Doge Killer price

Doge Killer price

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Doge Killer market info

Market cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the circulating supply with its latest price. Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
Market cap ranking
The asset’s ranking in terms of market cap value
All-time high
The historically highest price an asset has reached during its trading history
Market cap
Circulating supply
107,526 LEASH
Market cap ranking
24h high
24h low
All-time high

Doge Killer price performance in USD

The current price of Doge Killer is $262.49. Since 00:00 UTC, Doge Killer has increased by +1.27%. It currently has a circulating supply of 107,526 LEASH and a maximum supply of 107,647 LEASH, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $28.45M. At present, Doge Killer holds the 248 position in market cap rankings. The Doge Killer/USD price is updated in real-time.
7 days
30 days
3 months

About Doge Killer (LEASH)

The rating provided is an aggregated rating collected by OKX TR from the sources provided and is for informational purpose only. OKX TR does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the ratings. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. The price and performance of the digital assets are not guaranteed and may change without notice. Your digital assets are not covered by insurance against potential losses. Historical returns are not indicative of future returns. OKX TR does not guarantee any return, repayment of principal or interest. OKX TR does not provide investment or asset recommendations. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.
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Doge Killer (LEASH) is an Ethereum-based, dog-inspired meme token in the Shiba Inu ecosystem. LEASH is the name and ticker symbol of Doge Killer. LEASH was incorporated into the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) to support the Shiba Inu ecosystem, which now consists of three native tokens – SHIB, LEASH, and BONE.

Doge Killer offers incentives for holders, stakers, and liquidity pool participants within the DeFi ecosystem. It has implemented features such as staking, governance, lending, swapping, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), positioning it as a multifunctional platform capable of delivering diverse use cases within the DeFi space.

By holding LEASH, users become part of a select group that receives unique advantages and early access to new features and opportunities within the ecosystem, such as early access to new listings and discounted trading fees. In the past, LEASH holders have enjoyed various incentives, such as incentivized BONE rewards for providing liquidity on ShibaSwap, exclusive access to Shiboshi NFT minting, and early access to land sales in Shib: The Metaverse.

LEASH price and tokenomics

LEASH is an ERC-20 utility token launched in April 2021, serving as the second native token within the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

LEASH, initially launched as a rebase token pegged to Dogecoin, had its total supply reduced to 107,646 tokens. This limited supply model distinguishes itself from other dog-themed cryptocurrencies. Unlike tokens with billions or even quadrillions in circulation, LEASH's scarcity contributes to its potential for value appreciation. It is also a deflationary token, as each time it is transacted, a percentage of it is burned and destroyed.

The distribution of LEASH tokens occurred through a fair launch mechanism, ensuring a decentralized and equitable acquisition process for users. By implementing this approach, LEASH aims to provide a level playing field and promote broader participation within its community.

About the founders

Doge Killer was developed by the same team behind Shiba Inu, using the pseudonym “Ryoshi.” It was launched in April 2021 alongside the ShibaSwap DEX. Notably, Shiba Inu has formed partnerships with PlaySide Studios, a prominent video game developer in Australia, and enlisted the expertise of William Volk, former VP of technology at Activision, to contribute to their gaming projects.

Furthermore, Shiba Inu has partnered with NowPayments, enabling users to utilize SHIB, LEASH, and BONE tokens for transactions on various e-commerce platforms. This integration expands the utility and accessibility of these tokens, allowing users to engage in real-world transactions with ease.

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What is Doge Killer (LEASH)?

Doge Killer (LEASH) is a meme token that operates within the larger Shiba Inu ecosystem, which includes other popular tokens like SHIB and BONE. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Doge Killer has gained significant attention and popularity for its playful and humorous nature, often associated with internet memes.

What are the benefits of Doge Killer?

Being a part of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, Doge Killer benefits from the collective strength and community support of the broader Shiba Inu community. It allows users to participate in various activities within the ecosystem, such as staking, trading, DEX trading, and exploring the NFT marketplace.

Where can I buy LEASH tokens?

Easily buy LEASH tokens on the OKX TR cryptocurrency platform. OKX TR’s spot trading terminal offers the LEASH/USDT trading pair.

You can also swap your existing cryptocurrencies, including XRP (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), and Chainlink (LINK), for LEASH with zero fees and no price slippage by using OKX TR Convert.

How much is Doge Killer worth today?
Currently, one Doge Killer is worth $262.49. For answers and insight into Doge Killer's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Doge Killer charts and trade responsibly with OKX TR.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Doge Killer, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX TR and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Doge Killer have been created as well.