Marketplace API
Retrieve valid inscriptions

Retrieve valid inscriptions#

This interface is used to get the valid inscription data respectively to the given wallet address.

Request address#


Request param#

slugStringYesThe collection’s slug, which is the unique identifier of the collection
cursorStringNoFor pagination. A cursor pointing to the page to retrieve
limitStringYesFor pagination. The maximum number of collections to return. The default value is 10, and the max is 100
sortStringNoOrder sorting rules: ‘listing_time_desc’ means sorting in descending order based on the order creation time, while ‘listing_time_asc’ means sorting in ascending order based on the order update time, ‘price_desc’ means default sorting of order prices from high to low, ‘price_asc’ means default sorting of order prices from low to high; ‘unitprice_desc’ means default sorting of order unit prices from low to high, and ‘unitprice_asc’ means default sorting of order unit prices from high to low. The default sorting rule is to sort in descending order by time
isBrc20BooleanNoRetrieve the list of Fractal NFT or BRC 20 listings, the default is ‘Yes’
walletAddressStringYesThe wallet address which querying for the valid inscriptions

Response param#

An array of ordinals inscription information.

inscriptionIdStringInscription ID
cursorStringTo retrieve next page on the request, add this cursor value into the next request
nftIdStringNFT ID for that inscription
tickerStringTicker for the BRC-20 token
tickerIdStringID for that ticker
amountStringNumber of inscriptions in the order

Code request example#

curl --location '' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: your API key' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: your passphrase' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "slug": "Fractal Ordinals",
    "walletAddress": "bc1qek.....27zgdgqfawx",
    "limit": "10",
    "isBrc20": false

Response example#

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
          "cursor": "MTY5N.......WZhd3g=",
          "inscriptionInfos": [
                  "amount": "1",
                  "inscriptionId": "ad14bd7fa6afee2bc37681f6...9b949746d258e0c8133c259a94198febf66bi0",
                  "nftId": "17407619...517490",
                  "ticker": "",
                  "tickerId": ""
                  "amount": "1",
                  "inscriptionId": "6f776f43d119094...37ce8abab7aea902a4455fc7b8b319122880f71a1ci0",
                  "nftId": "16635...80929138",
                  "ticker": "",
                  "tickerId": ""
                  "amount": "1",
                  "inscriptionId": "e0ae7e1ee159...d836fe692b1fb6b25911f9f6edec666da9fb090fdffe4i0",
                  "nftId": "166355152...29586",
                  "ticker": "",
                  "tickerId": ""
      "msg": ""