Fetch.ai price

Fetch.ai price

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Fetch.ai market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
2,609,959,127 FET
Market cap ranking
24h high
24h low
All-time high

Fetch.ai price performance in USD

The current price of Fetch.ai is $1.3773. Since 00:00 UTC, Fetch.ai has decreased by -3.05%. It currently has a circulating supply of 2,609,959,127 FET and a maximum supply of 2,719,493,897 FET, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $3.58B. At present, Fetch.ai holds the 26 position in market cap rankings. The Fetch.ai/USD price is updated in real-time.
7 days
30 days
3 months

About Fetch.ai (FET)

The rating provided is an aggregated rating collected by OKX TR from the sources provided and is for informational purpose only. OKX TR does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the ratings. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. The price and performance of the digital assets are not guaranteed and may change without notice. Your digital assets are not covered by insurance against potential losses. Historical returns are not indicative of future returns. OKX TR does not guarantee any return, repayment of principal or interest. OKX TR does not provide investment or asset recommendations. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.
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Fetch.ai is an innovative platform that combines artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and distributed ledger technologies to create a new digital economy. The platform was established to address the challenges of data utilization and coordination of complex tasks. It was launched with the mission to revolutionize the way we transact and interact with digital systems, by creating a transparent and adaptive ecosystem that evolves to meet the ever-changing demands of the world.

Fetch.ai aims to empower individuals, businesses, and governments by enabling them to train and deploy machine learning models on a secure, scalable, and decentralized network. The platform provides a new form of digital intelligence and a new economy where autonomous software agents perform useful economic work.

The Fetch.ai Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands, is committed to advancing the adoption and understanding of Fetch.ai and blockchain technology.

How does Fetch.ai work

Fetch.ai is powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) that drive its understanding, coordination, and problem-solving proficiency. The AI Engine within Fetch.ai allows users and developers to connect to a wide range of agent-based services. Once an agent is registered, the service provided becomes an integral part of the AI Engine's landscape, orchestrating dynamic connections between users and services.

Fetch.ai's Agentverse is a cloud-based IDE that simplifies the process of creating, training, and deploying AI agents. It offers a user-friendly interface and a collection of tools and libraries that streamline the development and integration of AI agents into existing systems.

Fetch.ai price and tokenomics

The Fetch.ai network operates with a native digital currency known as the Fetch Token (FET). The total supply of FET is fixed at 1,152,997,575 tokens. The Fetch Token is used on the network for all transactions and for network operations such as secure communications. Tokens also serve as a refundable deposit for both nodes and agents wishing to perform certain operations, acting as a security mechanism that discourages bad behavior.

About the founder

Fetch.ai was founded by Humayun Sheikh, who currently serves as the CEO of the company. Sheikh is an innovation entrepreneur with a record in revolutionizing trading in the steel sector. He is also a founding investor in DeepMind, a world leader in artificial intelligence research. Fetch.ai is governed by the Fetch.AI Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands. The foundation is co-governed by representatives from Fetch.ai and Bosch, a leading global supplier of technology and services.

Fetch.ai highlights

Fetch.ai has made significant strides in the development and adoption of its technology. The platform has partnered with several notable entities, including Bosch and Ocean Protocol, to advance its mission. Fetch.ai has also been listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, enhancing its accessibility to a wider audience.

One of the unique features of Fetch.ai is its AI Engine, which leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to discover and route task execution to the relevant AI agents. This allows users and developers to connect to a wide range of agent-based services, thereby enhancing the functionality of the token.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fetch.ai (FET)

  • What is Fetch.ai?

    Fetch.ai is an innovative platform that combines artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and distributed ledger technologies to create a new digital economy.

    1. What is Fetch.ai's mission?

      Fetch.ai's mission is to drive the advancement of AI and Web3 technologies, with a focus on creating a collaborative ecosystem for industry participants that is poised to unlock new innovations and business opportunities.

    2. What is the total supply of FET tokens?

      The total supply of FET is fixed at 1,152,997,575 tokens.

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    Currently, one Fetch.ai is worth $1.3773. For answers and insight into Fetch.ai's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Fetch.ai charts and trade responsibly with OKX TR.
    What is cryptocurrency?
    Cryptocurrencies, such as Fetch.ai, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX TR and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
    When was cryptocurrency invented?
    Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Fetch.ai have been created as well.