Feed registry#
An-on chain mapping of asset pairs to aggregators, allowing for fetching various asset prices through a single contract._createMdxContent
- Includes batch view functions based on base-quote pairs
- Includes IFeedRegistry listed below.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
interface IXLayerFeedRegistry is IFeedRegistry {
//Batch view related queries
function fetchRange(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 startId,
uint80 endId
returns (
uint80[] memory roundId,
int256[] memory answer,
uint256[] memory startedAt,
uint256[] memory updatedAt,
uint80[] memory answeredInRound
function fetchLastEntries(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 count
returns (
uint80[] memory roundId,
int256[] memory answer,
uint256[] memory startedAt,
uint256[] memory updatedAt,
uint80[] memory answeredInRound
Function | Permission | Description |
fetchRange | - | 1. Provide a range of entries in ascending order based on startId and endId , and base-quote pair.2. Results include both startId and endId . |
fetchLastEntries | - | 1. Provides a range of entries in ascending order based on count and base-quote pair.2. Total number of entries returned will be counted, and includes the last entry. |
- Exposes AggregatorV2V3 type view functions that support base-quote pair routing to the appropriate aggregator
- Supports updating of feeds for base-quote pairs
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
interface IFeedRegistry {
//reusing the chainlink event, in case certain legacy systems rely on this
event FeedConfirmed(
address indexed asset,
address indexed denomination,
address indexed latestAggregator,
address previousAggregator,
uint16 nextPhaseId,
address sender
// V3 AggregatorV3Interface
function decimals(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (uint8);
function description(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (string memory);
function version(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (uint256);
function latestRoundData(
address base,
address quote
returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 answeredInRound
function getRoundData(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 _roundId
returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt,
uint80 answeredInRound
// V2 AggregatorInterface
function latestAnswer(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (int256 answer);
function latestTimestamp(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (uint256 timestamp);
function latestRound(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (uint256 roundId);
function getAnswer(
address base,
address quote,
uint256 roundId
) external view returns (int256 answer);
function getTimestamp(
address base,
address quote,
uint256 roundId
) external view returns (uint256 timestamp);
// Registry getters
function getFeed(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (IXLayerOffchainAggregator aggregator);
function getPhaseFeed(
address base,
address quote,
uint16 phaseId
) external view returns (IXLayerOffchainAggregator aggregator);
function isFeedEnabled(address aggregator) external view returns (bool);
function getRoundFeed(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (IXLayerOffchainAggregator aggregator);
function getPhaseRange(
address base,
address quote,
uint16 phaseId
) external view returns (uint80 startingRoundId, uint80 endingRoundId);
function getPreviousRoundId(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (uint80 previousRoundId);
function getNextRoundId(
address base,
address quote,
uint80 roundId
) external view returns (uint80 nextRoundId);
// Feed management
function updateFeed(
address base,
address quote,
address aggregator
) external;
// Phases
function getCurrentPhaseId(
address base,
address quote
) external view returns (uint16 currentPhaseId);
Function | Permission | Description |
decimals | - | Number of decimals present in the response |
description | - | Description of the underlying aggregator |
version | - | Version number of the aggregator. Increases each time the contract is upgraded |
getRoundData | - | Retrieves data for a specific roundId. Reverts if it does not fall in the range of the current aggregator, |
latestRoundData | - | Retrieves data from the latest round. |
latestAnswer | - | Retrieves price from latest round. |
latestTimestamp | - | Retrieves timestamp from latest round. |
latestRound | - | Retrieves latest roundid. |
getAnswer | - | Retrieves price for a specific roundId. Reverts if it does not fall in the range of the current aggregator. |
getTimestamp | - | Retrieves price for a specific roundId. Reverts if it does not fall in the range of the current aggregator. |
getFeed | - | Retrieves the current aggregator for the pair. |
getPhaseFeed | - | 1. Retrieves the aggregator based on the phase specified. 2. Reverts if phase specified is < 1 |
isFeedEnabled | - | Returns a bool to indicate whether aggregator is active. |
getPhaseRange | - | 1. Returns the aggregator for a particular base-quote pair. 2. Reverts if phase specified is < 1 |
getRoundFeed | - | Returns the previous roundId if it falls within the range of the aggregator. Reverts if it is invalid. |
getNextRoundId | - | Returns the next roundId if it falls within the range of the aggregator. Reverts if it is invalid. |
updateFeed | Owner | Updates the aggregator for a base quote pair if the following conditions are met: 1. Addresses are not 0. 2. New aggregator is not the same as the current. 3. Base and quote are not the same address emits FeedConfired when successful. |
getCurrentPhaseId | - | Retrieves the latest round from the specified base-quote pair and returns the phase. |
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