL in your wallet to complete the purchase.