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Query NFT assets

Query NFT assets#

Query the NFT assets of all chains or a chain under a specified wallet, or a specified NFT asset.

Request URL#


Request parameters#

walletIdStringYesUnique identifier of the wallet
chainIdsArray<String>NoUnique identifier of the chain
(if present, and there is no coinId dimension, query by chainId dimension)
tokenContractAddressArray<String>NoContract address information of the project collection
(if available, query according to nft contract address dimension)
limitStringNoHow many items to query per page. The default value is 20
cursorStringNoQuery cursor. Default is the first page

Response parameters#

nftAssetsListArray<Object>nft Asset array
cursorStringQuery cursor

nftAssetsList (nft assets)

nameStringThe name of the NFT
tokenIdStringNFT token ID
tokenUriStringMetadata address of NFT
imageStringNFT image address
imagePreviewUrlStringNFT image preview address
imageThumbnailUrlStringNFT image thumbnail address
animationUrlStringNFT audio and video resource address
attributesStringSpecial attribute information of NFT, an attribute model
assetContractObjectContract information, a contract information model object
collectionObjectCollection information, a collection model object
ownerAddressStringThe address of the asset owner
isLazyMintTypeBooleanWhether the minting is delayed and no transfer has occurred

Attributes (Array. StringObject)

trait_typeStringThe name of the special attribute (such as color)
valueStringThe value of the special attribute
(may be a string or a numeric value)
display_typeStringHow special attributes should be displayed
(optional options may be numbers, percentages, percentage data, dates, etc.)


chainStringThe chain to which the contract related to this collection belongs
contractAddressStringThe contract address related to this collection
tokenStandardStringThe protocol type corresponding to the contract, such as ERC721, ERC1155
ownerAddressStringThe owner address corresponding to this contract
erc2981BooleanWhether the contract supports the 2981 protocol


nameStringCollection name
desStringCollection Introduction
imageStringCollection avatar image address
backgroundImageStringCollection background image address
slugString collection slugName, the unique identifier of the collection
certificateFlagBooleanCollection certification flags
officialWebsiteStringCollection official website address
instagramUrlStringCollection Instagram address
discordUrlStringCollection Discord address
mediumUrlStringCollection Medium address
twitterUrlStringCollection Twitter address
categoryListArrayCollection category tag list
statsObjectThis collection corresponds to statistical data, including transaction volume, floor price, etc., a collection statistical information model object


latestPriceStringThe latest transaction price of this collection
totalVolumeStringThe total transaction volume of this collection
totalCountStringThe number of NFTs in this collection
ownerCountStringThe number of owners of this collection
floorPriceStringThe floor price of this collection

Request example#

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PROJECT: 86af********d1bc' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 37c541a1-****-****-****-10fe7a038418' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: leaV********3uw=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: 1****6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 2023-10-18T12:21:41.274Z' \
--data-raw '{
  "limit": 1,

Response example#

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [{
    "cursor": "MTMyMTY3MDU4MjgxNDM5",
    "nftAssetsList": [{
      "tokenId": "1165534",
      "name": "Bag #1165534",
      "attributes": "",
      "image": "",
      "imagePreviewUrl": "",
      "imageThumbnailUrl": "",
      "tokenUri": null,
      "animationUrl": "",
      "assetContract": {
        "chain": "Ethereum",
        "contractAddress": "0x1dfe7ca09e99d10835bf73044a23b73fc20623df",
        "tokenStandard": "erc721",
        "ownerAddress": "0xf296178d553c8ec21a2fbd2c5dda8ca9ac905a00",
        "erc2981": false
      "collection": {
        "stats": {
          "latestPrice": 75841.6,
          "totalVolume": 1.777921917306267E9,
          "totalCount": 135463,
          "ownerCount": 25301,
          "floorPrice": 3.7489
        "name": "More Loot",
        "des": "Welcome to the home of More Loot on OKX. Discover the best items in this collection.",
        "image": "",
        "backgroundImage": "",
        "slug": "more-loot",
        "certificateFlag": false,
        "officialWebsite": "",
        "twitterUrl": "",
        "instagramUrl": "",
        "discordUrl": "",
        "mediumUrl": "",
        "categoryList": []
      "isLazyMintType": false,
      "ownerAddress": "0xf4c549028f6947669a8bc71719415ab056ce81c8"