0 | 200 | Succeeded |
50011 | 429 | Rate limit reached. Please refer to API documentation and throttle requests accordingly |
50014 | 400 | Parameter {param0} cannot be empty |
50026 | 500 | System error. Try again later |
50103 | 401 | Request header "OK-ACCESS-KEY" cannot be empty |
50104 | 401 | Request header "OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE" cannot be empty |
50105 | 401 | Request header "OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE" incorrect |
50106 | 401 | Request header "OK-ACCESS-SIGN" cannot be empty |
50107 | 401 | Request header "OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP" cannot be empty |
50111 | 401 | Invalid OK-ACCESS-KEY |
50112 | 401 | Invalid OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP |
50113 | 401 | Invalid signature |
51000 | 400 | Parameter {param0} error |
80000 | 200 | Repeated request |
82000 | 200 | Insufficient liquidity |
82001 | 500 | The commission service is not available during the upgrade |
82102 | 200 | Minimum amount is {0} |
82103 | 200 | Maximum amount is {0} |
82104 | 200 | This token is not supported |
82105 | 200 | This chain is not supported |
82112 | 200 | The value difference from this transaction’s quote route is higher than {num}, which may cause asset loss. |
82114 | 200 | The slippage too low,Suggest {0} |
82115 | 200 | The chain has not token pairs |
82116 | 200 | No suitable cross-chain bridge found |