Query product details

Query product details#

Description: This API provides the details of a specified investment product when you input the search criteria.

Request URL#


Request parameters#

Parameter nameDescriptionParameter typeRequiredData type
investmentIdInvestment IDQuery parameterYesString
investmentCategorySubscription type: (e.g., 0: Default type; 1: BRC-20)Query parameterNoString

Response parameters#

Parameter nameDescriptionData type
investmentIdInvestment IDString
investmentNameInvestment nameString
chainIdBlockchain IDString
rateRate of returnString
investTypeInvestment type: 1. Save; 2. Pool; 3. Farm; 4. Vaults; 5. StakeString
platformNamePlatform nameString
platformIdPlatform IDString
analysisPlatformIdPlatform ID for receiving reward bonusString
rateTypeRate of eeturn calculation type: 0: APY; 1: APRString
tvlTotal value lockedString
underlyingTokenStaked tokenStruct
>isBaseTokenWhether the staked token is a base token on the mainnetBoolean
>tokenContractSmart contract address of the staked tokenString
>tokenSymbolToken symbol of the staked tokenString
isInvestableWhether it is investableString
utilizationRateUtilization rateString
earnedTokenEarned tokensStruct
>isBaseTokenWhether the earned token is a base token on the mainnetBoolean
>tokenContractSmart contract address of the earned tokenString
>tokenSymbolToken symbol of the earned tokenString
lpTokenLP tokenStruct
>isBaseTokenWhether the LP token is a base token on the mainnetBoolean
>tokenContractSmart contract address of the LP tokenString
>tokenSymbolToken symbol of the LP tokenString

Request example#

curl --location '' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 4b****53' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: p****d'

Response example#

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "",
    "data": {
        "investmentId": "120",
        "investmentName": "jEUR",
        "chainId": "137",
        "rate": "0.01129",
        "investType": "1",
        "platformName": "Aave V3",
        "platformId": "24",
        "analysisPlatformId": "10",
        "rateType": "0",
        "tvl": "51350.92499",
        "underlyingToken": [
                "tokenSymbol": "jEUR",
                "tokenAddress": "0x4e3decbb3645551b8a19f0ea1678079fcb33fb4c",
                "isBaseToken": false
        "isInvestable": false,
        "earnedToken": [
                "tokenSymbol": "jEUR",
                "tokenAddress": "0x4e3decbb3645551b8a19f0ea1678079fcb33fb4c",
                "isBaseToken": false
        "lpToken": [
                "tokenSymbol": "aPolJEUR",
                "tokenAddress": "0x6533afac2e7bccb20dca161449a13a32d391fb00",
                "isBaseToken": false
        "utilizationRate": "0.76862"