- Adjusted response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
minFee | String | The minimum withdrawal fee for normal address Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
maxFee | String | The maximum withdrawal fee for normal address Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
minFeeForCtAddr | String | The minimum withdrawal fee for contract address Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
maxFeeForCtAddr | String | The maximum withdrawal fee for contract address Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
Parameter | Type | Description |
fee | String | The fixed withdrawal fee Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
minFee | String | Apply to on-chain withdrawal (Deprecated) |
maxFee | String | Apply to on-chain withdrawal (Deprecated) |
minFeeForCtAddr | String | Apply to on-chain withdrawal (Deprecated) |
maxFeeForCtAddr | String | Apply to on-chain withdrawal (Deprecated) |
- Added new endpoint
- Added new response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
burningFeeRate | String | Burning fee rate, e.g "0.05" represents "5%". Some currencies may charge combustion fees. The burning fee is deducted based on the withdrawal quantity (excluding gas fee) multiplied by the burning fee rate. Apply to on-chain withdrawal |
- Added new response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
burningFeeRate | String | Burning fee rate, e.g "0.05" represents "5%". Some currencies may charge combustion fees. The burning fee is deducted based on the withdrawal quantity (excluding gas fee) multiplied by the burning fee rate. |
feeCcy | String | Fixed withdrawal fee unit |
Nitro spread supports market orders, the request and response parameter ordType adds the enumeration value
.Nitro spread adds a new order cancellation scenario, the cancelSource response parameter adds the enumeration value
: Order canceled: The order price is beyond the limit.
- Added call auction details WebSocket channel
- Added public feature for endpoint:
- Added new response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
enableSpotBorrow | Boolean | Whether borrow is allowed or not in Spot mode true : Enabledfalse : Disabled |
spotBorrowAutoRepay | Boolean | Whether auto-repay is allowed or not in Spot mode true : Enabledfalse : Disabled |
- Added new response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ccy | String | Currency |
- Added new response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
isTradeBorrowMode | String | Whether borrowing currency automatically true false Only applicable to trigger order , trailing order and twap order |