[MekaApes Game ](https://www.okx.com/web3/marketplace/nft) out Now!!
- Every Baby Ooga & Incubator can claim a MekaApe once! Check out if a Baby Ooga already claimed a MekaApe [here!](https://app.oogaverse.com/claim)
Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/oogaversenft) to find out more.
Old Collection: [SpaceApes](https://www.okx.com/web3/marketplace/nft) Find all information about the Migration and the name change in this [Medium article](https://medium.com/@OogaVerse/spaceapes-nft-contract-migration-to-oogaverse-7889fdfa980d).
OogaVerse is an NFT collection of 2,000 Genesis Oogas and 6,000 Baby Oogas. Baby Oogas can be bred by holding 2 Genesis Oogas! (Breeding is live now!)