HTTP Python


Welcome to our V5 API documentation. Turkey provides REST and WebSocket APIs to suit your trading needs.

API Resources and Support


Python libraries

Customer service

V5 API Key Creation

Please refer to my api page regarding V5 API Key creation.

Generating an API Key

Create an API Key on the website before signing any requests. After creating an APIKey, keep the following information safe:

The system returns randomly-generated APIKeys and SecretKeys. You will need to provide the Passphrase to access the API. We store the salted hash of your Passphrase for authentication. We cannot recover the Passphrase if you have lost it. You will need to create a new set of APIKey.

There are three permissions below that can be associated with an API key. One or more permission can be assigned to any key.

REST Authentication

Making Requests

All private REST requests must contain the following headers:

Request bodies should have content type application/json and be in valid JSON format.


Signing Messages

The OK-ACCESS-SIGN header is generated as follows:

Example: sign=CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(timestamp + 'GET' + '/api/v5/account/balance?ccy=BTC', SecretKey))

The timestamp value is the same as the OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP header with millisecond ISO format, e.g. 2020-12-08T09:08:57.715Z.

The request method should be in UPPERCASE: e.g. GET and POST.

The requestPath is the path of requesting an endpoint.

Example: /api/v5/account/balance

The body refers to the String of the request body. It can be omitted if there is no request body (frequently the case for GET requests).

Example: {"instId":"BTC-USDT","lever":"5","mgnMode":"isolated"}

The SecretKey is generated when you create an APIKey.

Example: 22582BD0CFF14C41EDBF1AB98506286D



WebSocket is a new HTML5 protocol that achieves full-duplex data transmission between the client and server, allowing data to be transferred effectively in both directions. A connection between the client and server can be established with just one handshake. The server will then be able to push data to the client according to preset rules. Its advantages include:


Connection limit: 3 requests per second (based on IP)

When subscribing to a public channel, use the address of the public service. When subscribing to a private channel, use the address of the private service

Request limit:

The total number of 'subscribe'/'unsubscribe'/'login' requests per connection is limited to 480 times per hour.

Connection count limit

The limit will be set at 20 WebSocket connections per specific WebSocket channel per sub-account. Each WebSocket connection is identified by the unique connId.

The WebSocket channels subject to this limitation are as follows:

  1. Orders channel
  2. Account channel
  3. Positions channel
  4. Balance and positions channel
  5. Position risk warning channel
  6. Account greeks channel

If users subscribe to the same channel through the same WebSocket connection through multiple arguments, for example, by using {"channel": "orders", "instType": "ANY"} and {"channel": "orders", "instType": "SWAP"}, it will be counted once only. If users subscribe to the listed channels (such as orders and accounts) using either the same or different connections, it will not affect the counting, as these are considered as two different channels. The system calculates the number of WebSocket connections per channel.

The platform will send the number of active connections to clients through the channel-conn-count event message to new channel subscriptions.

Connection count update

    "connCount": "2",

When the limit is breached, generally the latest connection that sends the subscription request will be rejected. Client will receive the usual subscription acknowledgement followed by the channel-conn-count-error from the connection that the subscription has been terminated. In exceptional circumstances the platform may unsubscribe existing connections.

Connection limit error

    "event": "channel-conn-count-error",
    "channel": "orders",
    "connCount": "20",

Order operations through WebSocket, including place, amend and cancel orders, are not impacted through this change.


Request Example

  "op": "login",
  "args": [
      "apiKey": "985d5b66-57ce-40fb-b714-afc0b9787083",
      "passphrase": "123456",
      "timestamp": "1538054050",
      "sign": "7L+zFQ+CEgGu5rzCj4+BdV2/uUHGqddA9pI6ztsRRPs="

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation
args Array Yes List of account to login
> apiKey String Yes API Key
> passphrase String Yes API Key password
> timestamp String Yes Unix Epoch time, the unit is seconds
> sign String Yes Signature string

Successful Response Example

  "event": "login",
  "code": "0",
  "msg": "",
  "connId": "a4d3ae55"

Failure Response Example

  "event": "error",
  "code": "60009",
  "msg": "Login failed.",
  "connId": "a4d3ae55"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Operation
code String No Error code
msg String No Error message
connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

apiKey: Unique identification for invoking API. Requires user to apply one manually.

passphrase: API Key password

timestamp: the Unix Epoch time, the unit is seconds, e.g. 1704876947

sign: signature string, the signature algorithm is as follows:

First concatenate timestamp, method, requestPath, strings, then use HMAC SHA256 method to encrypt the concatenated string with SecretKey, and then perform Base64 encoding.

secretKey: The security key generated when the user applies for APIKey, e.g. : 22582BD0CFF14C41EDBF1AB98506286D

Example of timestamp: const timestamp = '' + / 1,000

Among sign example: sign=CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(timestamp +'GET'+'/users/self/verify', secretKey))

method: always 'GET'.

requestPath : always '/users/self/verify'


Subscription Instructions

Request format description

  "op": "subscribe",
  "args": ["<SubscriptionTopic>"]

WebSocket channels are divided into two categories: public and private channels.

Public channels -- No authentication is required, include tickers channel, K-Line channel, limit price channel, order book channel, and mark price channel etc.

Private channels -- including account channel, order channel, and position channel, etc -- require log in.

Users can choose to subscribe to one or more channels, and the total length of multiple channels cannot exceed 64 KB.

Below is an example of subscription parameters. The requirement of subscription parameters for each channel is different. For details please refer to the specification of each channels.

Request Example

  "op": "subscribe",
  "args": [
      "channel": "tickers",
      "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"
      "channel": "candle1m",
      "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation
args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instType String No Instrument type
> instFamily String No Instrument family
> instId String No Instrument ID

Response Example

  "event": "subscribe",
  "arg": {
    "channel": "tickers",
    "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"
  "connId": "a4d3ae55"

Return parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, subscribe error
arg Object No Subscribed channel
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instType String No Instrument type
> instFamily String No Instrument family
> instId String No Instrument ID
code String No Error code
msg String No Error message
connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID


Unsubscribe from one or more channels.

Request format description

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "args": ["< SubscriptionTopic> "]

Request Example

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "args": [
      "channel": "tickers",
      "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"
      "channel": "candle1m",
      "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
op String Yes Operation
args Array Yes List of channels to unsubscribe from
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instType String No Instrument type
> instFamily String No Instrument family
> instId String No Instrument ID

Response Example

  "event": "unsubscribe",
  "arg": {
    "channel": "tickers",
    "instId": "LTC-USD-200327"
  "connId": "a4d3ae55"

Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
event String Yes Event, unsubscribe error
arg Object No Unsubscribed channel
> channel String Yes Channel name
> instType String No Instrument type
> instFamily String No Instrument family
> instId String No Instrument ID
code String No Error code
msg String No Error message

Account mode

To facilitate your trading experience, please set the appropriate account mode before starting trading.

In the trading account trading system, 4 account modes are supported: Spot mode, Spot and futures mode, Multi-currency margin mode, and Portfolio margin mode.

You need to set on the Web/App for the first set of every account mode.

Production Trading Services

The Production Trading URL:

Transaction Timeouts

Orders may not be processed in time due to network delay or busy OKX servers. You can configure the expiry time of the request using expTime if you want the order request to be discarded after a specific time.

If expTime is specified in the requests for Place (multiple) orders or Amend (multiple) orders, the request will not be processed if the current system time of the server is after the expTime.

You should synchronize with our system time. Use Get system time to obtain the current system time.


Set the following parameters in the request header

Parameter Type Required Description
expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

The following endpoints are supported:

Request Example

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: *****' \
  -H 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: *****'' \
  -H 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: *****'' \
  -H 'expTime: 1597026383085' \   // request effective deadline
  -d '{
  "instId": "BTC-USDT",
  "tdMode": "cash",
  "side": "buy",
  "ordType": "limit",
  "px": "1000",
  "sz": "0.01"


The following parameters are set in the request

Parameter Type Required Description
expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

The following endpoints are supported:

Request Example

    "id": "1512",
    "op": "order",
    "expTime":"1597026383085",  // request effective deadline
    "args": [{
        "side": "buy",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT",
        "tdMode": "isolated",
        "ordType": "market",
        "sz": "100"

Rate Limits

Our REST and WebSocket APIs use rate limits to protect our APIs against malicious usage so our trading platform can operate reliably and fairly.
When a request is rejected by our system due to rate limits, the system returns error code 50011 (Rate limit reached. Please refer to API documentation and throttle requests accordingly).
The rate limit is different for each endpoint. You can find the limit for each endpoint from the endpoint details. Rate limit definitions are detailed below:

For Trading-related APIs (place order, cancel order, and amend order) the following conditions apply:

Sub-account rate limit

At the sub-account level, we allow a maximum of 1000 order requests per 2 seconds. Only new order requests and amendment order requests will be counted towards this limit. The limit encompasses all requests from the endpoints below. For batch order requests consisting of multiple orders, each order will be counted individually. Error code 50061 is returned when the sub-account rate limit is exceeded. The existing rate limit rule per instrument ID remains unchanged and the existing rate limit and sub-account rate limit will operate in parallel. If clients require a higher rate limit, clients can trade via multiple sub-accounts.

Fill ratio based sub-account rate limit

This is only applicable to >= VIP5 customers.
As an incentive for more efficient trading, the exchange will offer a higher sub-account rate limit to clients with a high trade fill ratio.

The exchange calculates two ratios based on the transaction data from the past 7 days at 00:00 UTC.

  1. Sub-account fill ratio: This ratio is determined by dividing (the trade volume in USDT of the sub-account) by (sum of (new and amendment request count per symbol * symbol multiplier) of the sub-account). Note that the master trading account itself is also considered as a sub-account in this context.
  2. Master account aggregated fill ratio: This ratio is calculated by dividing (the trade volume in USDT on the master account level) by (the sum (new and amendment count per symbol * symbol multiplier] of all sub-accounts).

The symbol multiplier allows for fine-tuning the weight of each symbol. A smaller symbol multiplier (<1) is used for smaller pairs that require more updates per trading volume. All instruments have a default symbol multiplier, and some instruments will have overridden symbol multipliers.

InstType Override rule Overridden symbol multiplier Default symbol multiplier
Perpetual Futures Per instrument ID 1
Instrument ID:
Expiry Futures Per instrument Family 0.3
Instrument Family:
Spot Per instrument ID 0.5
Instrument ID:
Options Per instrument Family 0.1

The fill ratio computation excludes block trading, spread trading, MMP and fiat orders for order count; and excludes block trading, spread trading for trade volume. Only successful order requests (sCode=0) are considered.

At 08:00 UTC, the system will use the maximum value between the sub-account fill ratio and the master account aggregated fill ratio based on the data snapshot at 00:00 UTC to determine the sub-account rate limit based on the table below. For broker (non-disclosed) clients, the system considers the sub-account fill ratio only.

Fill ratio[x<=ratio<y) Sub-account rate limit per 2 seconds(new and amendment)
Tier 1 [0,1) 1,000
Tier 2 [1,2) 1,250
Tier 3 [2,3) 1,500
Tier 4 [3,5) 1,750
Tier 5 [5,10) 2,000
Tier 6 [10,20) 2,500
Tier 7 [20,50) 3,000
Tier 8 >= 50 10,000

If there is an improvement in the fill ratio and rate limit to be uplifted, the uplift will take effect immediately at 08:00 UTC. However, if the fill ratio decreases and the rate limit needs to be lowered, a one-day grace period will be granted, and the lowered rate limit will only be implemented on T+1 at 08:00 UTC. On T+1, if the fill ratio improves, the higher rate limit will be applied accordingly. In the event of client demotion to VIP4, their rate limit will be downgraded to Tier 1, accompanied by a one-day grace period.

If the 7-day trading volume of a sub-account is less than 1,000,000 USDT, the fill ratio of the master account will be applied to it.

For newly created sub-accounts, the Tier 1 rate limit will be applied at creation until T+1 8am UTC, at which the normal rules will be applied.

Block trading, spread trading, MMP and spot/margin orders are exempted from the sub-account rate limit.

The exchange offers GET / Account rate limit endpoint that provides ratio and rate limit data, which will be updated daily at 8am UTC. It will return the sub-account fill ratio, the master account aggregated fill ratio, current sub-account rate limit and sub-account rate limit on T+1 (applicable if the rate limit is going to be demoted).

The fill ratio and rate limit calculation example is shown below. Client has 3 accounts, symbol multiplier for BTC-USDT-SWAP = 1 and XRP-USDT = 0.1.

  1. Account A (master account):
    1. BTC-USDT-SWAP trade volume = 100 USDT, order count = 10;
    2. XRP-USDT trade volume = 20 USDT, order count = 15;
    3. Sub-account ratio = (100+20) / (10 * 1 + 15 * 0.1) = 10.4
  2. Account B (sub-account):
    1. BTC-USDT-SWAP trade volume = 200 USDT, order count = 100;
    2. XRP-USDT trade volume = 20 USDT, order count = 30;
    3. Sub-account ratio = (200+20) / (100 * 1 + 30 * 0.1) = 2.13
  3. Account C (sub-account):
    1. BTC-USDT-SWAP trade volume = 300 USDT, order count = 1000;
    2. XRP-USDT trade volume = 20 USDT, order count = 45;
    3. Sub-account ratio = (300+20) / (100 * 1 + 45 * 0.1) = 3.06
  4. Master account aggregated fill ratio = (100+20+200+20+300+20) / (10 * 1 + 15 * 0.1 + 100 * 1 + 30 * 0.1 + 100 * 1 + 45 * 0.1) = 3.01
  5. Rate limit of accounts
    1. Account A = max(10.4, 3.01) = 10.4 -> 2500 order requests/2s
    2. Account B = max(2.13, 3.01) = 3.01 -> 1750 order requests/2s
    3. Account C = max(3.06, 3.01) = 3.06 -> 1750 order requests/2s

Best practices

If you require a higher request rate than our rate limit, you can set up different sub-accounts to batch request rate limits. We recommend this method for throttling or spacing out requests in order to maximize each accounts' rate limit and avoid disconnections or rejections.

Trading Account

The API endpoints of Account require authentication.


Get instruments

Retrieve available instruments info of current account.

Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

Rate limit rule: UserID + InstrumentType

HTTP Request

GET /api/v5/account/instruments

Request Example

GET /api/v5/account/instruments?instType=SPOT
import okx.Account as Account

# API initialization
apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"

flag = "1" # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1

accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)

result = accountAPI.get_instruments(instType="SPOT")

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
instType String Yes Instrument type
SPOT: Spot
MARGIN: Margin
SWAP: Perpetual Futures
FUTURES: Expiry Futures
OPTION: Option
uly String Conditional Underlying
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION.If instType is OPTION, either uly or instFamily is required.
instFamily String Conditional Instrument family
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION. If instType is OPTION, either uly or instFamily is required.
instId String No Instrument ID

Response Example

    "code": "0",
    "data": [
            "baseCcy": "BTC",
            "ctMult": "",
            "ctType": "",
            "ctVal": "",
            "ctValCcy": "",
            "expTime": "",
            "instFamily": "",
            "instId": "BTC-EUR",
            "instType": "SPOT",
            "lever": "",
            "listTime": "1704876947000",
            "lotSz": "0.00000001",
            "maxIcebergSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "maxLmtAmt": "1000000",
            "maxLmtSz": "9999999999",
            "maxMktAmt": "1000000",
            "maxMktSz": "1000000",
            "maxStopSz": "1000000",
            "maxTriggerSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "maxTwapSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "minSz": "0.00001",
            "optType": "",
            "quoteCcy": "EUR",
            "settleCcy": "",
            "state": "live",
            "ruleType": "normal",
            "stk": "",
            "tickSz": "1",
            "uly": ""
    "msg": ""

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
instType String Instrument type
instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USD-SWAP
uly String Underlying, e.g. BTC-USD
instFamily String Instrument family, e.g. BTC-USD
baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC inBTC-USDT
Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
settleCcy String Settlement and margin currency, e.g. BTC
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
ctVal String Contract value
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
ctMult String Contract multiplier
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
ctValCcy String Contract value currency
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
optType String Option type, C: Call P: put
Only applicable to OPTION
stk String Strike price
Only applicable to OPTION
listTime String Listing time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
expTime String Expiry time
Applicable to SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION. For FUTURES/OPTION, it is natural delivery/exercise time. It is the instrument offline time when there is SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP/ manual offline. Update once change.
lever String Max Leverage,
Not applicable to SPOT, OPTION
tickSz String Tick size, e.g. 0.0001
For Option, it is minimum tickSz among tick band, please use "Get option tick bands" if you want get option tickBands.
lotSz String Lot size
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
minSz String Minimum order size
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
ctType String Contract type
linear: linear contract
inverse: inverse contract
Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
state String Instrument status
preopen. e.g. There will be preopen before the Futures and Options new contracts state is live.
test: Test pairs, can't be traded
ruleType String Trading rule types
normal: normal trading
pre_market: pre-market trading
maxLmtSz String The maximum order quantity of a single limit order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
maxMktSz String The maximum order quantity of a single market order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.
maxLmtAmt String Max USD amount for a single limit order
maxMktAmt String Max USD amount for a single market order
Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
maxTwapSz String The maximum order quantity of a single TWAP order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
The minimum order quantity of a single TWAP order is minSz*2
maxIcebergSz String The maximum order quantity of a single iceBerg order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
maxTriggerSz String The maximum order quantity of a single trigger order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
maxStopSz String The maximum order quantity of a single stop market order.
If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.

Get balance

Retrieve a list of assets (with non-zero balance), remaining balance, and available amount in the trading account.

Rate Limit: 10 requests per 2 seconds

Rate limit rule: UserID

HTTP Requests

GET /api/v5/account/balance

Request Example

# Get the balance of all assets in the account
GET /api/v5/account/balance

# Get the balance of BTC and ETH assets in the account
GET /api/v5/account/balance?ccy=BTC,ETH

import okx.Account as Account

# API initialization
apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"

flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1

accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)

# Get account balance
result = accountAPI.get_account_balance()

Request Parameters

Parameters Types Required Description
ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies (no more than 20) separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

Response Example

    "code": "0",
    "data": [
            "adjEq": "55415.624719833286",
            "borrowFroz": "0",
            "details": [
                    "availBal": "4834.317093622894",
                    "availEq": "4834.3170936228935",
                    "borrowFroz": "0",
                    "cashBal": "4850.435693622894",
                    "ccy": "USDT",
                    "crossLiab": "0",
                    "disEq": "4991.542013297616",
                    "eq": "4992.890093622894",
                    "eqUsd": "4991.542013297616",
                    "fixedBal": "0",
                    "frozenBal": "158.573",
                    "imr": "",
                    "interest": "0",
                    "isoEq": "0",
                    "isoLiab": "0",
                    "isoUpl": "0",
                    "liab": "0",
                    "maxLoan": "0",
                    "mgnRatio": "",
                    "mmr": "",
                    "notionalLever": "",
                    "ordFrozen": "0",
                    "spotInUseAmt": "",
                    "spotIsoBal": "0",
                    "stgyEq": "150",
                    "twap": "0",
                    "uTime": "1705449605015",
                    "upl": "-7.545600000000006",
                    "uplLiab": "0",
                    "spotBal": "",
                    "openAvgPx": "",
                    "accAvgPx": "",
                    "spotUpl": "",
                    "spotUplRatio": "",
                    "totalPnl": "",
                    "totalPnlRatio": ""
            "imr": "8.57068529",
            "isoEq": "0",
            "mgnRatio": "143682.59776662575",
            "mmr": "0.3428274116",
            "notionalUsd": "85.7068529",
            "ordFroz": "0",
            "totalEq": "55837.43556134779",
            "uTime": "1705474164160",
            "upl": "-7.543562688000006"
    "msg": ""

Response Parameters

Parameters Types Description
uTime String Update time of account information, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
totalEq String The total amount of equity in USD
isoEq String Isolated margin equity in USD
Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
adjEq String Adjusted / Effective equity in USD
The net fiat value of the assets in the account that can provide margins for spot, expiry futures, perpetual futures and options under the cross-margin mode.
In multi-ccy or PM mode, the asset and margin requirement will all be converted to USD value to process the order check or liquidation.
Due to the volatility of each currency market, our platform calculates the actual USD value of each currency based on discount rates to balance market risks.
Applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin
ordFroz String Cross margin frozen for pending orders in USD
Only applicable to Multi-currency margin
imr String Initial margin requirement in USD
The sum of initial margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
mmr String Maintenance margin requirement in USD
The sum of maintenance margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of the account in USD
Only applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
mgnRatio String Margin ratio in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
notionalUsd String Notional value of positions in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
upl String Cross-margin info of unrealized profit and loss at the account level in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
details Array Detailed asset information in all currencies
> ccy String Currency
> eq String Equity of currency
> cashBal String Cash balance
> uTime String Update time of currency balance information, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
> isoEq String Isolated margin equity of currency
Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> availEq String Available equity of currency
Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> disEq String Discount equity of currency in USD.
> fixedBal String Frozen balance for Dip Sniper and Peak Sniper
> availBal String Available balance of currency
> frozenBal String Frozen balance of currency
> ordFrozen String Margin frozen for open orders
Applicable to Spot mode/Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin
> liab String Liabilities of currency
It is a positive value, e.g. 21625.64
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> upl String The sum of the unrealized profit & loss of all margin and derivatives positions of currency.
Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> uplLiab String Liabilities due to Unrealized loss of currency
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> crossLiab String Cross liabilities of currency
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> isoLiab String Isolated liabilities of currency
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> mgnRatio String Cross margin ratio of currency
The index for measuring the risk of a certain asset in the account.
Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
> imr String Cross initial margin requirement at the currency level
Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
> mmr String Cross maintenance margin requirement at the currency level
Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
> interest String Accrued interest of currency
It is a positive value, e.g. 9.01
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> twap String Risk indicator of auto liability repayment
Divided into multiple levels from 0 to 5, the larger the number, the more likely the auto repayment will be triggered.
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> maxLoan String Max loan of currency
Applicable to cross of Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> eqUsd String Equity in USD of currency
> borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of currency in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
> notionalLever String Leverage of currency
Applicable to Spot and futures mode
> stgyEq String Strategy equity
> isoUpl String Isolated unrealized profit and loss of currency
Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
> spotInUseAmt String Spot in use amount
Applicable to Portfolio margin
> spotIsoBal String Spot isolated balance
Applicable to copy trading
Applicable to Spot mode/Spot and futures mode
> spotBal String Spot balance. The unit is currency, e.g. BTC. Clicking knows more
> openAvgPx Array Spot average cost price. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
> accAvgPx Array Spot accumulated cost price. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
> spotUpl String Spot unrealized profit and loss. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
> spotUplRatio String Spot unrealized profit and loss ratio. Clicking knows more
> totalPnl String Spot accumulated profit and loss. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
> totalPnlRatio String Spot accumulated profit and loss ratio. Clicking knows more

Distribution of applicable fields under each account level are as follows:

Parameters Spot mode Spot and futures mode Multi-currency margin mode Portfolio margin mode
uTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
totalEq Yes Yes Yes Yes
isoEq Yes Yes Yes
adjEq Yes Yes
ordFroz Yes Yes
imr Yes Yes
mmr Yes Yes
mgnRatio Yes Yes
notionalUsd Yes Yes
upl Yes Yes
details Yes Yes
> ccy Yes Yes Yes Yes
> eq Yes Yes Yes Yes
> cashBal Yes Yes Yes Yes
> uTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
> isoEq Yes Yes Yes
> availEq Yes Yes Yes
> disEq Yes Yes Yes Yes
> availBal Yes Yes Yes Yes
> frozenBal Yes Yes Yes Yes
> ordFrozen Yes Yes Yes Yes
> liab Yes Yes
> upl Yes Yes Yes
> uplLiab Yes Yes
> crossLiab Yes Yes
> isoLiab Yes Yes
> mgnRatio Yes
> interest Yes Yes
> twap Yes Yes
> maxLoan Yes Yes
> eqUsd Yes Yes Yes Yes
> notionalLever Yes
> stgyEq Yes Yes Yes Yes
> isoUpl Yes Yes Yes
> spotInUseAmt Yes
> spotIsoBal Yes Yes
> imr Yes
> mmr Yes
> spotBal Yes Yes Yes Yes
> openAvgPx Yes Yes Yes Yes
> accAvgPx Yes Yes Yes Yes
> spotUpl Yes Yes Yes Yes
> spotUplRatio Yes Yes Yes Yes
> totalPnl Yes Yes Yes Yes
> totalPnlRatio Yes Yes Yes Yes

Get bills details (last 7 days)

Retrieve the bills of the account. The bill refers to all transaction records that result in changing the balance of an account. Pagination is supported, and the response is sorted with the most recent first. This endpoint can retrieve data from the last 7 days.

Rate Limit: 5 requests per second

Rate limit rule: UserID

HTTP Request

GET /api/v5/account/bills

Request Example

GET /api/v5/account/bills

GET /api/v5/account/bills?instType=SPOT

import okx.Account as Account

# API initialization
apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"

flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1

accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)

# Get bills details (last 7 days)
result = accountAPI.get_account_bills()

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
instType String No Instrument type
ccy String No Bill currency
type String No Bill type
1: Transfer
2: Trade
subType String No Bill subtype
1: Buy
2: Sell
11: Transfer in
12: Transfer out
after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested bill ID.
before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested bill ID.
begin String No Filter with a begin timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
end String No Filter with an end timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

Response Example

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "",
    "data": [{
        "bal": "8694.2179403378290202",
        "balChg": "0.0219338232210000",
        "billId": "623950854533513219",
        "ccy": "USDT",
        "clOrdId": "",
        "execType": "T",
        "fee": "-0.000021955779",
        "fillFwdPx": "",
        "fillIdxPx": "27104.1",
        "fillMarkPx": "",
        "fillMarkVol": "",
        "fillPxUsd": "",
        "fillPxVol": "",
        "fillTime": "1695033476166",
        "from": "",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT",
        "instType": "SPOT",
        "interest": "0",
        "mgnMode": "isolated",
        "notes": "",
        "ordId": "623950854525124608",
        "pnl": "0",
        "posBal": "0",
        "posBalChg": "0",
        "px": "27105.9",
        "subType": "1",
        "sz": "0.021955779",
        "tag": "",
        "to": "",
        "tradeId": "586760148",
        "ts": "1695033476167",
        "type": "2"

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
instType String Instrument type
billId String Bill ID
type String Bill type
subType String Bill subtype
ts String The time when the balance complete update, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g.1597026383085
balChg String Change in balance amount at the account level
posBalChg String Change in balance amount at the position level
bal String Balance at the account level
posBal String Balance at the position level
sz String Quantity
px String Price which related to subType
  • Trade filled price for
  • 1: Buy 2: Sell
    ccy String Account balance currency
    pnl String Profit and loss
    fee String Fee
    Negative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform.
    Positive number represents rebate.
    mgnMode String Margin mode
    isolated cross
    When bills are not generated by position changes, the field returns ""
    instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String Order ID
    execType String Liquidity taker or maker
    T: taker
    M: maker
    from String The remitting account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    Only applicable to transfer. When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "".
    to String The beneficiary account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    Only applicable to transfer. When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "".
    notes String Notes
    interest String Interest
    tag String Order tag
    fillTime String Last filled time
    tradeId String Last traded ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    fillIdxPx String Index price at the moment of trade execution
    For cross currency spot pairs, it returns baseCcy-USDT index price. For example, for LTC-ETH, this field returns the index price of LTC-USDT.
    fillMarkPx String Mark price when filled
    Applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTIONS, return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxVol String Implied volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxUsd String Options price when filled, in the unit of USD
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkVol String Mark volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillFwdPx String Forward price when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types

    Get bills details (last 3 months)

    Retrieve the account’s bills. The bill refers to all transaction records that result in changing the balance of an account. Pagination is supported, and the response is sorted with most recent first. This endpoint can retrieve data from the last 3 months.

    Rate Limit: 5 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/account/bills-archive

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/account/bills-archive
    GET /api/v5/account/bills-archive?instType=SPOT
    import okx.Account as Account
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get bills details (last 3 months)
    result = accountAPI.get_account_bills_archive()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String No Instrument type
    ccy String No Bill currency
    type String No Bill type
    1: Transfer
    2: Trade
    6: Margin transfer
    subType String No Bill subtype
    1: Buy
    2: Sell
    11: Transfer in
    12: Transfer out
    236: Easy convert in
    237: Easy convert out
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested bill ID.
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested bill ID.
    begin String No Filter with a begin timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    end String No Filter with an end timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
            "bal": "8694.2179403378290202",
            "balChg": "0.0219338232210000",
            "billId": "623950854533513219",
            "ccy": "USDT",
            "clOrdId": "",
            "execType": "T",
            "fee": "-0.000021955779",
            "fillFwdPx": "",
            "fillIdxPx": "27104.1",
            "fillMarkPx": "",
            "fillMarkVol": "",
            "fillPxUsd": "",
            "fillPxVol": "",
            "fillTime": "1695033476166",
            "from": "",
            "instId": "BTC-USDT",
            "instType": "SPOT",
            "interest": "0",
            "mgnMode": "isolated",
            "notes": "",
            "ordId": "623950854525124608",
            "pnl": "0",
            "posBal": "0",
            "posBalChg": "0",
            "px": "27105.9",
            "subType": "1",
            "sz": "0.021955779",
            "tag": "",
            "to": "",
            "tradeId": "586760148",
            "ts": "1695033476167",
            "type": "2"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    billId String Bill ID
    type String Bill type
    subType String Bill subtype
    ts String The time when the balance complete update, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g.1597026383085
    balChg String Change in balance amount at the account level
    posBalChg String Change in balance amount at the position level
    bal String Balance at the account level
    posBal String Balance at the position level
    sz String Quantity
    px String Price which related to subType
  • Trade filled price for
  • 1: Buy 2: Sell
    ccy String Account balance currency
    pnl String Profit and loss
    fee String Fee
    Negative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform.
    Positive number represents rebate.
    mgnMode String Margin mode
    isolated cross
    When bills are not generated by position changes, the field returns ""
    instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String Order ID
    When bill type is not trade, the field returns ""
    execType String Liquidity taker or maker
    T: taker
    M: maker
    from String The remitting account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    Only applicable to transfer. When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "".
    to String The beneficiary account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    Only applicable to transfer. When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "".
    notes String Notes
    interest String Interest
    tag String Order tag
    fillTime String Last filled time
    tradeId String Last traded ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    fillIdxPx String Index price at the moment of trade execution
    For cross currency spot pairs, it returns baseCcy-USDT index price. For example, for LTC-ETH, this field returns the index price of LTC-USDT.
    fillMarkPx String Mark price when filled
    Applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTIONS, return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxVol String Implied volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxUsd String Options price when filled, in the unit of USD
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkVol String Mark volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillFwdPx String Forward price when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types

    Get account configuration

    Retrieve current account configuration.

    Rate Limit: 5 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/account/config

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/account/config
    import okx.Account as Account
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve current account configuration
    result = accountAPI.get_account_config()

    Request Parameters


    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "acctLv": "2",
                "acctStpMode": "cancel_maker",
                "autoLoan": false,
                "ctIsoMode": "automatic",
                "discountType": "1",
                "enableSpotBorrow": false,
                "greeksType": "PA",
                "ip": "",
                "kycLv": "3",
                "label": "v5 test",
                "level": "Lv1",
                "levelTmp": "",
                "liquidationGear": "-1",
                "mainUid": "44705892343619584",
                "mgnIsoMode": "automatic",
                "opAuth": "1",
                "perm": "read_only,withdraw,trade",
                "posMode": "long_short_mode",
                "roleType": "0",
                "spotBorrowAutoRepay": false,
                "spotOffsetType": "",
                "spotRoleType": "0",
                "spotTraderInsts": [],
                "traderInsts": [],
                "uid": "44705892343619584"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    uid String Account ID of current request.
    mainUid String Main Account ID of current request.
    The current request account is main account if uid = mainUid.
    The current request account is sub-account if uid != mainUid.
    acctLv String Account mode
    1: Spot mode
    2: Spot and futures mode
    3: Multi-currency margin
    4: Portfolio margin
    acctStpMode String Account self-trade prevention mode
    Users can log in to the webpage through the master account to modify this configuration
    posMode String Position mode
    long_short_mode: long/short, only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    net_mode: net
    autoLoan Boolean Whether to borrow coins automatically
    true: borrow coins automatically
    false: not borrow coins automatically
    greeksType String Current display type of Greeks
    PA: Greeks in coins
    BS: Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars
    level String The user level of the current real trading volume on the platform, e.g Lv1
    levelTmp String Temporary experience user level of special users, e.g Lv3
    ctIsoMode String Contract isolated margin trading settings
    automatic: Auto transfers
    autonomy: Manual transfers
    mgnIsoMode String Margin isolated margin trading settings
    automatic: Auto transfers
    quick_margin: Quick Margin Mode (For new accounts, including subaccounts, some defaults will be automatic, and others will be quick_margin)
    spotOffsetType String Risk offset type
    1: Spot-Derivatives(USDT) to be offsetted
    2: Spot-Derivatives(Coin) to be offsetted
    3: Only derivatives to be offsetted
    Only applicable to Portfolio margin
    roleType String Role type
    0: General user
    1: Leading trader
    2: Copy trader
    traderInsts Array Leading trade instruments, only applicable to Leading trader
    spotRoleType String SPOT copy trading role type.
    0: General user;1: Leading trader;2: Copy trader
    spotTraderInsts String Spot lead trading instruments, only applicable to lead trader
    opAuth String Whether the optional trading was activated
    0: not activate
    1: activated
    kycLv String Main account KYC level
    0: No verification
    1: level 1 completed
    2: level 2 completed
    3: level 3 completed
    If the request originates from a subaccount, kycLv is the KYC level of the main account.
    If the request originates from the main account, kycLv is the KYC level of the current account.
    label String API key note of current request API key. No more than 50 letters (case sensitive) or numbers, which can be pure letters or pure numbers.
    ip String IP addresses that linked with current API key, separate with commas if more than one, e.g., It is an empty string "" if there is no IP bonded.
    perm String The permission of the current requesting API key or Access token
    read_only: Read
    trade: Trade
    withdraw: Withdraw
    discountType String Discount rule type for current account
    0: Original discount rate rules, the default value
    1: New discount rules
    After new discount rate rules are effective completely, this parameter will be removed from the endpoint. Advice you to prepare in advance.
    liquidationGear String The margin ratio level of liquidation alert
    3 means that you will get hourly liquidation alerts on app and channel "Position risk warning" when your margin level drops to or below 300%
    0 means that there is not alert
    enableSpotBorrow Boolean Whether borrow is allowed or not in Spot mode
    true: Enabled
    false: Disabled
    spotBorrowAutoRepay Boolean Whether auto-repay is allowed or not in Spot mode
    true: Enabled
    false: Disabled

    Get maximum order quantity

    The maximum quantity to buy or sell. It corresponds to the "sz" from placement.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/account/max-size

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/account/max-size?instId=BTC-USDT&tdMode=cash
    import okx.Account as Account
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get maximum buy/sell amount or open amount
    result = accountAPI.get_max_order_size(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Single instrument or multiple instruments (no more than 5) in the smae instrument type separated with comma, e.g. BTC-USDT,ETH-USDT
    tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    px String No Price
    The parameter will be ignored when multiple instruments are specified.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
            "ccy": "BTC",
            "instId": "BTC-USDT",
            "maxBuy": "0.0500695098559788",
            "maxSell": "64.4798671570072269"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instId String Instrument ID
    ccy String Currency used for margin
    maxBuy String SPOT: The maximum quantity in base currency that you can buy
    maxSell String SPOT: The maximum quantity in quote currency that you can sell

    Get maximum available balance/equity

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/account/max-avail-size

    Request Example

    # Query maximum available transaction amount for SPOT BTC-USDT
    GET /api/v5/account/max-avail-size?instId=BTC-USDT&tdMode=cash
    import okx.Account as Account
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get maximum available transaction amount for SPOT BTC-USDT
    result = accountAPI.get_max_avail_size(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Single instrument or multiple instruments (no more than 5) separated with comma, e.g. BTC-USDT,ETH-USDT
    tdMode String Yes Trade mode

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "availBuy": "100",
          "availSell": "1"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instId String Instrument ID
    availBuy String Amount available to buy
    availSell String Amount available to sell

    Get fee rates

    Rate Limit: 5 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/account/trade-fee

    Request Example

    # Query trade fee rate of SPOT BTC-USDT
    GET /api/v5/account/trade-fee?instType=SPOT&instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.Account as Account
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    accountAPI = Account.AccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get trading fee rates of current account
    result = accountAPI.get_fee_rates(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String Yes Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    Applicable to SPOT

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [{
        "category": "1", //Deprecated
        "delivery": "",
        "exercise": "",
        "instType": "SPOT",
        "level": "lv1",
        "maker": "-0.0008",
        "makerU": "",
        "makerUSDC": "",
        "taker": "-0.001",
        "takerU": "",
        "takerUSDC": "",
        "ts": "1608623351857",
        "fiat": []

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    level String Fee rate Level
    taker String For SPOT, it is taker fee rate of the USDT trading pairs.
    maker String For SPOT, it is maker fee rate of the USDT trading pairs.
    takerU String Taker fee rate of USDT-margined contracts, only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    makerU String Maker fee rate of USDT-margined contracts, only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    delivery String Delivery fee rate
    exercise String Fee rate for exercising the option
    instType String Instrument type
    takerUSDC String For SPOT, it is taker fee rate of the USDⓈ&Crypto trading pairs.
    makerUSDC String For SPOT, it is maker fee rate of the USDⓈ&Crypto trading pairs.
    ts String Data return time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    category String Currency category. Note: this parameter is already deprecated
    fiat Array Details of fiat fee rate
    > ccy String Fiat currency.
    > taker String Taker fee rate
    > maker String Maker fee rate


    Account channel

    Retrieve account information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing order, canceling order, transaction execution, etc. It will also be pushed in regular interval according to subscription granularity.

    Concurrent connection to this channel will be restricted by the following rules: WebSocket connection count limit.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Request Example : single

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "account",
          "ccy": "BTC"

    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "account",
          "extraParams": "
              \"updateInterval\": \"0\"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency
    > extraParams String No Additional configuration
    >> updateInterval int No 0: only push due to account events
    The data will be pushed both by events and regularly if this field is omitted or set to other values than 0.
    The following format should be strictly obeyed when using this field.
    "extraParams": "
    \"updateInterval\": \"0\"

    Successful Response Example : single

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "account",
        "ccy": "BTC"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "account"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"account\", \"ccy\" : \"BTC\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Operation
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "account",
            "uid": "44*********584"
        "data": [{
            "adjEq": "55444.12216906034",
            "borrowFroz": "0",
            "details": [{
                "availBal": "4734.371190691436",
                "availEq": "4734.371190691435",
                "borrowFroz": "0",
                "cashBal": "4750.426970691436",
                "ccy": "USDT",
                "coinUsdPrice": "0.99927",
                "crossLiab": "0",
                "disEq": "4889.379316336831",
                "eq": "4892.951170691435",
                "eqUsd": "4889.379316336831",
                "smtSyncEq": "0",
                "fixedBal": "0",
                "frozenBal": "158.57998",
                "imr": "",
                "interest": "0",
                "isoEq": "0",
                "isoLiab": "0",
                "isoUpl": "0",
                "liab": "0",
                "maxLoan": "0",
                "mgnRatio": "",
                "mmr": "",
                "notionalLever": "",
                "ordFrozen": "0",
                "rewardBal": "0",
                "spotInUseAmt": "",
                "clSpotInUseAmt": "",
                "maxSpotInUseAmt": "",          
                "spotIsoBal": "0",
                "stgyEq": "150",
                "twap": "0",
                "uTime": "1705564213903",
                "upl": "-7.475800000000003",
                "uplLiab": "0",
                "spotBal": "",
                "openAvgPx": "",
                "accAvgPx": "",
                "spotUpl": "",
                "spotUplRatio": "",
                "totalPnl": "",
                "totalPnlRatio": ""
            "imr": "8.5737166146",
            "isoEq": "0",
            "mgnRatio": "143705.65988369548",
            "mmr": "0.342948664584",
            "notionalUsd": "85.737166146",
            "ordFroz": "0",
            "totalEq": "55868.06403501676",
            "uTime": "1705564223311",
            "upl": "-7.470342666000003"

    Push data parameters

    Parameters Types Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > uid String User Identifier
    data Array Subscribed data
    > uTime String The latest time to get account information, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    > totalEq String The total amount of equity in USD
    > isoEq String Isolated margin equity in USD
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > adjEq String Adjusted / Effective equity in USD
    The net fiat value of the assets in the account that can provide margins for spot, expiry futures, perpetual futures and options under the cross-margin mode.
    In multi-ccy or PM mode, the asset and margin requirement will all be converted to USD value to process the order check or liquidation.
    Due to the volatility of each currency market, our platform calculates the actual USD value of each currency based on discount rates to balance market risks.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > ordFroz String Margin frozen for pending cross orders in USD
    Only applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin
    > imr String Initial margin requirement in USD
    The sum of initial margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > mmr String Maintenance margin requirement in USD
    The sum of maintenance margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of the account in USD
    Only applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
    > mgnRatio String Margin ratio in USD.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > notionalUsd String Notional value of positions in USD
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > upl String Cross-margin info of unrealized profit and loss at the account level in USD
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > details Array Detailed asset information in all currencies
    >> ccy String Currency
    >> eq String Equity of currency
    >> cashBal String Cash Balance
    >> uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    >> isoEq String Isolated margin equity of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> availEq String Available equity of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> disEq String Discount equity of currency in USD
    >> fixedBal String Frozen balance for Dip Sniper and Peak Sniper
    >> availBal String Available balance of currency
    >> frozenBal String Frozen balance of currency
    >> ordFrozen String Margin frozen for open orders
    Applicable to Spot mode/Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin
    >> liab String Liabilities of currency
    It is a positive value, e.g. 21625.64.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> upl String The sum of the unrealized profit & loss of all margin and derivatives positions of currency.
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> uplLiab String Liabilities due to Unrealized loss of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> crossLiab String Cross Liabilities of currency
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> isoLiab String Isolated Liabilities of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> rewardBal String Trial fund balance
    >> mgnRatio String Cross margin ratio of currency
    The index for measuring the risk of a certain asset in the account.
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    >> imr String Cross initial margin requirement at the currency level
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    >> mmr String Cross maintenance margin requirement at the currency level
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    >> interest String Interest of currency
    It is a positive value, e.g."9.01". Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> twap String System is forced repayment(TWAP) indicator
    Divided into multiple levels from 0 to 5, the larger the number, the more likely the auto repayment will be triggered.
    Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> maxLoan String Max loan of currency
    Applicable to cross of Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> eqUsd String Equity USD of currency
    >> borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of currency in USD
    Only applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
    >> notionalLever String Leverage of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode
    >> coinUsdPrice String Price index USD of currency
    >> stgyEq String strategy equity
    >> isoUpl String Isolated unrealized profit and loss of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> spotInUseAmt String Spot in use amount
    Applicable to Portfolio margin
    >> clSpotInUseAmt String User-defined spot risk offset amount
    Applicable to Portfolio margin
    >> maxSpotInUseAmt String Max possible spot risk offset amount
    Applicable to Portfolio margin
    >> smtSyncEq String Smark sync equity
    The default is "0", only applicable to copy trader

    Order Book Trading


    All Trade API endpoints require authentication.

    POST / Place order

    You can place an order only if you have sufficient funds.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule : UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/order

    Request Example

     place order for SPOT
     POST /api/v5/trade/order
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Spot mode, limit order
    result = tradeAPI.place_order(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    clOrdId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    tag String No Order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.
    side String Yes Order side
    ordType String Yes Order type
    market: Market order
    limit: Limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    sz String Yes Quantity to buy or sell
    px String Conditional Order price. Only applicable to limit,post_only,fok,iocorder.
    tgtCcy String No Whether the target currency uses the quote or base currency.
    base_ccy: Base currency
    quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    banAmend Boolean No Whether to disallow the system from amending the size of the SPOT Market Order.
    Valid options: true or false. The default value is false.
    If true, system will not amend and reject the market order if user does not have sufficient funds.
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    stpId String No Self trade prevention ID. Orders from the same master account with the same ID will be prevented from self trade.
    Numerical integers defined by user in the range of 1<= x<= 999999999
    stpMode String No Self trade prevention mode.
    Default to cancel maker
    cancel_maker,cancel_taker, cancel_both
    Cancel both does not support FOK.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object No TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String No Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Conditional Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    > tpOrdPx String Conditional Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    > slTriggerPx String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    > slOrdPx String Conditional Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String No Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    > slTriggerPxType String No Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    > sz String Conditional Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs, and it is required for TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String No Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs. Whether slTriggerPx will move to avgPx when the first TP order is triggered
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "312269865356374016",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > tag String Order tag
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection or success message of event execution.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    POST / Place multiple orders

    Place orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be placed per request.
    Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array. Orders will be placed in turn

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/batch-orders

    Request Example

    # batch place order for SPOT
    POST /api/v5/trade/batch-orders
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Place multiple orders 
    place_orders_without_clOrdId = [
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "tdMode": "cash", "clOrdId": "b15", "side": "buy", "ordType": "limit", "px": "2.15", "sz": "2"},
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "tdMode": "cash", "clOrdId": "b16", "side": "buy", "ordType": "limit", "px": "2.15", "sz": "2"}
    result = tradeAPI.place_multiple_orders(place_orders_without_clOrdId)

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    clOrdId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    tag String No Order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.
    side String Yes Order side
    ordType String Yes Order type
    market: Market order
    limit: Limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    sz String Yes Quantity to buy or sell
    px String Conditional Order price. Only applicable to limit,post_only,fok,iocorder.
    tgtCcy String No Whether the target currency uses the quote or base currency.
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    banAmend Boolean No Whether to disallow the system from amending the size of the SPOT Market Order.
    Valid options: true or false. The default value is false.
    If true, system will not amend and reject the market order if user does not have sufficient funds.
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    stpId String No Self trade prevention ID. Orders from the same master account with the same ID will be prevented from self trade.
    Numerical integers defined by user in the range of 1<= x<= 999999999
    stpMode String No Self trade prevention mode.
    Default to cancel maker
    cancel_maker,cancel_taker, cancel_both
    Cancel both does not support FOK.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object No TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String No Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Conditional Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    > tpOrdPx String Conditional Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    > slTriggerPx String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    > slOrdPx String Conditional Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String No Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    > slTriggerPxType String No Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    > sz String Conditional Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs, and it is required for TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String No Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs. Whether slTriggerPx will move to avgPx when the first TP order is triggered
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable

    Response Example

        "inTime": "1695190491421339",
        "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > tag String Order tag
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection or success message of event execution.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    POST / Cancel order

    Cancel an incomplete order.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-order

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-order
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Cancel order
    result = tradeAPI.cancel_order(instId="BTC-USDT", ordId = "590908157585625111")

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required. If both are passed, ordId will be used.
    clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client

    Response Example

        "inTime": "1695190491421339",
        "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    POST / Cancel multiple orders

    Cancel incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be canceled per request. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array.

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-batch-orders

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-batch-orders
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Cancel multiple orders by ordId
    cancel_orders_with_orderId = [
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "ordId": "590908157585625111"},
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "ordId": "590908544950571222"}
    result = tradeAPI.cancel_multiple_orders(cancel_orders_with_orderId)

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required. If both are passed, ordId will be used.
    clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client

    Response Example

        "inTime": "1695190491421339",
        "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    POST / Amend order

    Amend an incomplete order.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-order

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-order
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Amend order
    result = tradeAPI.amend_order(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID
    cxlOnFail Boolean No Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails
    Valid options: false or true, the default is false.
    ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required. If both are passed, ordId will be used.
    clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    reqId String No Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    The response will include the corresponding reqId to help you identify the request if you provide it in the request.
    newSz String Conditional New quantity after amendment. When amending a partially-filled order, the newSz should include the amount that has been filled.
    newPx String Conditional New price after amendment.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object No TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoId String Conditional The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Conditional Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > newTpTriggerPx String Conditional Take-profit trigger price.
    Either the take profit trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the take profit is deleted.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newTpOrdPx String Conditional Take-profit order price
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newSlTriggerPx String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price
    Either the stop loss trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the stop loss is deleted.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newSlOrdPx String Conditional Stop-loss order price
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newTpTriggerPxType String Conditional Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    If you want to add the take-profit, this parameter is required
    > newSlTriggerPxType String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    If you want to add the stop-loss, this parameter is required
    > sz String Conditional New size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs, and it is required for TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String No Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable

    Response Example

        "inTime": "1695190491421339",
        "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment.
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    POST / Amend multiple orders

    Amend incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be amended per request. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array.

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Rate limit of this endpoint will also be affected by the rules Sub-account rate limit and Fill ratio based sub-account rate limit.

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-batch-orders

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-batch-orders
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Amend incomplete orders in batches by ordId
    amend_orders_with_orderId = [
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "ordId": "590909308792049444","newSz":"2"},
        {"instId": "BTC-USDT", "ordId": "590909308792049555","newSz":"2"}
    result = tradeAPI.amend_multiple_orders(amend_orders_with_orderId)

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID
    cxlOnFail Boolean No Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails
    false true, the default is false.
    ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdIdis required, if both are passed, ordId will be used.
    clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    reqId String No Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    The response will include the corresponding reqId to help you identify the request if you provide it in the request.
    newSz String Conditional New quantity after amendment. When amending a partially-filled order, the newSz should include the amount that has been filled.
    newPx String Conditional New price after amendment.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object No TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoId String Conditional The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Conditional Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > newTpTriggerPx String Conditional Take-profit trigger price.
    Either the take profit trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the take profit is deleted.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newTpOrdPx String Conditional Take-profit order price
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newSlTriggerPx String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price
    Either the stop loss trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the stop loss is deleted.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newSlOrdPx String Conditional Stop-loss order price
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    Only applicable to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    > newTpTriggerPxType String Conditional Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    If you want to add the take-profit, this parameter is required
    > newSlTriggerPxType String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    If you want to add the stop-loss, this parameter is required
    > sz String Conditional New size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs, and it is required for TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String No Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable

    Response Example

        "inTime": "1695190491421339",
        "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code String The result code, 0 means success
    msg String The error message, empty if the code is 0
    data Array of objects Array of objects contains the response results
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment.
    > sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    > sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.
    inTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    The time is recorded after authentication.
    outTime String Timestamp at REST gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    GET / Order details

    Retrieve order details.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/order

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/order?ordId=1753197687182819328&instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve order details by ordId
    result = tradeAPI.get_order(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    Only applicable to live instruments
    ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required, if both are passed, ordId will be used
    clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    If the clOrdId is associated with multiple orders, only the latest one will be returned.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "accFillSz": "0.00192834",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "",
                "attachAlgoClOrdId": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "avgPx": "51858",
                "cTime": "1708587373361",
                "cancelSource": "",
                "cancelSourceReason": "",
                "category": "normal",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "fee": "-0.00000192834",
                "feeCcy": "BTC",
                "fillPx": "51858",
                "fillSz": "0.00192834",
                "fillTime": "1708587373361",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "isTpLimit": "false",
                "lever": "",
                "linkedAlgoOrd": {
                    "algoId": ""
                "ordId": "680800019749904384",
                "ordType": "market",
                "pnl": "0",
                "posSide": "net",
                "px": "",
                "pxType": "",
                "pxUsd": "",
                "pxVol": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "rebate": "0",
                "rebateCcy": "USDT",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "source": "",
                "state": "filled",
                "stpId": "",
                "stpMode": "",
                "sz": "100",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "quote_ccy",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "tradeId": "744876980",
                "uTime": "1708587373362"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    tag String Order tag
    px String Price
    For options, use coin as unit (e.g. BTC, ETH)
    pxUsd String Options price in USDOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxVol String Implied volatility of the options orderOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxType String Price type of options
    px: Place an order based on price, in the unit of coin (the unit for the request parameter px is BTC or ETH)
    pxVol: Place an order based on pxVol
    pxUsd: Place an order based on pxUsd, in the unit of USD (the unit for the request parameter px is USD)
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    pnl String Profit and loss, Applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    ordType String Order type
    market: Market order
    limit: Limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    optimal_limit_ioc: Market order with immediate-or-cancel order
    mmp: Market Maker Protection (only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    mmp_and_post_only: Market Maker Protection and Post-only order(only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    op_fok: Simple options (fok)
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
    The unit is base_ccy for SPOT and MARGIN, e.g. BTC-USDT, the unit is BTC; For market orders, the unit both is base_ccy when the tgtCcy is base_ccy or quote_ccy;
    The unit is contract for FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    fillPx String Last filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    tradeId String Last traded ID
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    The unit is base_ccy for SPOT and MARGIN, e.g. BTC-USDT, the unit is BTC; For market orders, the unit both is base_ccy when the tgtCcy is base_ccy or quote_ccy;
    The unit is contract for FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    fillTime String Last filled time
    avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    state String State
    stpId String Self trade prevention ID
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    stpMode String Self trade prevention mode
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoId String The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    > sz String Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    linkedAlgoOrd Object Linked SL order detail, only applicable to the order that is placed by one-cancels-the-other (OCO) order that contains the TP limit order.
    > algoId Object Algo ID
    feeCcy String Fee currency
    fee String Fee and rebate
    For spot and margin, it is accumulated fee charged by the platform. It is always negative, e.g. -0.01.
    For Expiry Futures, Perpetual Futures and Options, it is accumulated fee and rebate
    rebateCcy String Rebate currency
    source String Order source
    6: The normal order triggered by the trigger order
    7:The normal order triggered by the TP/SL order
    13: The normal order triggered by the algo order
    25:The normal order triggered by the trailing stop order
    rebate String Rebate amount, only applicable to spot and margin, the reward of placing orders from the platform (rebate) given to user who has reached the specified trading level. If there is no rebate, this field is "".
    category String Category
    ddh: Delta dynamic hedge
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    cancelSource String Code of the cancellation source.
    cancelSourceReason String Reason for the cancellation.
    quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order attaching algoClOrdId is triggered, or it will be "".
    algoId String Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order is triggered, or it will be "".
    uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Order List

    Retrieve all incomplete orders under the current account.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending?ordType=post_only,fok,ioc&instType=SPOT
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve all incomplete orders
    result = tradeAPI.get_order_list(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String No Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordType String No Order type
    market: Market order
    limit: Limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    state String No State
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ordId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ordId
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "accFillSz": "0",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "",
                "attachAlgoClOrdId": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "avgPx": "",
                "cTime": "1724733617998",
                "cancelSource": "",
                "cancelSourceReason": "",
                "category": "normal",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "fee": "0",
                "feeCcy": "BTC",
                "fillPx": "",
                "fillSz": "0",
                "fillTime": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "isTpLimit": "false",
                "lever": "",
                "linkedAlgoOrd": {
                    "algoId": ""
                "ordId": "1752588852617379840",
                "ordType": "post_only",
                "pnl": "0",
                "posSide": "net",
                "px": "13013.5",
                "pxType": "",
                "pxUsd": "",
                "pxVol": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "rebate": "0",
                "rebateCcy": "USDT",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "source": "",
                "state": "live",
                "stpId": "",
                "stpMode": "cancel_maker",
                "sz": "0.001",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "tradeId": "",
                "uTime": "1724733617998"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    tag String Order tag
    px String Price
    For options, use coin as unit (e.g. BTC, ETH)
    pxUsd String Options price in USDOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxVol String Implied volatility of the options orderOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxType String Price type of options
    px: Place an order based on price, in the unit of coin (the unit for the request parameter px is BTC or ETH)
    pxVol: Place an order based on pxVol
    pxUsd: Place an order based on pxUsd, in the unit of USD (the unit for the request parameter px is USD)
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    pnl String Profit and loss, Applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    ordType String Order type
    market: Market order
    limit: Limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    optimal_limit_ioc: Market order with immediate-or-cancel order
    mmp: Market Maker Protection (only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    mmp_and_post_only: Market Maker Protection and Post-only order(only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    op_fok: Simple options (fok)
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
    fillPx String Last filled price
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    fillTime String Last filled time
    avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    state String State
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoId String The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    > sz String Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    stpId String Self trade prevention ID
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    stpMode String Self trade prevention mode
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    feeCcy String Fee currency
    fee String Fee and rebate
    For spot and margin, it is accumulated fee charged by the platform. It is always negative, e.g. -0.01.
    For Expiry Futures, Perpetual Futures and Options, it is accumulated fee and rebate
    rebateCcy String Rebate currency
    source String Order source
    6: The normal order triggered by the trigger order
    7:The normal order triggered by the TP/SL order
    13: The normal order triggered by the algo order
    25:The normal order triggered by the trailing stop order
    rebate String Rebate amount, only applicable to spot and margin, the reward of placing orders from the platform (rebate) given to user who has reached the specified trading level. If there is no rebate, this field is "".
    category String Category
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order attaching algoClOrdId is triggered, or it will be "".
    algoId String Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order is triggered, or it will be "".
    uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    cancelSource String Code of the cancellation source.
    cancelSourceReason String Reason for the cancellation.

    GET / Order history (last 7 days)

    Get completed orders which are placed in the last 7 days, including those placed 7 days ago but completed in the last 7 days.

    The incomplete orders that have been canceled are only reserved for 2 hours.

    Rate Limit: 40 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-history?ordType=post_only,fok,ioc&instType=SPOT
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get completed SPOT orders which are placed in the last 7 days
    # The incomplete orders that have been canceled are only reserved for 2 hours
    result = tradeAPI.get_orders_history(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String yes Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordType String No Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    state String No State
    mmp_canceled: Order canceled automatically due to Market Maker Protection
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ordId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ordId
    begin String No Filter with a begin timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    end String No Filter with an end timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "accFillSz": "0.00192834",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "",
                "attachAlgoClOrdId": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "avgPx": "51858",
                "cTime": "1708587373361",
                "cancelSource": "",
                "cancelSourceReason": "",
                "category": "normal",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "fee": "-0.00000192834",
                "feeCcy": "BTC",
                "fillPx": "51858",
                "fillSz": "0.00192834",
                "fillTime": "1708587373361",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "isTpLimit": "false",
                "lever": "",
                "ordId": "680800019749904384",
                "ordType": "market",
                "pnl": "0",
                "posSide": "",
                "px": "",
                "pxType": "",
                "pxUsd": "",
                "pxVol": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "rebate": "0",
                "rebateCcy": "USDT",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "source": "",
                "state": "filled",
                "stpId": "",
                "stpMode": "",
                "sz": "100",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "quote_ccy",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "tradeId": "744876980",
                "uTime": "1708587373362"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    tag String Order tag
    px String Price
    For options, use coin as unit (e.g. BTC, ETH)
    pxUsd String Options price in USDOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxVol String Implied volatility of the options orderOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    pxType String Price type of options
    px: Place an order based on price, in the unit of coin (the unit for the request parameter px is BTC or ETH)
    pxVol: Place an order based on pxVol
    pxUsd: Place an order based on pxUsd, in the unit of USD (the unit for the request parameter px is USD)
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    ordType String Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    optimal_limit_ioc: Market order with immediate-or-cancel order
    mmp: Market Maker Protection (only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    mmp_and_post_only: Market Maker Protection and Post-only order(only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    op_fok: Simple options (fok)
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
    fillPx String Last filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    fillTime String Last filled time
    avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    state String State
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object TP/SL information attached when placing order
    > attachAlgoId String The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    > sz String Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    stpId String Self trade prevention ID
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    stpMode String Self trade prevention mode
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    feeCcy String Fee currency
    fee String Fee and rebate
    For spot and margin, it is accumulated fee charged by the platform. It is always negative, e.g. -0.01.
    For Expiry Futures, Perpetual Futures and Options, it is accumulated fee and rebate
    rebateCcy String Rebate currency
    source String Order source
    6: The normal order triggered by the trigger order
    7:The normal order triggered by the TP/SL order
    13: The normal order triggered by the algo order
    25:The normal order triggered by the trailing stop order
    rebate String Rebate amount, only applicable to spot and margin, the reward of placing orders from the platform (rebate) given to user who has reached the specified trading level. If there is no rebate, this field is "".
    pnl String Profit and loss, Applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    category String Category
    ddh: Delta dynamic hedge
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    cancelSource String Code of the cancellation source.
    cancelSourceReason String Reason for the cancellation.
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order attaching algoClOrdId is triggered, or it will be "".
    algoId String Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order is triggered, or it will be "".
    uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Get / Order history (last 3 months)

    Retrieve the completed order data of the last 3 months, and the incomplete orders that have been canceled are only reserved for 2 hours.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-history-archive

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-history-archive?ordType=post_only,fok,ioc&instType=SPOT

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String yes Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordType String No Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    state String No State
    category String No Category
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ordId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ordId
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100; The default is 100

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "instType": "SPOT",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ccy": "",
          "ordId": "312269865356374016",
          "clOrdId": "b1",
          "tag": "",
          "px": "999",
          "sz": "3",
          "ordType": "limit",
          "side": "buy",
          "posSide": "",
          "tdMode": "cash",
          "accFillSz": "0",
          "fillPx": "0",
          "tradeId": "0",
          "fillSz": "0",
          "fillTime": "0",
          "state": "filled",
          "avgPx": "0",
          "lever": "20",
          "tpTriggerPx": "",
          "tpTriggerPxType": "",
          "tpOrdPx": "",
          "slTriggerPx": "",
          "slTriggerPxType": "",
          "slOrdPx": "",
          "feeCcy": "",
          "fee": "",
          "rebateCcy": "",
          "rebate": "",
          "pnl": "",
          "category": "",
          "uTime": "1597026383085",
          "cTime": "1597026383085"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    ccy String Margin currency
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    tag String Order tag
    px String Price
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    ordType String Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
    fillPx String Last filled price. If none is filled, it will return 0.
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    fillTime String Last filled time
    avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return "".
    state String State
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    feeCcy String Fee currency
    fee String Fee
    rebateCcy String Rebate currency
    rebate String Rebate amount, the reward of placing orders from the platform (rebate) given to user who has reached the specified trading level. If there is no rebate, this field is "".
    pnl String Profit and loss
    category String Category
    uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Transaction details (last 3 days)

    Retrieve recently-filled transaction details in the last 3 day.

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve recently-filled transaction details
    result = tradeAPI.get_fills()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String No Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String No Order ID
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested billId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested billId
    begin String No Filter with a begin timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    end String No Filter with an end timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100; The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "side": "buy",
                "fillSz": "0.00192834",
                "fillPx": "51858",
                "fillPxVol": "",
                "fillFwdPx": "",
                "fee": "-0.00000192834",
                "fillPnl": "0",
                "ordId": "680800019749904384",
                "feeRate": "-0.001",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "fillPxUsd": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "posSide": "net",
                "billId": "680800019754098688",
                "fillMarkVol": "",
                "tag": "",
                "fillTime": "1708587373361",
                "execType": "T",
                "fillIdxPx": "",
                "tradeId": "744876980",
                "fillMarkPx": "",
                "feeCcy": "BTC",
                "ts": "1708587373362"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    billId String Bill ID
    tag String Order tag
    fillPx String Last filled price
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    fillIdxPx String Index price at the moment of trade execution
    For cross currency spot pairs, it returns baseCcy-USDT index price. For example, for LTC-ETH, this field returns the index price of LTC-USDT.
    fillPnl String Last filled profit and loss, applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    fillPxVol String Implied volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxUsd String Options price when filled, in the unit of USD
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkVol String Mark volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillFwdPx String Forward price when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkPx String Mark price when filled
    Applicable to FUTURES, SWAP, OPTION
    side String Order side, buy sell
    posSide String Position side
    long short
    it returns net innet mode.
    execType String Liquidity taker or maker
    T: taker
    M: maker
    Not applicable to system orders such as ADL and liquidation
    feeCcy String Trading fee or rebate currency
    fee String The amount of trading fee or rebate. The trading fee deduction is negative, such as '-0.01'; the rebate is positive, such as '0.01'.
    ts String Data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.
    fillTime String Trade time which is the same as fillTime for the order channel.
    feeRate String Fee rate. This field is returned for SPOT and MARGIN only

    GET / Transaction details (last 3 months)

    Retrieve recently-filled transaction details in the last 3 months.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills-history?instType=SPOT
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve SPOT transaction details in the last 3 months.
    result = tradeAPI.get_fills_history(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String YES Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    ordId String No Order ID
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested billId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested billId
    begin String No Filter with a begin timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    end String No Filter with an end timestamp. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100; The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "side": "buy",
                "fillSz": "0.00192834",
                "fillPx": "51858",
                "fillPxVol": "",
                "fillFwdPx": "",
                "fee": "-0.00000192834",
                "fillPnl": "0",
                "ordId": "680800019749904384",
                "feeRate": "-0.001",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "fillPxUsd": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "posSide": "net",
                "billId": "680800019754098688",
                "fillMarkVol": "",
                "tag": "",
                "fillTime": "1708587373361",
                "execType": "T",
                "fillIdxPx": "",
                "tradeId": "744876980",
                "fillMarkPx": "",
                "feeCcy": "BTC",
                "ts": "1708587373362"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    billId String Bill ID
    tag String Order tag
    fillPx String Last filled price
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    fillIdxPx String Index price at the moment of trade execution
    For cross currency spot pairs, it returns baseCcy-USDT index price. For example, for LTC-ETH, this field returns the index price of LTC-USDT.
    fillPnl String Last filled profit and loss, applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    fillPxVol String Implied volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillPxUsd String Options price when filled, in the unit of USD
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkVol String Mark volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillFwdPx String Forward price when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    fillMarkPx String Mark price when filled
    Applicable to FUTURES, SWAP, OPTION
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    it returns net innet mode.
    execType String Liquidity taker or maker
    T: taker
    M: maker
    Not applicable to system orders such as ADL and liquidation
    feeCcy String Trading fee or rebate currency
    fee String The amount of trading fee or rebate. The trading fee deduction is negative, such as '-0.01'; the rebate is positive, such as '0.01'.
    ts String Data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.
    fillTime String Trade time which is the same as fillTime for the order channel.
    feeRate String Fee rate. This field is returned for SPOT and MARGIN only

    POST / Transaction details (in the past 2 years)

    Apply for recently-filled transaction details in the past 2 years except for last 3 months.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per day

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    Permissions: Read

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/fills-archive

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/fills-archive

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    year String Yes 4 digits year
    quarter String Yes Quarter, valid value is Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "result": "true",
                "ts": "1646892328000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    result String Whether there is already a download link for this section
    true: Existed, can check from "Get download link".
    false: Does not exist and is generating, can check the download link after 30 hours
    ts String Download link generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Transaction details (in the past 2 years)

    Retrieve recently-filled transaction details in the past 2 years except for last 3 months.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    Permissions: Read

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills-archive

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/fills-archive?year=2023&quarter=Q4

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    year String Yes 4 digits year
    quarter String Yes Quarter, valid value is Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "fileHref": "http://xxx",
                "state": "finished",
                "ts": "1646892328000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    fileHref String Download file link
    ts String Download link generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    state String Download link status
    "finished" "ongoing"

    Field descriptions in the decompressed CSV file

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    tradeId String Last trade ID
    ordId String Order ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    billId String Bill ID
    tag String Order tag
    fillPx String Last filled price
    fillSz String Last filled quantity
    side String Order side, buy sell
    posSide String Position side
    long short
    it returns net innet mode.
    execType String Liquidity taker or maker
    T: taker
    M: maker
    Not applicable to system orders such as ADL and liquidation
    feeCcy String Trading fee or rebate currency
    fee String The amount of trading fee or rebate. The trading fee deduction is negative, such as '-0.01'; the rebate is positive, such as '0.01'.
    ts String Data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.
    subType String Transaction type

    GET / Easy convert currency list

    Get list of small convertibles and mainstream currencies. Only applicable to the crypto balance less than $10.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-currency-list

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-currency-list
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get list of small convertibles and mainstream currencies
    result = tradeAPI.get_easy_convert_currency_list()

    Request Parameters


    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "fromData": [
                        "fromAmt": "6.580712708344864",
                        "fromCcy": "ADA"
                        "fromAmt": "2.9970000013055097",
                        "fromCcy": "USDC"
                "toCcy": [
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    fromData Array Currently owned and convertible small currency list
    > fromCcy String Type of small payment currency convert from, e.g. BTC
    > fromAmt String Amount of small payment currency convert from
    toCcy Array Type of mainstream currency convert to, e.g. USDT

    POST / Place easy convert

    Convert small currencies to mainstream currencies.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/easy-convert

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/easy-convert
        "fromCcy": ["ADA","USDC"], //Seperated by commas
        "toCcy": "OKB" 
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Convert small currencies to mainstream currencies
    result = tradeAPI.easy_convert(
        fromCcy=["ADA", "USDC"],

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    fromCcy Array Yes Type of small payment currency convert from
    Maximum 5 currencies can be selected in one order. If there are multiple currencies, separate them with commas.
    toCcy String Yes Type of mainstream currency convert to
    Only one receiving currency type can be selected in one order and cannot be the same as the small payment currencies.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "fillFromSz": "6.5807127",
                "fillToSz": "0.17171580105126",
                "fromCcy": "ADA",
                "status": "running",
                "toCcy": "OKB",
                "uTime": "1661419684687"
                "fillFromSz": "2.997",
                "fillToSz": "0.1683755161661844",
                "fromCcy": "USDC",
                "status": "running",
                "toCcy": "OKB",
                "uTime": "1661419684687"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status String Current status of easy convert
    running: Running
    filled: Filled
    failed: Failed
    fromCcy String Type of small payment currency convert from
    toCcy String Type of mainstream currency convert to
    fillFromSz String Filled amount of small payment currency convert from
    fillToSz String Filled amount of mainstream currency convert to
    uTime String Trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Easy convert history

    Get the history and status of easy convert trades.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/easy-convert-history
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get the history of easy convert trades
    result = tradeAPI.get_easy_convert_history()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "fillFromSz": "0.1761712511667539",
                "fillToSz": "6.7342205900000000",
                "fromCcy": "OKB",
                "status": "filled",
                "toCcy": "ADA",
                "acct": "18",
                "uTime": "1661313307979"
                "fillFromSz": "0.1722106121112177",
                "fillToSz": "2.9971018300000000",
                "fromCcy": "OKB",
                "status": "filled",
                "toCcy": "USDC",
                "acct": "18",
                "uTime": "1661313307979"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    fromCcy String Type of small payment currency convert from
    fillFromSz String Amount of small payment currency convert from
    toCcy String Type of mainstream currency convert to
    fillToSz String Amount of mainstream currency convert to
    acct String The account where the mainstream currency is located
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    status String Current status of easy convert
    running: Running
    filled: Filled
    failed: Failed
    uTime String Trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    POST / Cancel All After

    Cancel all pending orders after the countdown timeout. Applicable to all trading symbols through order book (except Spread trading)

    Rate Limit: 1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-all-after

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-all-after
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Set cancel all after
    result = tradeAPI.cancel_all_after(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    timeOut String Yes The countdown for order cancellation, with second as the unit.
    Range of value can be 0, [10, 120].
    Setting timeOut to 0 disables Cancel All After.
    tag String No CAA order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    triggerTime String The time the cancellation is triggered.
    triggerTime=0 means Cancel All After is disabled.
    tag String CAA order tag
    ts String The time the request is received.

    GET / Account rate limit

    Get account rate limit related information.

    Only new order requests and amendment order requests will be counted towards this limit. For batch order requests consisting of multiple orders, each order will be counted individually.

    For details, please refer to Fill ratio based sub-account rate limit

    Rate Limit: 1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Requests

    GET /api/v5/trade/account-rate-limit

    Request Example

    # Get the account rate limit
    GET /api/v5/trade/account-rate-limit

    Request Parameters


    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    fillRatio String Sub account fill ratio during the monitoring period
    Applicable for users with trading fee level >= VIP 5 and return "" for others
    For accounts with no trading volume during the monitoring period, return "0". For accounts with trading volume but no order count due to our counting logic, return "9999".
    mainFillRatio String Master account aggregated fill ratio during the monitoring period
    Applicable for users with trading fee level >= VIP 5 and return "" for others
    For accounts with no trading volume during the monitoring period, return "0"
    accRateLimit String Current sub-account rate limit per two seconds
    nextAccRateLimit String Expected sub-account rate limit (per two seconds) in the next period
    Applicable for users with trading fee level >= VIP 5 and return "" for others
    ts String Data update time
    For users with trading fee level >= VIP 5, the data will be generated at 08:00 am (UTC)
    For users with trading fee level < VIP 5, return the current timestamp

    WS / Order channel

    Retrieve order information. Data will not be pushed when first subscribed. Data will only be pushed when there are order updates.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "orders",
          "instType": "ANY"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type
    > instId String No Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "orders",
        "instType": "ANY"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "orders",
        "instType": "ANY"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"orders\", \"instType\" : \"FUTURES\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type
    > instId String No Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "orders",
            "instType": "ANY",
            "uid": "614488474791936"
        "data": [
                "accFillSz": "0.001",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "",
                "amendResult": "",
                "amendSource": "",
                "avgPx": "31527.1",
                "cancelSource": "",
                "category": "normal",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "code": "0",
                "cTime": "1654084334977",
                "execType": "M",
                "fee": "-0.02522168",
                "feeCcy": "USDT",
                "fillFee": "-0.02522168",
                "fillFeeCcy": "USDT",
                "fillNotionalUsd": "31.50818374",
                "fillPx": "31527.1",
                "fillSz": "0.001",
                "fillPnl": "0.01",
                "fillTime": "1654084353263",
                "fillPxVol": "",
                "fillPxUsd": "",
                "fillMarkVol": "",
                "fillFwdPx": "",
                "fillMarkPx": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "lever": "0",
                "msg": "",
                "notionalUsd": "31.50818374",
                "ordId": "452197707845865472",
                "ordType": "limit",
                "pnl": "0",
                "posSide": "",
                "px": "31527.1",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "rebate": "0",
                "rebateCcy": "BTC",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "reqId": "",
                "side": "sell",
                "attachAlgoClOrdId": "",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "last",
                "source": "",
                "state": "filled",
                "stpId": "",
                "stpMode": "",
                "sz": "0.001",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "last",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "tradeId": "242589207",
                "lastPx": "38892.2",
                "uTime": "1654084353264"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > uid String User Identifier
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instFamily String Instrument family
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instId String Instrument ID
    > tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market orders.
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    > ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > tag String Order tag
    > px String Price
    For options, use coin as unit (e.g. BTC, ETH)
    > pxUsd String Options price in USDOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > pxVol String Implied volatility of the options orderOnly applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > pxType String Price type of options
    px: Place an order based on price, in the unit of coin (the unit for the request parameter px is BTC or ETH)
    pxVol: Place an order based on pxVol
    pxUsd: Place an order based on pxUsd, in the unit of USD (the unit for the request parameter px is USD)
    > sz String The original order quantity, SPOT/MARGIN, in the unit of currency; FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION, in the unit of contract
    > notionalUsd String Estimated national value in USD of order
    > ordType String Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    optimal_limit_ioc: Market order with immediate-or-cancel order (applicable only to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures)
    mmp: Market Maker Protection (only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode)
    mmp_and_post_only: Market Maker Protection and Post-only order(only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode).
    op_fok: Simple options (fok)
    > side String Order side, buy sell
    > posSide String Position side
    long or short Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    > tdMode String Trade mode, cross: cross isolated: isolated cash: cash
    > fillPx String Last filled price
    > tradeId String Last trade ID
    > fillSz String Last filled quantity
    The unit is base_ccy for SPOT and MARGIN, e.g. BTC-USDT, the unit is BTC; For market orders, the unit both is base_ccy when the tgtCcy is base_ccy or quote_ccy;
    The unit is contract for FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > fillPnl String Last filled profit and loss, applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions
    > fillTime String Last filled time
    > fillFee String last filled fee amount or rebate amount:
    Negative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform;
    Positive number represents rebate
    > fillFeeCcy String last filled fee currency or rebate currency.
    It is fee currency when fillFee is less than 0; It is rebate currency when fillFee>=0.
    > fillPxVol String Implied volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > fillPxUsd String Options price when filled, in the unit of USD
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > fillMarkVol String Mark volatility when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > fillFwdPx String Forward price when filled
    Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
    > fillMarkPx String Mark price when filled
    Applicable to FUTURES, SWAP, OPTION
    > execType String Liquidity taker or maker of the last filled, T: taker M: maker
    > accFillSz String Accumulated fill quantity
    The unit is base_ccy for SPOT and MARGIN, e.g. BTC-USDT, the unit is BTC; For market orders, the unit both is base_ccy when the tgtCcy is base_ccy or quote_ccy;
    The unit is contract for FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > fillNotionalUsd String Filled notional value in USD of order
    > avgPx String Average filled price. If none is filled, it will return 0.
    > state String Order state
    > lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price, it
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price, it
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price, it
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price, it
    > attachAlgoOrds Array of object TP/SL information attached when placing order
    >> attachAlgoId String The order ID of attached TP/SL order. It can be used to identity the TP/SL order when amending. It will not be posted to algoId when placing TP/SL order after the general order is filled completely.
    >> attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    >> tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    >> tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    >> tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    >> slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    >> slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    >> slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    >> sz String Size. Only applicable to TP order of split TPs
    >> amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    > stpId String Self trade prevention ID
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    > stpMode String Self trade prevention mode
    Return "" if self trade prevention is not applicable
    > feeCcy String Fee currency
    SPOT/MARGIN: If you buy, you will receive base currency; if you sell, you will receive quote currency.
    FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION What is charged is the margin
    > fee String Fee and rebate
    For spot and margin, it is accumulated fee charged by the platform. It is always negative, e.g. -0.01.
    For Expiry Futures, Perpetual Futures and Options, it is accumulated fee and rebate
    > rebateCcy String Rebate currency, if there is no rebate, this field is "".
    > rebate String Rebate accumulated amount, only applicable to spot and margin, the reward of placing orders from the platform (rebate) given to user who has reached the specified trading level. If there is no rebate, this field is "".
    > pnl String Profit and loss, applicable to orders which have a trade and aim to close position. It always is 0 in other conditions.
    For liquidation under cross margin mode, it will include liquidation penalties.
    > source String Order source
    6: The normal order triggered by the trigger order
    7:The normal order triggered by the TP/SL order
    13: The normal order triggered by the algo order
    25:The normal order triggered by the trailing stop order
    > cancelSource String Source of the order cancellation.
    Valid values and the corresponding meanings are:
    0: Order canceled by system
    1: Order canceled by user
    2: Order canceled: Pre reduce-only order canceled, due to insufficient margin in user position
    3: Order canceled: Risk cancellation was triggered. Pending order was canceled due to insufficient margin ratio and forced-liquidation risk.
    4: Order canceled: Borrowings of crypto reached hard cap, order was canceled by system.
    6: Order canceled: ADL order cancellation was triggered. Pending order was canceled due to a low margin ratio and forced-liquidation risk.
    7: Order canceled: Futures contract delivery.
    9: Order canceled: Insufficient balance after funding fees deducted.
    13: Order canceled: FOK order was canceled due to incompletely filled.
    14: Order canceled: IOC order was partially canceled due to incompletely filled.
    15: Order canceled: The order price is beyond the limit
    17: Order canceled: Close order was canceled, due to the position was already closed at market price.
    20: Cancel all after triggered
    21: Order canceled: The TP/SL order was canceled because the position had been closed
    22, 23: Order canceled: Reduce-only orders only allow reducing your current position. System has already canceled this order.
    27: Order canceled: Price limit verification failed because the price difference between counterparties exceeds 5%
    31: The post-only order will take liquidity in taker orders
    32: Self trade prevention
    33: The order exceeds the maximum number of order matches per taker order
    > amendSource String Source of the order amendation.
    1: Order amended by user
    2: Order amended by user, but the order quantity is overriden by system due to reduce-only
    3: New order placed by user, but the order quantity is overriden by system due to reduce-only
    4: Order amended by system due to other pending orders
    5: Order modification due to changes in options px, pxVol, or pxUsd as a result of following variations. For example, when iv = 60, USD and px are anchored at iv = 60, the changes in USD or px lead to modification.
    > category String Category
    ddh: Delta dynamic hedge
    > uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment. "" will be returned if there is no order amendment.
    > amendResult String The result of amending the order
    -1: failure
    0: success
    1: Automatic cancel (amendment request returned success but amendment subsequently failed then automatically canceled by the system)
    2: Automatic amendation successfully, only applicable to pxVol and pxUsd orders of Option.
    When amending the order through API and cxlOnFail is set to true in the order amendment request but the amendment is rejected, "" is returned.
    When amending the order through API, the order amendment acknowledgement returns success and the amendment subsequently failed, -1 will be returned if cxlOnFail is set to false, 1 will be returned if cxlOnFail is set to true.
    When amending the order through Web/APP and the amendment failed, -1 will be returned.
    > reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    > quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    > algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order attaching algoClOrdId is triggered, or it will be "".
    > algoId String Algo ID. There will be a value when algo order is triggered, or it will be "".
    > lastPx String Last price
    > code String Error Code, the default is 0
    > msg String Error Message, The default is ""

    WS / Place order

    You can place an order only if you have sufficient funds.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "order",
      "args": [
          "side": "buy",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "tdMode": "cash",
          "ordType": "market",
          "sz": "100"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    > tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    > clOrdId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    > tag String No Order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.
    > side String Yes Order side
    > ordType String Yes Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    > sz String Yes Quantity to buy or sell.
    > px String Conditional Order price. Only applicable to limit,post_only,fok,ioc,mmp,mmp_and_post_only order.
    > tgtCcy String No Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    > banAmend Boolean No Whether to disallow the system from amending the size of the SPOT Market Order.
    Valid options: true or false. The default value is false.
    If true, system will not amend and reject the market order if user does not have sufficient funds.
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    > stpId String No Self trade prevention ID. Orders from the same master account with the same ID will be prevented from self trade.
    Numerical integers defined by user in the range of 1<= x<= 999999999
    > stpMode String No Self trade prevention mode.
    Default to cancel maker
    cancel_maker,cancel_taker, cancel_both
    Cancel both does not support FOK.
    expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Successful Response Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Failure Response Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "not exist"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "order",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > tag String Order tag
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Rejection or success message of event execution.
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    WS / Place multiple orders

    Place orders in a batch. Maximum 20 orders can be placed per request

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-orders",
      "args": [
          "side": "buy",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "tdMode": "cash",
          "ordType": "market",
          "sz": "100"
          "side": "buy",
          "instId": "LTC-USDT",
          "tdMode": "cash",
          "ordType": "market",
          "sz": "1"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request Parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    > tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    > clOrdId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    > tag String No Order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.
    > side String Yes Order side
    > ordType String Yes Order type
    market: market order
    limit: limit order
    post_only: Post-only order
    fok: Fill-or-kill order
    ioc: Immediate-or-cancel order
    > sz String Yes Quantity to buy or sell.
    > px String Conditional Order price. Only applicable to limit,post_only,fok,ioc,mmp,mmp_and_post_only order.
    > tgtCcy String No Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    > banAmend Boolean No Whether to disallow the system from amending the size of the SPOT Market Order.
    Valid options: true or false. The default value is false.
    If true, system will not amend and reject the market order if user does not have sufficient funds.
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    > stpId String No Self trade prevention ID. Orders from the same master account with the same ID will be prevented from self trade.
    Numerical integers defined by user in the range of 1<= x<= 999999999
    > stpMode String No Self trade prevention mode.
    Default to cancel maker
    cancel_maker,cancel_taker, cancel_both
    Cancel both does not support FOK.
    expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Response Example When All Succeed

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12344",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Partially Successful

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "Insufficient margin"
      "code": "2",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When All Failed

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "Insufficient margin"
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "",
          "tag": "",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "Insufficient margin"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-orders",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > tag String Order tag
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Rejection or success message of event execution.
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    WS / Cancel order

    Cancel an incomplete order

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1514",
      "op": "cancel-order",
      "args": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request Parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    > ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required, if both are passed, ordId will be used
    > clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Successful Response Example

      "id": "1514",
      "op": "cancel-order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Failure Response Example

      "id": "1514",
      "op": "cancel-order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "Order not exist"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1514",
      "op": "cancel-order",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Order status message
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    WS / Cancel multiple orders

    Cancel incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be canceled per request.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1515",
      "op": "batch-cancel-orders",
      "args": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "2517748157541376"
          "instId": "LTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "2517748155771904"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request Parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    > ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required, if both are passed, ordId will be used
    > clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Response Example When All Succeed

      "id": "1515",
      "op": "batch-cancel-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "2517748157541376",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "2517748155771904",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When partially successfully

      "id": "1515",
      "op": "batch-cancel-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "2517748157541376",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "2517748155771904",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
      "code": "2",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When All Failed

      "id": "1515",
      "op": "batch-cancel-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "2517748157541376",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "2517748155771904",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1515",
      "op": "batch-cancel-orders",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Order status message
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    WS / Amend order

    Amend an incomplete order.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 60 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "amend-order",
      "args": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120",
          "newSz": "2"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request Parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    > cxlOnFail Boolean No Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails
    Valid options: false or true, the default is false.
    > ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required, if both are passed, ordId will be used.
    > clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String No Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    > newSz String Conditional New quantity after amendment. Either newSz or newPx is required. When amending a partially-filled order, the newSz should include the amount that has been filled.
    > newPx String Conditional New price after amendment.
    expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Successful Response Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "amend-order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Failure Response Example

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "amend-order",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "2510789768709120",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1512",
      "op": "amend-order",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Order status message
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    WS / Amend multiple orders

    Amend incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be amended per request.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/private (required login)

    Rate Limit: 300 orders per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    Request Example

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-amend-orders",
      "args": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "newSz": "2"
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "ordId": "12344",
          "newSz": "2"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id String Yes Unique identifier of the message
    Provided by client. It will be returned in response message for identifying the corresponding request.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes Request Parameters
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    > cxlOnFail Boolean No Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails
    Valid options: false or true, the default is false.
    > ordId String Conditional Order ID
    Either ordId or clOrdId is required, if both are passed, ordId will be used.
    > clOrdId String Conditional Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String No Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    > newSz String Conditional New quantity after amendment. Either newSz or newPx is required. When amending a partially-filled order, the newSz should include the amount that has been filled.
    > newPx String Conditional New price after amendment.
    expTime String No Request effective deadline. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Response Example When All Succeed

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-amend-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "oktswap6",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "12344",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When All Failed

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-amend-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
      "code": "1",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Partially Successful

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-amend-orders",
      "data": [
          "clOrdId": "",
          "ordId": "12345689",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""
          "clOrdId": "oktswap7",
          "ordId": "",
          "reqId": "b12344",
          "sCode": "5XXXX",
          "sMsg": "order not exist"
      "code": "2",
      "msg": "",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Example When Format Error

      "id": "1513",
      "op": "batch-amend-orders",
      "data": [],
      "code": "60013",
      "msg": "Invalid args",
      "inTime": "1695190491421339",
      "outTime": "1695190491423240"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Unique identifier of the message
    op String Operation
    code String Error Code
    msg String Error message
    data Array Data
    > ordId String Order ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    If the user provides reqId in the request, the corresponding reqId will be returned
    > sCode String Order status code, 0 means success
    > sMsg String Order status message
    inTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the request is received, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123
    outTime String Timestamp at Websocket gateway when the response is sent, Unix timestamp format in microseconds, e.g. 1597026383085123

    Algo Trading

    POST / Place algo order

    The algo order includes trigger order, oco order, conditional order and trailing order.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/order-algo

    Request Example

    # Place Take Profit / Stop Loss Order
    POST /api/v5/trade/order-algo
    # Place Trigger Order
    POST /api/v5/trade/order-algo
        "instId": "BTC-USDT",
        "tdMode": "cash",
        "side": "buy",
        "ordType": "trigger",
        "sz": "10",
        "triggerPx": "100",
        "orderPx": "-1"
    # Place Trailing Stop Order
    POST /api/v5/trade/order-algo
        "instId": "BTC-USDT",
        "tdMode": "cash",
        "side": "buy",
        "ordType": "move_order_stop",
        "sz": "10",
        "callbackRatio": "0.05"
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # One-way stop order
    result = tradeAPI.place_algo_order(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    tdMode String Yes Trade mode
    side String Yes Order side
    ordType String Yes Order type
    conditional: One-way stop order
    oco: One-cancels-the-other order
    trigger: Trigger order
    move_order_stop: Trailing order
    sz String Yes Quantity to buy or sell
    tag String No Order tag
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 16 characters.
    tgtCcy String No Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT traded with Market buy conditional order
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    algoClOrdId String No Client-supplied Algo ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Take Profit / Stop Loss Order

    learn more about Take Profit / Stop Loss Order

    Parameter Type Required Description
    tpTriggerPx String No Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    tpTriggerPxType String No Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    tpOrdPx String No Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    slTriggerPx String No Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    slTriggerPxType String No Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last
    slOrdPx String No Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.

    Trigger Order

    learn more about Trigger Order

    Parameter Type Required Description
    triggerPx String Yes Trigger price
    orderPx String Yes Order Price
    If the price is -1, the order will be executed at the market price.
    triggerPxType String No Trigger price type
    last: last price
    The default is last

    Trailing Stop Order

    learn more about Trailing Stop Order

    Parameter Type Required Description
    callbackRatio String Conditional Callback price ratio, e.g. 0.01 represents 1%
    Either callbackRatio or callbackSpread is allowed to be passed.
    callbackSpread String Conditional Callback price variance
    activePx String No Active price
    The system will only start tracking the market and calculating your trigger price after the activation price is reached. If you don’t set a price, your order will be activated as soon as it’s placed.

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "algoId": "12345689",
          "clOrdId": "",
          "algoClOrdId": "",
          "sCode": "0",
          "sMsg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    algoId String Algo ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client(Deprecated)
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID
    sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.

    POST / Cancel algo order

    Cancel unfilled algo orders. A maximum of 10 orders can be canceled per request. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + instrumentID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-algos

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-algos

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    algoId String Yes Algo ID
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    algoId String Order ID
    sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.

    POST / Amend algo order

    Amend unfilled algo orders (Support Stop order and Trigger order only, not including Move_order_stop order, Iceberg order, TWAP order, Trailing Stop order).

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Instrument ID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-algos

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/trade/amend-algos

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID
    algoId String Conditional Algo ID
    Either algoId or algoClOrdId is required. If both are passed, algoId will be used.
    algoClOrdId String Conditional Client-supplied Algo ID
    Either algoId or algoClOrdId is required. If both are passed, algoId will be used.
    cxlOnFail Boolean No Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails
    Valid options: false or true, the default is false.
    reqId String Conditional Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    The response will include the corresponding reqId to help you identify the request if you provide it in the request.
    newSz String Conditional New quantity after amendment and it has to be larger than 0.

    Take Profit / Stop Loss Order

    Parameter Type Required Description
    newTpTriggerPx String Conditional Take-profit trigger price.
    Either the take-profit trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the take-profit is deleted
    newTpOrdPx String Conditional Take-profit order price
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    newSlTriggerPx String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price.
    Either the stop-loss trigger price or order price is 0, it means that the stop-loss is deleted
    newSlOrdPx String Conditional Stop-loss order price
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    newTpTriggerPxType String Conditional Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    newSlTriggerPxType String Conditional Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    algoId String Algo ID
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID
    reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment.
    sCode String The code of the event execution result, 0 means success.
    sMsg String Rejection message if the request is unsuccessful.

    GET / Algo order details

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/order-algo

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/order-algo?algoId=1753184812254216192

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    algoId String Conditional Algo ID
    Either algoId or algoClOrdId is required.If both are passed, algoId will be used.
    algoClOrdId String Conditional Client-supplied Algo ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "activePx": "",
                "actualPx": "",
                "actualSide": "",
                "actualSz": "",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "681187161907138560",
                "amendPxOnTriggerType": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "cTime": "1708679675244",
                "uTime": "1708679675245",
                "callbackRatio": "0.05",
                "callbackSpread": "",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "closeFraction": "",
                "failCode": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "last": "50962.7",
                "lever": "",
                "linkedOrd": {
                    "ordId": ""
                "moveTriggerPx": "53423.160",
                "ordId": "",
                "ordIdList": [],
                "ordPx": "",
                "ordType": "move_order_stop",
                "posSide": "net",
                "pxLimit": "",
                "pxSpread": "",
                "pxVar": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "state": "live",
                "sz": "10",
                "szLimit": "",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "",
                "timeInterval": "",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "triggerPx": "",
                "triggerPxType": "",
                "triggerTime": "",
                "isTradeBorrowMode": "true"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Latest order ID. It will be deprecated soon
    ordIdList Array Order ID list. There will be multiple order IDs when there is TP/SL splitting order.
    algoId String Algo ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    closeFraction String Fraction of position to be closed when the algo order is triggered
    ordType String Order type
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    state String State
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    triggerPx String trigger price.
    triggerPxType String trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    ordPx String Order price for the trigger order
    actualSz String Actual order quantity
    actualPx String Actual order price
    tag String Order tag
    actualSide String Actual trigger side, tp: take profit sl: stop loss
    Only applicable to oco order and conditional order
    triggerTime String Trigger time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    pxVar String Price ratio
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxSpread String Price variance
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    szLimit String Average amount
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxLimit String Price Limit
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    timeInterval String Time interval
    Only applicable to twap order
    callbackRatio String Callback price ratio
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    callbackSpread String Callback price variance
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    activePx String Active price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    moveTriggerPx String Trigger price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    last String Last filled price while placing
    failCode String It represents that the reason that algo order fails to trigger. It is "" when the state is effective/canceled. There will be value when the state is order_failed, e.g. 51008;
    Only applicable to Stop Order, Trailing Stop Order, Trigger order.
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID
    amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object Attached SL/TP orders info
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    linkedOrd Object Linked TP order detail, only applicable to SL order that comes from the one-cancels-the-other (OCO) order that contains the TP limit order.
    > ordId String Order ID
    cTime String Creation time Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    uTime String Order updated time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    isTradeBorrowMode String 是否自动借币
    仅适用于计划委托、移动止盈止损和 时间加权策略

    GET / Algo order list

    Retrieve a list of untriggered Algo orders under the current account.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-pending

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-pending?ordType=conditional
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve a list of untriggered one-way stop orders
    result = tradeAPI.order_algos_list(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ordType String Yes Order type
    conditional: One-way stop order
    oco: One-cancels-the-other order
    trigger: Trigger order
    move_order_stop: Trailing order
    algoId String No Algo ID
    algoClOrdId String No Client-supplied Algo ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    instType String No Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested algoId.
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested algoId.
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "activePx": "",
                "actualPx": "",
                "actualSide": "buy",
                "actualSz": "0",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "681096944655273984",
                "amendPxOnTriggerType": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "cTime": "1708658165774",
                "callbackRatio": "",
                "callbackSpread": "",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "closeFraction": "",
                "failCode": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "last": "51014.6",
                "lever": "",
                "moveTriggerPx": "",
                "ordId": "",
                "ordIdList": [],
                "ordPx": "-1",
                "ordType": "trigger",
                "posSide": "net",
                "pxLimit": "",
                "pxSpread": "",
                "pxVar": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "state": "live",
                "sz": "10",
                "szLimit": "",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "",
                "timeInterval": "",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "triggerPx": "100",
                "triggerPxType": "last",
                "triggerTime": "0"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Latest order ID
    ordIdList Array Order ID list. There will be multiple order IDs when there is TP/SL splitting order.
    algoId String Algo ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    closeFraction String Fraction of position to be closed when the algo order is triggered
    ordType String Order type
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT traded with Market order
    state String State,live pause
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price
    triggerPx String Trigger price
    triggerPxType String Trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    ordPx String Order price for the trigger order
    actualSz String Actual order quantity
    tag String Order tag
    actualPx String Actual order price
    actualSide String Actual trigger side
    tp: take profit sl: stop loss
    Only applicable to oco order and conditional order
    triggerTime String Trigger time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    pxVar String Price ratio
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxSpread String Price variance
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    szLimit String Average amount
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxLimit String Price Limit
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    timeInterval String Time interval
    Only applicable to twap order
    callbackRatio String Callback price ratio
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    callbackSpread String Callback price variance
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    activePx String Active price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    moveTriggerPx String Trigger price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    last String Last filled price while placing
    failCode String It represents that the reason that algo order fails to trigger. There will be value when the state is order_failed, e.g. 51008;
    For this endpoint, it always is "".
    algoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID
    amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object Attached SL/TP orders info
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Algo order history

    Retrieve a list of all algo orders under the current account in the last 3 months.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/trade/orders-algo-history?ordType=conditional&state=effective
    import okx.Trade as Trade
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    tradeAPI = Trade.TradeAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Retrieve a list of all one-way stop algo orders
    result = tradeAPI.order_algos_history(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ordType String Yes Order type
    conditional: One-way stop order
    oco: One-cancels-the-other order
    trigger: Trigger order
    move_order_stop: Trailing order
    state String Conditional State
    Either state or algoId is required
    algoId String Conditional Algo ID
    Either state or algoId is required.
    instType String No Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested algoId
    before String No Pagination of data to return records new than the requested algoId
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "activePx": "",
                "actualPx": "",
                "actualSide": "buy",
                "actualSz": "0",
                "algoClOrdId": "",
                "algoId": "681096944655273984",
                "amendPxOnTriggerType": "",
                "attachAlgoOrds": [],
                "cTime": "1708658165774",
                "callbackRatio": "",
                "callbackSpread": "",
                "ccy": "",
                "clOrdId": "",
                "closeFraction": "",
                "failCode": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "last": "51014.6",
                "lever": "",
                "moveTriggerPx": "",
                "ordId": "",
                "ordIdList": [],
                "ordPx": "-1",
                "ordType": "trigger",
                "posSide": "net",
                "pxLimit": "",
                "pxSpread": "",
                "pxVar": "",
                "quickMgnType": "",
                "reduceOnly": "false",
                "side": "buy",
                "slOrdPx": "",
                "slTriggerPx": "",
                "slTriggerPxType": "",
                "state": "canceled",
                "sz": "10",
                "szLimit": "",
                "tag": "",
                "tdMode": "cash",
                "tgtCcy": "",
                "timeInterval": "",
                "tpOrdPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPx": "",
                "tpTriggerPxType": "",
                "triggerPx": "100",
                "triggerPxType": "last",
                "triggerTime": ""
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    ordId String Latest order ID
    ordIdList Array Order ID list. There will be multiple order IDs when there is TP/SL splitting order.
    algoId String Algo ID
    clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    sz String Quantity to buy or sell
    closeFraction String Fraction of position to be closed when the algo order is triggered
    ordType String Order type
    side String Order side
    posSide String Position side
    tdMode String Trade mode
    tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    state String State
    lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    triggerPx String trigger price.
    triggerPxType String trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    ordPx String Order price for the trigger order
    actualSz String Actual order quantity
    actualPx String Actual order price
    tag String Order tag
    actualSide String Actual trigger side, tp: take profit sl: stop loss
    Only applicable to oco order and conditional order
    triggerTime String Trigger time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    pxVar String Price ratio
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxSpread String Price variance
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    szLimit String Average amount
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    pxLimit String Price Limit
    Only applicable to iceberg order or twap order
    timeInterval String Time interval
    Only applicable to twap order
    callbackRatio String Callback price ratio
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    callbackSpread String Callback price variance
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    activePx String Active price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    moveTriggerPx String Trigger price
    Only applicable to move_order_stop order
    reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    quickMgnType String Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
    manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
    last String Last filled price while placing
    failCode String It represents that the reason that algo order fails to trigger. It is "" when the state is effective/canceled. There will be value when the state is order_failed, e.g. 51008;
    Only applicable to Stop Order, Trailing Stop Order, Trigger order.
    algoClOrdId String Client Algo Order ID as assigned by the client.
    amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    attachAlgoOrds Array of object Attached SL/TP orders info
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.
    cTime String Creation time Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    WS / Algo orders channel

    Retrieve algo orders (includes trigger order, oco order, conditional order). Data will not be pushed when first subscribed. Data will only be pushed when there are order updates.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/business (required login)

    Request Example : single

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "orders-algo",
          "instType": "ANY"

    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "orders-algo",
          "instType": "ANY"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type
    > instId String No Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example : single

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "orders-algo",
        "instType": "ANY"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "orders-algo",
        "instType": "ANY"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"orders-algo\", \"instType\" : \"FUTURES\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type
    > instId String No Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example: single

        "arg": {
            "channel": "orders-algo",
            "uid": "77982378738415879",
            "instType": "ANY"
        "data": [{
            "actualPx": "0",
            "actualSide": "",
            "actualSz": "0",
            "algoClOrdId": "",
            "algoId": "581878926302093312",
            "attachAlgoOrds": [],
            "amendResult": "",
            "cTime": "1685002746818",
            "ccy": "",
            "clOrdId": "",
            "closeFraction": "",
            "failCode": "",
            "instId": "BTC-USDC",
            "instType": "SPOT",
            "last": "26174.8",
            "lever": "0",
            "notionalUsd": "11.0",
            "ordId": "",
            "ordIdList": [],
            "ordPx": "",
            "ordType": "conditional",
            "posSide": "",
            "quickMgnType": "",
            "reduceOnly": "false",
            "reqId": "",
            "side": "buy",
            "slOrdPx": "",
            "slTriggerPx": "",
            "slTriggerPxType": "",
            "state": "live",
            "sz": "11",
            "tag": "",
            "tdMode": "cross",
            "tgtCcy": "quote_ccy",
            "tpOrdPx": "-1",
            "tpTriggerPx": "1",
            "tpTriggerPxType": "last",
            "triggerPx": "",
            "triggerTime": "",
            "amendPxOnTriggerType": "0"

    Response parameters when data is pushed.

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > uid String User Identifier
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instFamily String Instrument family
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instId String Instrument ID
    > ccy String Margin currency
    Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Spot and futures mode.
    > ordId String Latest order ID, the order ID associated with the algo order.
    > ordIdList Array Order ID list. There will be multiple order IDs when there is TP/SL splitting order.
    > algoId String Algo ID
    > clOrdId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    > sz String Quantity to buy or sell.
    SPOT/MARGIN: in the unit of currency. FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION: in the unit of contract.
    > ordType String Order type
    conditional: One-way stop order
    oco: One-cancels-the-other order
    trigger: Trigger order
    > side String Order side
    > posSide String Position side
    long or short
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    > tdMode String Trade mode
    cross: cross
    isolated: isolated
    cash: cash
    > tgtCcy String Order quantity unit setting for sz
    base_ccy: Base currency ,quote_ccy: Quote currency
    Only applicable to SPOT Market Orders
    Default is quote_ccy for buy, base_ccy for sell
    > lever String Leverage, from 0.01 to 125.
    Only applicable to MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP
    > state String Order status
    live: to be effective
    effective: effective
    canceled: canceled
    order_failed: order failed
    partially_failed: partially failed
    > tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price.
    > tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price.
    > slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price.
    > slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price.
    > triggerPx String Trigger price
    > triggerPxType String Trigger price type.
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    > ordPx String Order price for the trigger order
    > last String Last filled price while placing
    > actualSz String Actual order quantity
    > actualPx String Actual order price
    > notionalUsd String Estimated national value in USD of order
    > tag String Order tag
    > actualSide String Actual trigger side
    Only applicable to oco order and conditional order
    > triggerTime String Trigger time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > reduceOnly String Whether the order can only reduce the position size. Valid options: true or false.
    > failCode String It represents that the reason that algo order fails to trigger. It is "" when the state is effective/canceled. There will be value when the state is order_failed, e.g. 51008;
    Only applicable to Stop Order, Trailing Stop Order, Trigger order.
    > algoClOrdId String Client Algo Order ID as assigned by the client.
    > cTime String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > reqId String Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment. "" will be returned if there is no order amendment.
    > amendResult String The result of amending the order
    -1: failure
    0: success
    > amendPxOnTriggerType String Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs.
    0: disable, the default value
    1: Enable
    > attachAlgoOrds Array of object Attached SL/TP orders info
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    >> attachAlgoClOrdId String Client-supplied Algo ID when placing order attaching TP/SL.
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    It will be posted to algoClOrdId when placing TP/SL order once the general order is filled completely.
    >> tpTriggerPx String Take-profit trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit order price as well.
    >> tpTriggerPxType String Take-profit trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    >> tpOrdPx String Take-profit order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the take-profit trigger price as well.
    If the price is -1, take-profit will be executed at the market price.
    >> slTriggerPx String Stop-loss trigger price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss order price.
    >> slTriggerPxType String Stop-loss trigger price type
    last: last price
    index: index price
    mark: mark price
    The default is last
    >> slOrdPx String Stop-loss order price
    If you fill in this parameter, you should fill in the stop-loss trigger price.
    If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price.

    Market Data

    The API endpoints of Market Data do not require authentication.

    GET / Tickers

    Retrieve the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/tickers

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/tickers?instType=SPOT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours
    result = marketDataAPI.get_tickers(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String Yes Instrument type

    Response Example

                "instType": "SPOT",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "last": "51230",
                "lastSz": "0.18531491",
                "askPx": "51229.4",
                "askSz": "2.1683067",
                "bidPx": "51229.3",
                "bidSz": "0.28249897",
                "open24h": "51635.7",
                "high24h": "52080",
                "low24h": "50936",
                "volCcy24h": "539658490.410419122",
                "vol24h": "10476.2229261",
                "ts": "1708669508505",
                "sodUtc0": "51290.1",
                "sodUtc8": "51602.4"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    last String Last traded price
    lastSz String Last traded size
    askPx String Best ask price
    askSz String Best ask size
    bidPx String Best bid price
    bidSz String Best bid size
    open24h String Open price in the past 24 hours
    high24h String Highest price in the past 24 hours
    low24h String Lowest price in the past 24 hours
    volCcy24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    vol24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    sodUtc0 String Open price in the UTC 0
    sodUtc8 String Open price in the UTC 8
    ts String Ticker data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET / Ticker

    Retrieve the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/ticker

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/ticker?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours
    result = marketDataAPI.get_ticker(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "last": "51240",
                "lastSz": "0.49011124",
                "askPx": "51240",
                "askSz": "0.64278176",
                "bidPx": "51239.9",
                "bidSz": "1.68139044",
                "open24h": "51695.6",
                "high24h": "52080",
                "low24h": "50936",
                "volCcy24h": "539533972.680195094",
                "vol24h": "10474.12353007",
                "ts": "1708669925904",
                "sodUtc0": "51290.1",
                "sodUtc8": "51602.4"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID
    last String Last traded price
    lastSz String Last traded size
    askPx String Best ask price
    askSz String Best ask size
    bidPx String Best bid price
    bidSz String Best bid size
    open24h String Open price in the past 24 hours
    high24h String Highest price in the past 24 hours
    low24h String Lowest price in the past 24 hours
    volCcy24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    vol24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    sodUtc0 String Open price in the UTC 0
    sodUtc8 String Open price in the UTC 8
    ts String Ticker data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.

    GET / Order book

    Retrieve order book of the instrument.

    Rate Limit: 40 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/books

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/books?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve order book of the instrument
    result = marketDataAPI.get_orderbook(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    sz String No Order book depth per side. Maximum 400, e.g. 400 bids + 400 asks
    Default returns to 1 depth data

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "asks": [
                "bids": [
                "ts": "1629966436396"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    asks Array Order book on sell side
    bids Array Order book on buy side
    ts String Order book generation time

    GET / Candlesticks

    Retrieve the candlestick charts. This endpoint can retrieve the latest 1,440 data entries. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested bar.

    Rate Limit: 40 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/candles

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/candles?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve the candlestick charts
    result = marketDataAPI.get_candlesticks(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    bar String No Bar size, the default is 1m
    e.g. [1m/3m/5m/15m/30m/1H/2H/4H]
    Hong Kong time opening price k-line: [6H/12H/1D/2D/3D/1W/1M/3M]
    UTC time opening price k-line: [/6Hutc/12Hutc/1Dutc/2Dutc/3Dutc/1Wutc/1Mutc/3Mutc]
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts. The latest data will be returned when using before individually
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 300. The default is 100.

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ts String Opening time of the candlestick, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    o String Open price
    h String highest price
    l String Lowest price
    c String Close price
    vol String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    volCcy String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    volCcyQuote String Trading volume, the value is the quantity in quote currency
    e.g. The unit is USDT for BTC-USDT
    confirm String The state of candlesticks.
    0: K line is uncompleted
    1: K line is completed

    GET / Candlesticks history

    Retrieve history candlestick charts from recent years(It is last 3 months supported for 1s candlestick).

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/history-candles

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/history-candles?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve history candlestick charts from recent years
    result = marketDataAPI.get_history_candlesticks(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts. The latest data will be returned when using before individually
    bar String No Bar size, the default is 1m
    e.g. [1s/1m/3m/5m/15m/30m/1H/2H/4H]
    Hong Kong time opening price k-line: [6H/12H/1D/2D/3D/1W/1M/3M]
    UTC time opening price k-line: [6Hutc/12Hutc/1Dutc/2Dutc/3Dutc/1Wutc/1Mutc/3Mutc]
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ts String Opening time of the candlestick, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    o String Open price
    h String Highest price
    l String Lowest price
    c String Close price
    vol String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    volCcy String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    volCcyQuote String Trading volume, the value is the quantity in quote currency
    e.g. The unit is USDT for BTC-USDT
    confirm String The state of candlesticks.
    0: K line is uncompleted
    1: K line is completed

    GET / Trades

    Retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument.

    Rate Limit: 100 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/trades

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/trades?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument
    result = marketDataAPI.get_trades(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 500; The default is 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "side": "sell",
                "sz": "0.00001",
                "px": "29963.2",
                "tradeId": "242720720",
                "ts": "1654161646974"
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "side": "sell",
                "sz": "0.00001",
                "px": "29964.1",
                "tradeId": "242720719",
                "ts": "1654161641568"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instId String Instrument ID
    tradeId String Trade ID
    px String Trade price
    sz String Trade quantity
    For spot trading, the unit is base currency
    side String Trade side
    ts String Trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.

    GET / Trades history

    Retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument from the last 3 months with pagination.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/history-trades

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/history-trades?instId=BTC-USDT
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument from the last 3 months with pagination
    result = marketDataAPI.get_history_trades(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instId String Yes Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    type String No Pagination Type
    1: tradeId 2: timestamp
    The default is 1
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested tradeId or ts.
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested tradeId.
    Do not support timestamp for pagination. The latest data will be returned when using before individually
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum and default both are 100

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "side": "sell",
                "sz": "0.00001",
                "px": "29963.2",
                "tradeId": "242720720",
                "ts": "1654161646974"
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "side": "sell",
                "sz": "0.00001",
                "px": "29964.1",
                "tradeId": "242720719",
                "ts": "1654161641568"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instId String Instrument ID
    tradeId String Trade ID
    px String Trade price
    sz String Trade quantity
    side String Trade side
    ts String Trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085.

    GET / 24H total volume

    The 24-hour trading volume is calculated on a rolling basis.

    Rate Limit: 2 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/platform-24-volume

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/platform-24-volume
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve 24 total volume
    result = marketDataAPI.get_volume()

    Response Example

             "volCny": "230900886396766",
             "volUsd": "34462818865189",
             "ts": "1657856040389"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    volUsd String 24-hour total trading volume from the order book trading in "USD"
    volCny String 24-hour total trading volume from the order book trading in "CNY"
    ts String Data return time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    WS / Tickers channel

    Retrieve the last traded price, bid price, ask price and 24-hour trading volume of instruments.
    The fastest rate is 1 update/100ms. There will be no update if the event is not triggered. The events which can trigger update: trade, the change on best ask/bid.

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "tickers",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "tickers",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"tickers\", \"instId\" : \"LTC-USD-200327\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

      "arg": {
        "channel": "tickers",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "data": [
          "instType": "SPOT",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "last": "9999.99",
          "lastSz": "0.1",
          "askPx": "9999.99",
          "askSz": "11",
          "bidPx": "8888.88",
          "bidSz": "5",
          "open24h": "9000",
          "high24h": "10000",
          "low24h": "8888.88",
          "volCcy24h": "2222",
          "vol24h": "2222",
          "sodUtc0": "2222",
          "sodUtc8": "2222",
          "ts": "1597026383085"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instId String Instrument ID
    > last String Last traded price
    > lastSz String Last traded size
    > askPx String Best ask price
    > askSz String Best ask size
    > bidPx String Best bid price
    > bidSz String Best bid size
    > open24h String Open price in the past 24 hours
    > high24h String Highest price in the past 24 hours
    > low24h String Lowest price in the past 24 hours
    > volCcy24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    > vol24h String 24h trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > sodUtc0 String Open price in the UTC 0
    > sodUtc8 String Open price in the UTC 8
    > ts String Ticker data generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    WS / Candlesticks channel

    Retrieve the candlesticks data of an instrument. the push frequency is the fastest interval 1 second push the data.

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "candle1D",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "candle1D",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"candle1D\", \"instId\" : \"BTC-USD-191227\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String yes channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

      "arg": {
        "channel": "candle1D",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "data": [

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > ts String Opening time of the candlestick, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > o String Open price
    > h String highest price
    > l String Lowest price
    > c String Close price
    > vol String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > volCcy String Trading volume
    If it is SPOT, the value is the quantity in quote currency.
    > volCcyQuote String Trading volume, the value is the quantity in quote currency
    e.g. The unit is USDT for BTC-USDT
    > confirm String The state of candlesticks
    0: K line is uncompleted
    1: K line is completed

    WS / Trades channel

    Retrieve the recent trades data. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade. Every update may aggregate multiple trades.

    The message is sent only once per taker order, per filled price. The count field is used to represent the number of aggregated matches.

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "trades",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
          "channel": "trades",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"trades\"\"instId\" : \"BTC-USD-191227\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

      "arg": {
        "channel": "trades",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "data": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "tradeId": "130639474",
          "px": "42219.9",
          "sz": "0.12060306",
          "side": "buy",
          "ts": "1630048897897",
          "count": "3"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    > tradeId String The last trade ID in the trades aggregation
    > px String Trade price
    > sz String Trade size
    > side String Trade direction
    > ts String Filled time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > count String The count of trades aggregated

    WS / All trades channel

    Retrieve the recent trades data. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade. Every update contain only one trade.

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "trades-all",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
          "channel": "trades-all",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"trades-all\"\"instId\" : \"BTC-USD-191227\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

      "arg": {
        "channel": "trades-all",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "data": [
          "instId": "BTC-USDT",
          "tradeId": "130639474",
          "px": "42219.9",
          "sz": "0.12060306",
          "side": "buy",
          "ts": "1630048897897"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instId String Instrument ID
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    > tradeId String Trade ID
    > px String Trade price
    > sz String Trade size
    > side String Trade direction
    > ts String Filled time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    WS / Order book channel

    Retrieve order book data.

    Use books for 400 depth levels, books5 for 5 depth levels, bbo-tbt tick-by-tick 1 depth level, books50-l2-tbt tick-by-tick 50 depth levels, and books-l2-tbt for tick-by-tick 400 depth levels.

    Identity verification refers to Login

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "books",
          "instId": "BTC-USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID

    Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "books",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"books\"\"instId\" : \"BTC-USD-191227\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instId String Yes Instrument ID
    msg String No Error message
    code String No Error code
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example: Full Snapshot

      "arg": {
        "channel": "books",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "action": "snapshot",
      "data": [
          "asks": [
            ["8476.98", "415", "0", "13"],
            ["8477", "7", "0", "2"],
            ["8477.34", "85", "0", "1"],
            ["8477.56", "1", "0", "1"],
            ["8505.84", "8", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.37", "85", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.49", "2", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.96", "100", "0", "2"]
          "bids": [
            ["8476.97", "256", "0", "12"],
            ["8475.55", "101", "0", "1"],
            ["8475.54", "100", "0", "1"],
            ["8475.3", "1", "0", "1"],
            ["8447.32", "6", "0", "1"],
            ["8447.02", "246", "0", "1"],
            ["8446.83", "24", "0", "1"],
            ["8446", "95", "0", "3"]
          "ts": "1597026383085",
          "checksum": -855196043,
          "prevSeqId": -1,
          "seqId": 123456

    Push Data Example: Incremental Data

      "arg": {
        "channel": "books",
        "instId": "BTC-USDT"
      "action": "update",
      "data": [
          "asks": [
            ["8476.98", "415", "0", "13"],
            ["8477", "7", "0", "2"],
            ["8477.34", "85", "0", "1"],
            ["8477.56", "1", "0", "1"],
            ["8505.84", "8", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.37", "85", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.49", "2", "0", "1"],
            ["8506.96", "100", "0", "2"]
          "bids": [
            ["8476.97", "256", "0", "12"],
            ["8475.55", "101", "0", "1"],
            ["8475.54", "100", "0", "1"],
            ["8475.3", "1", "0", "1"],
            ["8447.32", "6", "0", "1"],
            ["8447.02", "246", "0", "1"],
            ["8446.83", "24", "0", "1"],
            ["8446", "95", "0", "3"]
          "ts": "1597026383085",
          "checksum": -855196043,
          "prevSeqId": 123456,
          "seqId": 123457

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instId String Instrument ID
    action String Push data action, incremental data or full snapshot.
    snapshot: full
    update: incremental
    data Array Subscribed data
    > asks Array Order book on sell side
    > bids Array Order book on buy side
    > ts String Order book generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > checksum Integer Checksum, implementation details below
    > prevSeqId Integer Sequence ID of the last sent message. Only applicable to books, books-l2-tbt, books50-l2-tbt
    > seqId Integer Sequence ID of the current message, implementation details below

    Sequence ID

    seqId is the sequence ID of the market data published. The set of sequence ID received by users is the same if users are connecting to the same channel through multiple websocket connections. Each instId has an unique set of sequence ID. Users can use prevSeqId and seqId to build the message sequencing for incremental order book updates. Generally the value of seqId is larger than prevSeqId. The prevSeqId in the new message matches with seqId of the previous message. The smallest possible sequence ID value is 0, except in snapshot messages where the prevSeqId is always -1.

    1. If there are no updates to the depth for an extended period, OKX will send a message with 'asks': [], 'bids': [] to inform users that the connection is still active. seqId is the same as the last sent message and prevSeqId equals to seqId. 2. The sequence number may be reset due to maintenance, and in this case, users will receive an incremental message with seqId smaller than prevSeqId. However, subsequent messages will follow the regular sequencing rule.

    1. Snapshot message: prevSeqId = -1, seqId = 10
    2. Incremental message 1 (normal update): prevSeqId = 10, seqId = 15
    3. Incremental message 2 (no update): prevSeqId = 15, seqId = 15
    4. Incremental message 3 (sequence reset): prevSeqId = 15, seqId = 3
    5. Incremental message 4 (normal update): prevSeqId = 3, seqId = 5


    This mechanism can assist users in checking the accuracy of depth data.

    Merging incremental data into full data

    After subscribing to the incremental load push (such as books 400 levels) of Order Book Channel, users first receive the initial full load of market depth. After the incremental load is subsequently received, update the local full load.

    1. If there is the same price, compare the size. If the size is 0, delete this depth data. If the size changes, replace the original data.
    2. If there is no same price, sort by price (bid in descending order, ask in ascending order), and insert the depth information into the full load.
    Calculate Checksum

    Use the first 25 bids and asks in the full load to form a string (where a colon connects the price and size in an ask or a bid), and then calculate the CRC32 value (32-bit signed integer).

    Calculate Checksum

    1. More than 25 levels of bid and ask
    A full load of market depth (only 2 levels of data are shown here, while 25 levels of data should actually be intercepted):
        "bids": [
            ["3366.1", "7", "0", "3"],
            ["3366", "6", "3", "4"]
        "asks": [
            ["3366.8", "9", "10", "3"],
            ["3368", "8", "3", "4"]
    Check string:
    2. Less than 25 levels of bid or ask
    A full load of market depth:
        "bids": [
            ["3366.1", "7", "0", "3"]
        "asks": [
            ["3366.8", "9", "10", "3"],
            ["3368", "8", "3", "4"],
            ["3372", "8", "3", "4"]
    Check string:
    1. When the bid and ask depth data exceeds 25 levels, each of them will intercept 25 levels of data, and the string to be checked is queued in a way that the bid and ask depth data are alternately arranged.
      Such as: bid[price:size]:ask[price:size]:bid[price:size]:ask[price:size]...
    2. When the bid or ask depth data is less than 25 levels, the missing depth data will be ignored.
      Such as: bid[price:size]:ask[price:size]:asks[price:size]:asks[price:size]...

    Push Data Example of bbo-tbt channel

      "arg": {
        "channel": "bbo-tbt",
        "instId": "BCH-USDT-SWAP"
      "data": [
          "asks": [
          "bids": [
          "ts": "1670324386802",
          "seqId": 363996337

    Push Data Example of books5 channel

      "arg": {
        "channel": "books5",
        "instId": "BCH-USDT-SWAP"
      "data": [
          "asks": [
          "bids": [
          "instId": "BCH-USDT-SWAP",
          "ts": "1670324386802",
          "seqId": 363996337

    Public Data

    The API endpoints of Public Data do not require authentication.


    Get instruments

    Retrieve a list of instruments with open contracts.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP + instrumentType

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/public/instruments

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/public/instruments?instType=SPOT
    import okx.PublicData as PublicData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    publicDataAPI = PublicData.PublicAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve a list of instruments with open contracts
    result = publicDataAPI.get_instruments(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    instType String Yes Instrument type
    instId String No Instrument ID

    Response Example

                "alias": "",
                "baseCcy": "BTC",
                "category": "1",
                "ctMult": "",
                "ctType": "",
                "ctVal": "",
                "ctValCcy": "",
                "expTime": "",
                "instFamily": "",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "instType": "SPOT",
                "lever": "10",
                "listTime": "1606468572000",
                "lotSz": "0.00000001",
                "maxIcebergSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
                "maxLmtAmt": "1000000",
                "maxLmtSz": "9999999999",
                "maxMktAmt": "1000000",
                "maxMktSz": "",
                "maxStopSz": "",
                "maxTriggerSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
                "maxTwapSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
                "minSz": "0.00001",
                "optType": "",
                "quoteCcy": "USDT",
                "settleCcy": "",
                "state": "live",
                "stk": "",
                "tickSz": "0.1",
                "uly": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instType String Instrument type
    instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-USDT
    uly String Underlying, e.g. BTC-USD
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    instFamily String Instrument family, e.g. BTC-USD
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    category String Currency category. Note: this parameter is already deprecated
    baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC inBTC-USDT
    Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
    quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
    settleCcy String Settlement and margin currency, e.g. BTC
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    ctVal String Contract value
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    ctMult String Contract multiplier
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    ctValCcy String Contract value currency
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    optType String Option type, C: Call P: put
    Only applicable to OPTION
    stk String Strike price
    Only applicable to OPTION
    listTime String Listing time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    expTime String Expiry time
    Applicable to SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION. For FUTURES/OPTION, it is natural delivery/exercise time. It is the instrument offline time when there is SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP/ manual offline. Update once change.
    lever String Max Leverage,
    Not applicable to SPOT, OPTION
    tickSz String Tick size, e.g. 0.0001
    For Option, it is minimum tickSz among tick band, please use "Get option tick bands" if you want get option tickBands.
    lotSz String Lot size
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    minSz String Minimum order size
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    ctType String Contract type
    linear: linear contract
    inverse: inverse contract
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    alias String Alias
    Only applicable to FUTURES
    Not recommended for use, users are encouraged to rely on the expTime field to determine the delivery time of the contract
    state String Instrument status
    preopen. e.g. There will be preopen before the Futures and Options new contracts state is live.
    test: Test pairs, can't be traded
    maxLmtSz String The maximum order quantity of a single limit order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    maxMktSz String The maximum order quantity of a single market order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.
    maxLmtAmt String Max USD amount for a single limit order
    maxMktAmt String Max USD amount for a single market order
    Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
    maxTwapSz String The maximum order quantity of a single TWAP order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    maxIcebergSz String The maximum order quantity of a single iceBerg order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    maxTriggerSz String The maximum order quantity of a single trigger order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    maxStopSz String The maximum order quantity of a single stop market order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.

    Get system time

    Retrieve API server time.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/public/time

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/public/time
    import okx.PublicData as PublicData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    publicDataAPI = PublicData.PublicAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve API server time
    result = publicDataAPI.get_system_time()

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ts String System time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Get oracle

    Get the crypto price of signing using Open Oracle smart contract.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 5 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/open-oracle

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/open-oracle
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Get the crypto price of signing using Open Oracle smart contract
    result = marketDataAPI.get_oracle()

    Response Example


    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    messages String ABI-encoded values [kind, timestamp, key, value], where kind equals 'prices', timestamp is the time when price was obtained, key is the asset ticker (e.g. btc) and value is the asset price.
    prices String Readable asset prices
    signatures String Ethereum-compatible ECDSA signatures for each message
    timestamp String Time of latest datapoint, Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026387

    Get exchange rate

    This interface provides the average exchange rate data for 2 weeks

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/market/exchange-rate

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/market/exchange-rate
    import okx.MarketData as MarketData
    flag = "0"  # Production trading:0 , demo trading:1
    marketDataAPI =  MarketData.MarketAPI(flag=flag)
    # Retrieve average exchange rate data for 2 weeks
    result = marketDataAPI.get_exchange_rate()

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "usdCny": "7.162"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    usdCny String Exchange rate

    Get economic calendar data

    Get the macro-economic calendar data within 3 months. Historical data from 3 months ago is only available to users with trading fee tier VIP1 and above.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 5 seconds

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/public/economic-calendar

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/public/economic-calendar

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    region string No Country, region or entity
    afghanistan, albania, algeria, andorra, angola, antigua_and_barbuda, argentina, armenia, aruba, australia, austria, azerbaijan, bahamas, bahrain, bangladesh, barbados, belarus, belgium, belize, benin, bermuda, bhutan, bolivia, bosnia_and_herzegovina, botswana, brazil, brunei, bulgaria, burkina_faso, burundi, cambodia, cameroon, canada, cape_verde, cayman_islands, central_african_republic, chad, chile, china, colombia, comoros, congo, costa_rica, croatia, cuba, cyprus, czech_republic, denmark, djibouti, dominica, dominican_republic, east_timor, ecuador, egypt, el_salvador, equatorial_guinea, eritrea, estonia, ethiopia, euro_area, european_union, faroe_islands, fiji, finland, france, g20, g7, gabon, gambia, georgia, germany, ghana, greece, greenland, grenada, guatemala, guinea, guinea_bissau, guyana, hungary, haiti, honduras, hong_kong, hungary, imf, indonesia, iceland, india, indonesia, iran, iraq, ireland, isle_of_man, israel, italy, ivory_coast, jamaica, japan, jordan, kazakhstan, kenya, kiribati, kosovo, kuwait, kyrgyzstan, laos, latvia, lebanon, lesotho, liberia, libya, liechtenstein, lithuania, luxembourg, macau, macedonia, madagascar, malawi, malaysia, maldives, mali, malta, mauritania, mauritius, mexico, micronesia, moldova, monaco, mongolia, montenegro, morocco, mozambique, myanmar, namibia, nepal, netherlands, new_caledonia, new_zealand, nicaragua, niger, nigeria, north_korea, northern_mariana_islands, norway, opec, oman, pakistan, palau, palestine, panama, papua_new_guinea, paraguay, peru, philippines, poland, portugal, puerto_rico, qatar, russia, republic_of_the_congo, romania, russia, rwanda, slovakia, samoa, san_marino, sao_tome_and_principe, saudi_arabia, senegal, serbia, seychelles, sierra_leone, singapore, slovakia, slovenia, solomon_islands, somalia, south_africa, south_korea, south_sudan, spain, sri_lanka, st_kitts_and_nevis, st_lucia, sudan, suriname, swaziland, sweden, switzerland, syria, taiwan, tajikistan, tanzania, thailand, togo, tonga, trinidad_and_tobago, tunisia, turkey, turkmenistan, uganda, ukraine, united_arab_emirates, united_kingdom, united_states, uruguay, uzbekistan, vanuatu, venezuela, vietnam, world, yemen, zambia, zimbabwe
    importance string No Level of importance
    1: low
    2: medium
    3: high
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts based on the date parameter. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds.
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts based on the date parameter. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds. The default is the timestamp of the request moment.
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "actual": "7.8%",
                "calendarId": "330631",
                "category": "Harmonised Inflation Rate YoY",
                "ccy": "",
                "date": "1700121600000",
                "dateSpan": "0",
                "event": "Harmonised Inflation Rate YoY",
                "forecast": "7.8%",
                "importance": "1",
                "prevInitial": "",
                "previous": "9%",
                "refDate": "1698710400000",
                "region": "Slovakia",
                "uTime": "1700121605007",
                "unit": "%"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    calendarId string Calendar ID
    date string Estimated release time of the value of actual field, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    region string Country, region or entity
    category string Category name
    event string Event name
    refDate string Date for which the datapoint refers to
    actual string The actual value of this event
    previous string Latest actual value of the previous period
    The value will be revised if revision is applicable
    forecast string Average forecast among a representative group of economists
    dateSpan string 0: The time of the event is known
    1: we only know the date of the event, the exact time of the event is unknown.
    importance string Level of importance
    1: low
    2: medium
    3: high
    uTime string Update time of this record, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    prevInitial string The initial value of the previous period
    Only applicable when revision happens
    ccy string Currency of the data
    unit string Unit of the data


    Instruments channel

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "instruments",
          "instType": "SPOT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "instruments",
        "instType": "SPOT"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"instruments\", \"instType\" : \"FUTURES\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > instType String Yes Instrument type
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

      "arg": {
        "channel": "instruments",
        "instType": "SPOT"
      "data": [
            "alias": "",
            "baseCcy": "BTC",
            "category": "1",
            "ctMult": "",
            "ctType": "",
            "ctVal": "",
            "ctValCcy": "",
            "expTime": "",
            "instFamily": "",
            "instId": "BTC-USDT",
            "instType": "SPOT",
            "lever": "10",
            "listTime": "1606468572000",
            "lotSz": "0.00000001",
            "maxIcebergSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "maxLmtAmt": "1000000",
            "maxLmtSz": "9999999999",
            "maxMktAmt": "1000000",
            "maxMktSz": "",
            "maxStopSz": "",
            "maxTriggerSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "maxTwapSz": "9999999999.0000000000000000",
            "minSz": "0.00001",
            "optType": "",
            "quoteCcy": "USDT",
            "settleCcy": "",
            "state": "live",
            "stk": "",
            "tickSz": "0.1",
            "uly": ""

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > instType String Instrument type
    data Array Subscribed data
    > instType String Instrument type
    > instId String Instrument ID, e.g. BTC-UST
    > uly String Underlying, e.g. BTC-USD
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > instFamily String Instrument family, e.g. BTC-USD
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > category String Currency category. Note: this parameter is already deprecated
    > baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
    > quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    Only applicable to SPOT/MARGIN
    > settleCcy String Settlement and margin currency, e.g. BTC
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > ctVal String Contract value
    > ctMult String Contract multiplier
    > ctValCcy String Contract value currency
    > optType String Option type
    C: Call
    P: Put
    Only applicable to OPTION
    > stk String Strike price
    Only applicable to OPTION
    > listTime String Listing time
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION
    > expTime String Expiry time
    Applicable to SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES/SWAP/OPTION. For FUTURES/OPTION, it is the delivery/exercise time. It can also be the delisting time of the trading instrument. Update once change.
    > lever String Max Leverage
    Not applicable to SPOT/OPTION, used to distinguish between MARGIN and SPOT.
    > tickSz String Tick size, e.g. 0.0001
    For Option, it is minimum tickSz among tick band.
    > lotSz String Lot size
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency
    > minSz String Minimum order size
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency
    > ctType String Contract type
    linear: linear contract
    inverse: inverse contract
    Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP
    > alias String Alias
    Only applicable to FUTURES
    Not recommended for use, users are encouraged to rely on the expTime field to determine the delivery time of the contract
    > state String Instrument status
    preopen. e.g. There will be preopen before the Futures and Options new contracts state is live.
    test: Test pairs, can't be traded
    > maxLmtSz String The maximum order quantity of a single limit order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > maxMktSz String The maximum order quantity of a single market order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.
    > maxTwapSz String The maximum order quantity of a single TWAP order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > maxIcebergSz String The maximum order quantity of a single iceBerg order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > maxTriggerSz String The maximum order quantity of a single trigger order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency.
    > maxStopSz String The maximum order quantity of a single stop market order.
    If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts.
    If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in USDT.

    Economic calendar channel

    Retrieve the most up-to-date economic calendar data. This endpoint is only applicable to VIP 1 and above users in the trading fee tier.

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/business (required login)

    Request Example

        "op": "subscribe",
        "args": [
              "channel": "economic-calendar"

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name

    Successful Response Example

        "event": "subscribe",
        "arg": {
            "channel": "economic-calendar"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"mark-price\", \"instId\" : \"LTC-USD-190628\"}]}"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Event
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "economic-calendar"
        "data": [
                "calendarId": "319275",
                "date": "1597026383085",
                "region": "United States",
                "category": "Manufacturing PMI",
                "event": "S&P Global Manufacturing PMI Final",
                "refDate": "1597026383085",
                "actual": "49.2",
                "previous": "47.3",
                "forecast": "49.3",
                "importance": "2",
                "prevInitial": "",
                "ccy": "",
                "unit": "",
                "ts": "1698648096590"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    data Array Subscribed data
    > event string Event name
    > region string Country, region or entity
    > category string Category name
    > actual string The actual value of this event
    > previous string Latest actual value of the previous period
    The value will be revised if revision is applicable
    > forecast string Average forecast among a representative group of economists
    > prevInitial string The initial value of the previous period
    Only applicable when revision happens
    > date string Estimated release time of the value of actual field, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    > refDate string Date for which the datapoint refers to
    > calendarId string Calendar ID
    > unit string Unit of the data
    > ccy string Currency of the data
    > importance string Level of importance
    1: low
    2: medium
    3: high
    > ts string The time of the latest update

    Funding Account

    The API endpoints of Funding Account require authentication.


    Get currencies

    Retrieve a list of all currencies available which are related to the current account's KYC entity.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/currencies

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/currencies
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get currencies
    result = fundingAPI.get_currencies()

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
            "canDep": true,
            "canInternal": true,
            "canWd": true,
            "ccy": "BTC",
            "chain": "BTC-Bitcoin",
            "depQuotaFixed": "",
            "depQuoteDailyLayer2": "",
            "logoLink": "",
            "mainNet": true,
            "maxFee": "0.0004",
            "maxFeeForCtAddr": "0.0004",
            "maxWd": "500",
            "minDep": "0.00005",
            "minDepArrivalConfirm": "1",
            "minFee": "0.0002",
            "minFeeForCtAddr": "0.0002",
            "minWd": "0.001",
            "minWdUnlockConfirm": "3",
            "name": "Bitcoin",
            "needTag": false,
            "usedDepQuotaFixed": "",
            "usedWdQuota": "0",
            "wdQuota": "200",
            "wdTickSz": "8"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    name String Name of currency. There is no related name when it is not shown.
    logoLink String The logo link of currency
    chain String Chain name, e.g. USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    canDep Boolean The availability to deposit from chain
    false: not available
    true: available
    canWd Boolean The availability to withdraw to chain
    false: not available
    true: available
    canInternal Boolean The availability to internal transfer
    false: not available
    true: available
    minDep String The minimum deposit amount of currency in a single transaction
    minWd String The minimum on-chain withdrawal amount of currency in a single transaction
    maxWd String The maximum amount of currency on-chain withdrawal in a single transaction
    wdTickSz String The withdrawal precision, indicating the number of digits after the decimal point.
    The withdrawal fee precision kept the same as withdrawal precision.
    The accuracy of internal transfer withdrawal is 8 decimal places.
    wdQuota String The withdrawal limit in the past 24 hours (including on-chain withdrawal and internal transfer), unit in USD
    usedWdQuota String The amount of currency withdrawal used in the past 24 hours, unit in USD
    minFee String The minimum withdrawal fee for normal address
    Apply to on-chain withdrawal
    maxFee String The maximum withdrawal fee for normal address
    Apply to on-chain withdrawal
    minFeeForCtAddr String The minimum withdrawal fee for contract address
    Apply to on-chain withdrawal
    maxFeeForCtAddr String The maximum withdrawal fee for contract address
    Apply to on-chain withdrawal
    mainNet Boolean If current chain is main net, then it will return true, otherwise it will return false
    needTag Boolean Whether tag/memo information is required for withdrawal, e.g. EOS will return true
    minDepArrivalConfirm String The minimum number of blockchain confirmations to acknowledge fund deposit. The account is credited after that, but the deposit can not be withdrawn
    minWdUnlockConfirm String The minimum number of blockchain confirmations required for withdrawal of a deposit
    depQuotaFixed String The fixed deposit limit, unit in USD
    Return empty string if there is no deposit limit
    usedDepQuotaFixed String The used amount of fixed deposit quota, unit in USD
    Return empty string if there is no deposit limit
    depQuoteDailyLayer2 String The layer2 network daily deposit limit

    Get balance

    Retrieve the funding account balances of all the assets and the amount that is available or on hold.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/balances

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/balances
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get balane
    result = fundingAPI.get_balances()

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies (no more than 20) separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "availBal": "37.11827078",
                "bal": "37.11827078",
                "ccy": "ETH",
                "frozenBal": "0"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    bal String Balance
    frozenBal String Frozen balance
    availBal String Available balance

    Get non-tradable assets

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/non-tradable-assets

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/non-tradable-assets
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    result = fundingAPI.get_non_tradable_assets()

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies (no more than 20) separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "bal": "989.84719571",
                "canWd": true,
                "ccy": "CELT",
                "chain": "CELT-OKTC",
                "ctAddr": "f403fb",
                "fee": "2",
                "logoLink": "",
                "minWd": "0.1",
                "name": "",
                "needTag": false,
                "wdAll": false,
                "wdTickSz": "8"
                "bal": "0.001",
                "canWd": true,
                "ccy": "MEME",
                "chain": "MEME-ERC20",
                "ctAddr": "09b760",
                "fee": "5",
                "logoLink": "",
                "minWd": "0.001",
                "name": "MEME Inu",
                "needTag": false,
                "wdAll": false,
                "wdTickSz": "8"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency, e.g. CELT
    name String Chinese name of currency. There is no related name when it is not shown.
    logoLink String Logo link of currency
    bal String Withdrawable balance
    canWd Boolean Availability to withdraw to chain.
    false: not available true: available
    chain String Chain for withdrawal
    minWd String Minimum withdrawal amount of currency in a single transaction
    wdAll Boolean Whether all assets in this currency must be withdrawn at one time
    fee String Fixed withdrawal fee, unit in USDT. Withdrawal fee precision is 8 digits after the decimal point.
    ctAddr String Last 6 digits of contract address
    wdTickSz String Withdrawal precision, indicating the number of digits after the decimal point
    needTag Boolean Whether tag/memo information is required for withdrawal

    Get account asset valuation

    View account asset valuation

    Rate Limit: 1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/asset-valuation

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/asset-valuation
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get account asset valuation
    result = fundingAPI.get_asset_valuation()

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    ccy String No Asset valuation calculation unit
    The default is the valuation in BTC.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "details": {
                    "classic": "124.6",
                    "earn": "1122.73",
                    "funding": "0.09",
                    "trading": "2544.28"
                "totalBal": "3790.09",
                "ts": "1637566660769"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    totalBal String Valuation of total account assets
    ts String Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g.1597026383085
    details Object Asset valuation details for each account
    > funding String Funding account
    > trading String Trading account
    > classic String [Deprecated] Classic account
    > earn String Earn account

    Funds transfer

    Only API keys with Trade privilege can call this endpoint.

    This endpoint supports the transfer of funds between your funding account and trading account, and from the master account to sub-accounts.

    Sub-account can transfer out to master account by default. Need to call Set permission of transfer out to grant privilege first if you want sub-account transferring to another sub-account (sub-accounts need to belong to same master account.)

    Rate Limit: 2 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID + Currency

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/transfer

    Request Example

    # Transfer 1.5 USDT from funding account to Trading account when current account is master-account
    POST /api/v5/asset/transfer
    # Transfer 1.5 USDT from funding account to subAccount when current account is master-account
    POST /api/v5/asset/transfer
    # Transfer 1.5 USDT from funding account to subAccount when current account is sub-account
    POST /api/v5/asset/transfer
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Funds transfer
    result = fundingAPI.funds_transfer(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    type String No Transfer type
    0: transfer within account
    1: master account to sub-account (Only applicable to API Key from master account)
    2: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to API Key from master account)
    3: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account)
    4: sub-account to sub-account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account, and target account needs to be another sub-account which belongs to same master account. Sub-account directly transfer out permission is disabled by default, set permission please refer to Set permission of transfer out)
    The default is 0.
    If you want to make transfer between sub-accounts by master account API key, refer to Master accounts manage the transfers between sub-accounts
    ccy String Yes Transfer currency, e.g. USDT
    amt String Yes Amount to be transferred
    from String Yes The remitting account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    to String Yes The beneficiary account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    subAcct String Conditional Name of the sub-account
    When type is 1/2/4, this parameter is required.
    loanTrans Boolean No Whether or not borrowed coins can be transferred out under Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin
    true: borrowed coins can be transferred out
    false: borrowed coins cannot be transferred out
    the default is false
    omitPosRisk String No Ignore position risk
    Default is false
    Applicable to Portfolio margin
    clientId String No Client-supplied ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "transId": "754147",
          "ccy": "USDT",
          "clientId": "",
          "from": "6",
          "amt": "0.1",
          "to": "18"

    Response Parameters

    Response Example

    Parameter Type Description
    transId String Transfer ID
    clientId String Client-supplied ID
    ccy String Currency
    from String The remitting account
    amt String Transfer amount
    to String The beneficiary account

    Get funds transfer state

    Retrieve the transfer state data of the last 2 weeks.

    Rate Limit: 10 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/transfer-state

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/transfer-state?transId=1&type=1
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get funds transfer state
    result = fundingAPI.transfer_state(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    transId String Conditional Transfer ID
    Either transId or clientId is required. If both are passed, transId will be used.
    clientId String Conditional Client-supplied ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    type String No Transfer type
    0: transfer within account
    1: master account to sub-account (Only applicable to API Key from master account)
    2: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to API Key from master account)
    3: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account)
    4: sub-account to sub-account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account, and target account needs to be another sub-account which belongs to same master account)
    The default is 0

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "amt": "1.5",
                "ccy": "USDT",
                "clientId": "",
                "from": "18",
                "instId": "", //deprecated
                "state": "success",
                "subAcct": "test",
                "to": "6",
                "toInstId": "", //deprecated
                "transId": "1",
                "type": "1"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    transId String Transfer ID
    clientId String Client-supplied ID
    ccy String Currency, e.g. USDT
    amt String Amount to be transferred
    type String Transfer type
    0: transfer within account
    1: master account to sub-account (Only applicable to API Key from master account)
    2: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to APIKey from master account)
    3: sub-account to master account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account)
    4: sub-account to sub-account (Only applicable to APIKey from sub-account, and target account needs to be another sub-account which belongs to same master account)
    from String The remitting account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    to String The beneficiary account
    6: Funding account
    18: Trading account
    subAcct String Name of the sub-account
    instId String deprecated
    toInstId String deprecated
    state String Transfer state

    Asset bills details

    Query the billing record in the past month.

    Rate Limit: 6 Requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/bills

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/bills
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get asset bills details
    result = fundingAPI.get_bills()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String No Currency
    type String No Bill type
    1: Deposit
    2: Withdrawal
    13: Canceled withdrawal
    20: Transfer to sub account (for master account)
    21: Transfer from sub account (for master account)
    22: Transfer out from sub to master account (for sub-account)
    23: Transfer in from master to sub account (for sub-account)
    28: Manually claimed Airdrop
    47: System reversal
    48: Event Reward
    49: Event Giveaway
    61: [Convert] Exchange between crypto
    68: Fee rebate (by rebate card)
    72: Token received
    73: Token given away
    74: Token refunded
    75: Subscription to savings
    76: Redemption to savings
    77: Jumpstart distribute
    78: Jumpstart lock up
    80: DEFI/Staking purchase
    82: DEFI/Staking redemption
    83: Staking yield
    84: Violation fee
    116: [Fiat] Place an order
    117: [Fiat] Fulfill an order
    118: [Fiat] Cancel an order
    124: Jumpstart unlocking
    130: Transferred from Trading account
    131: Transferred to Trading account
    132: [P2P] Frozen by customer service
    133: [P2P] Unfrozen by customer service
    134: [P2P] Transferred by customer service
    135: Cross chain exchange
    136: ETH 2.0 staking system account increase ETH (for on-chain operation)
    137: ETH 2.0 Subscription
    138: ETH 2.0 Swapping
    139: ETH 2.0 Earnings
    146: Customer feedback
    150: Affiliate commission
    151: Referral reward
    152: Broker reward
    160: Dual Investment subscribe
    161: Dual Investment collection
    162: Dual Investment profit
    163: Dual Investment refund
    172: [Affiliate] Sub-affiliate commission
    173: [Affiliate] Fee rebate (by trading fee)
    174: Jumpstart Pay
    175: Locked collateral
    176: Loan
    177: Added collateral
    178: Returned collateral
    179: Repayment
    180: Unlocked collateral
    181: Airdrop payment
    185: [Broker] Convert reward
    187: [Broker] Convert transfer
    189: Mystery box bonus
    195: Untradable asset withdrawal
    196: Untradable asset withdrawal revoked
    197: Untradable asset deposit
    198: Untradable asset collection reduce
    199: Untradable asset collection increase
    200: Buy
    202: Price Lock Subscribe
    203: Price Lock Collection
    204: Price Lock Profit
    205: Price Lock Refund
    207: Dual Investment Lite Subscribe
    208: Dual Investment Lite Collection
    209: Dual Investment Lite Profit
    210: Dual Investment Lite Refund
    212: [Flexible loan] Multi-collateral loan collateral locked
    214: [Flexible loan] Collateral returned to users
    216: [Flexible loan] Loan transfer into user's funding account
    218: [Flexible loan] Multi-collateral loan repaid
    220: Delisted crypto
    221: Blockchain's withdrawal fee
    222: Withdrawal fee refund
    223: SWAP lead trading profit share
    225: Shark Fin subscribe
    226: Shark Fin collection
    227: Shark Fin profit
    228: Shark Fin refund
    229: Airdrop
    233: Broker rebate compensation
    240: Snowball subscribe
    241: Snowball refund
    242: Snowball profit
    243: Snowball trading failed
    249: Seagull subscribe
    250: Seagull collection
    251: Seagull profit
    252: Seagull refund
    263: Strategy bots profit share
    265: Signal revenue
    266: SPOT lead trading profit share
    270: DCD broker transfer
    271: DCD broker rebate
    272: [Convert] Buy Crypto/Fiat
    273: [Convert] Sell Crypto/Fiat
    284: [Custody] Transfer out trading sub-account
    285: [Custody] Transfer in trading sub-account
    286: [Custody] Transfer out custody funding account
    287: [Custody] Transfer in custody funding account
    288: [Custody] Fund delegation
    289: [Custody] Fund undelegation
    299: Affiliate recommendation commission
    300: Fee discount rebate
    303: Snowball market maker transfer
    304: Simple Earn Fixed order submission
    305: Simple Earn Fixed order redemption
    306: Simple Earn Fixed principal distribution
    307: Simple Earn Fixed interest distribution (early termination compensation)
    308: Simple Earn Fixed interest distribution
    309: Simple Earn Fixed interest distribution (extension compensation)
    311: Crypto dust auto-transfer in
    clientId String No Client-supplied ID for transfer or withdrawal
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
            "billId": "12344",
            "ccy": "BTC",
            "clientId": "",
            "balChg": "2",
            "bal": "12",
            "type": "1",
            "ts": "1597026383085"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    billId String Bill ID
    ccy String Account balance currency
    clientId String Client-supplied ID for transfer or withdrawal
    balChg String Change in balance at the account level
    bal String Balance at the account level
    type String Bill type
    ts String Creation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g.1597026383085

    Get deposit address

    Retrieve the deposit addresses of currencies, including previously-used addresses.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-address

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-address?ccy=BTC
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get deposit address
    result = fundingAPI.get_deposit_address(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String Yes Currency, e.g. BTC

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "chain": "BTC-Bitcoin",
                "ctAddr": "",
                "ccy": "BTC",
                "to": "6",
                "addr": "39XNxK1Ryqgg3Bsyn6HzoqV4Xji25pNkv6",
                "verifiedName":"John Corner",
                "selected": true
                "chain": "BTC-OKC",
                "ctAddr": "",
                "ccy": "BTC",
                "to": "6",
                "addr": "0x66d0edc2e63b6b992381ee668fbcb01f20ae0428",
                "verifiedName":"John Corner",
                "selected": true
                "chain": "BTC-ERC20",
                "ctAddr": "5807cf",
                "ccy": "BTC",
                "to": "6",
                "addr": "0x66d0edc2e63b6b992381ee668fbcb01f20ae0428",
                "verifiedName":"John Corner",
                "selected": true
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    addr String Deposit address
    tag String Deposit tag (This will not be returned if the currency does not require a tag for deposit)
    memo String Deposit memo (This will not be returned if the currency does not require a memo for deposit)
    pmtId String Deposit payment ID (This will not be returned if the currency does not require a payment_id for deposit)
    addrEx Object Deposit address attachment (This will not be returned if the currency does not require this)
    e.g. TONCOIN attached tag name is comment, the return will be {'comment':'123456'}
    ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    chain String Chain name, e.g. USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    to String The beneficiary account
    6: Funding account 18: Trading account
    verifiedName String Verified name (for recipient)
    selected Boolean Return true if the current deposit address is selected by the website page
    ctAddr String Last 6 digits of contract address

    Get deposit history

    Retrieve the deposit records according to the currency, deposit status, and time range in reverse chronological order. The 100 most recent records are returned by default.
    Websocket API is also available, refer to Deposit info channel.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-history
    # Query deposit history from 2022-06-01 to 2022-07-01
    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-history?ccy=BTC&after=1654041600000&before=1656633600000
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get deposit history
    result = fundingAPI.get_deposit_history()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC
    depId String No Deposit ID
    fromWdId String No Internal transfer initiator's withdrawal ID
    If the deposit comes from internal transfer, this field displays the withdrawal ID of the internal transfer initiator
    txId String No Hash record of the deposit
    type String No Deposit Type
    3: internal transfer
    4: deposit from chain
    state String No Status of deposit
    0: waiting for confirmation
    1: deposit credited
    2: deposit successful
    8: pending due to temporary deposit suspension on this crypto currency
    11: match the address blacklist
    12: account or deposit is frozen
    13: sub-account deposit interception
    14: KYC limit
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1654041600000
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1656633600000
    limit string No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100; The default is 100

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
            "actualDepBlkConfirm": "2",
            "amt": "1",
            "areaCodeFrom": "",
            "ccy": "USDT",
            "chain": "USDT-TRC20",
            "depId": "88****33",
            "from": "",
            "fromWdId": "",
            "state": "2",
            "to": "TN4hGjVXMzy*********9b4N1aGizqs",
            "ts": "1674038705000",
            "txId": "fee235b3e812********857d36bb0426917f0df1802"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    chain String Chain name
    amt String Deposit amount
    from String Deposit account
    If the deposit comes from an internal transfer, this field displays the account information of the internal transfer initiator, which can be a mobile phone number, email address, account name, and will return "" in other cases
    areaCodeFrom String If from is a phone number, this parameter return area code of the phone number
    to String Deposit address
    If the deposit comes from the on-chain, this field displays the on-chain address, and will return "" in other cases
    txId String Hash record of the deposit
    ts String The timestamp that the deposit record is created, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1655251200000
    state String Status of deposit
    0: Waiting for confirmation
    1: Deposit credited
    2: Deposit successful
    8: Pending due to temporary deposit suspension on this crypto currency
    11: Match the address blacklist
    12: Account or deposit is frozen
    13: Sub-account deposit interception
    14: KYC limit
    depId String Deposit ID
    fromWdId String Internal transfer initiator's withdrawal ID
    If the deposit comes from internal transfer, this field displays the withdrawal ID of the internal transfer initiator, and will return "" in other cases
    actualDepBlkConfirm String The actual amount of blockchain confirmed in a single deposit


    Withdrawal of tokens. Common sub-account does not support withdrawal.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/withdrawal

    Request Example

    # on-chain withdrawal
    POST /api/v5/asset/withdrawal
    # internal withdrawal 
    POST /api/v5/asset/withdrawal
    # Specific entity users need to provide receiver's info
    POST /api/v5/asset/withdrawal
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Withdrawal
    result = fundingAPI.withdrawal(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String Yes Currency, e.g. USDT
    amt String Yes Withdrawal amount
    Withdrawal fee is not included in withdrawal amount.
    dest String Yes Withdrawal method
    3: internal transfer
    4: on-chain withdrawal
    toAddr String Yes toAddr should be a trusted address/account.
    If your dest is 4, some crypto currency addresses are formatted as 'address:tag', e.g. 'ARDOR-7JF3-8F2E-QUWZ-CAN7F:123456'
    If your dest is 3,toAddr should be a recipient address which can be email, phone or login account name (account name is only for sub-account).
    fee String Yes Transaction fee
    You can get fee amount by the endpoint of Get currencies.
    For internal transfer, transaction fee is always 0.
    chain String Conditional Chain name
    There are multiple chains under some currencies, such as USDT has USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    If the parameter is not filled in, the default will be the main chain.
    When you withdrawal the non-tradable asset, if the parameter is not filled in, the default will be the unique withdrawal chain.
    Apply to on-chain withdrawal.
    You can get supported chain name by the endpoint of Get currencies.
    areaCode String Conditional Area code for the phone number, e.g. 86
    If toAddr is a phone number, this parameter is required.
    Apply to internal transfer
    rcvrInfo Object Conditional Recipient information
    For the specific entity users to do on-chain withdrawal/lightning withdrawal, this information is required.
    > walletType String Yes Wallet Type
    exchange: Withdraw to exchange wallet
    private: Withdraw to private wallet
    If withdrawal to the exchange wallet, relevant information about the recipient must be provided.
    For the exchange wallet belongs to business recipient, rcvrFirstName may input the company name, rcvrLastName may input "N/A", location info may input the registered address of the company.
    Withdrawal to a private wallet does not require providing recipient information.
    > exchId String Conditional Exchange ID
    You can query supported exchanges through the endpoint of Get exchange list (public)
    If the exchange is not in the exchange list, fill in '0' in this field.
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrFirstName String Conditional Receiver's first name, e.g. Bruce
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrLastName String Conditional Receiver's last name, e.g. Wayne
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrCountry String Conditional The recipient's country, e.g. United States
    You must enter an English country name or a two letter country code (ISO 3166-1). Please refer to the Country Name and Country Code in the country information table below.
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrCountrySubDivision String Conditional State/Province of the recipient, e.g. California
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrTownName String Conditional The town/city where the recipient is located, e.g. San Jose
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    > rcvrStreetName String Conditional Recipient's street address, e.g. Clementi Avenue 1
    Apply to walletType = exchange
    clientId String No Client-supplied ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
            "amt": "0.1",
            "wdId": "67485",
            "ccy": "BTC",
            "clientId": "",
            "chain": "BTC-Bitcoin"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    chain String Chain name, e.g. USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    amt String Withdrawal amount
    wdId String Withdrawal ID
    clientId String Client-supplied ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.

    Country information

    Country name Country code
    Afghanistan AF
    Albania AL
    Algeria DZ
    Andorra AD
    Angola AO
    Anguilla AI
    Antigua and Barbuda AG
    Argentina AR
    Armenia AM
    Australia AU
    Austria AT
    Azerbaijan AZ
    Bahamas BS
    Bahrain BH
    Bangladesh BD
    Barbados BB
    Belarus BY
    Belgium BE
    Belize BZ
    Benin BJ
    Bermuda BM
    Bhutan BT
    Bolivia BO
    Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
    Botswana BW
    Brazil BR
    British Virgin Islands VG
    Brunei BN
    Bulgaria BG
    Burkina Faso BF
    Burundi BI
    Cambodia KH
    Cameroon CM
    Canada CA
    Cape Verde CV
    Cayman Islands KY
    Central African Republic CF
    Chad TD
    Chile CL
    Colombia CO
    Comoros KM
    Congo (Republic) CG
    Congo (Democratic Republic) CD
    Costa Rica CR
    Cote d´Ivoire (Ivory Coast) CI
    Croatia HR
    Cuba CU
    Cyprus CY
    Czech Republic CZ
    Denmark DK
    Djibouti DJ
    Dominica DM
    Dominican Republic DO
    Ecuador EC
    Egypt EG
    El Salvador SV
    Equatorial Guinea GQ
    Eritrea ER
    Estonia EE
    Ethiopia ET
    Fiji FJ
    Finland FI
    France FR
    Gabon GA
    Gambia GM
    Georgia GE
    Germany DE
    Ghana GH
    Greece GR
    Grenada GD
    Guatemala GT
    Guinea GN
    Guinea-Bissau GW
    Guyana GY
    Haiti HT
    Honduras HN
    Hong Kong HK
    Hungary HU
    Iceland IS
    India IN
    Indonesia ID
    Iran IR
    Iraq IQ
    Ireland IE
    Israel IL
    Italy IT
    Jamaica JM
    Japan JP
    Jordan JO
    Kazakhstan KZ
    Kenya KE
    Kiribati KI
    North Korea KP
    South Korea KR
    Kuwait KW
    Kyrgyzstan KG
    Laos LA
    Latvia LV
    Lebanon LB
    Lesotho LS
    Liberia LR
    Libya LY
    Liechtenstein LI
    Lithuania LT
    Luxembourg LU
    Macau MO
    Macedonia MK
    Madagascar MG
    Malawi MW
    Malaysia MY
    Maldives MV
    Mali ML
    Malta MT
    Marshall Islands MH
    Mauritania MR
    Mauritius MU
    Mexico MX
    Micronesia FM
    Moldova MD
    Monaco MC
    Mongolia MN
    Montenegro ME
    Morocco MA
    Mozambique MZ
    Myanmar (Burma) MM
    Namibia NA
    Nauru NR
    Nepal NP
    Netherlands NL
    New Zealand NZ
    Nicaragua NI
    Niger NE
    Nigeria NG
    Norway NO
    Oman OM
    Pakistan PK
    Palau PW
    Panama PA
    Papua New Guinea PG
    Paraguay PY
    Peru PE
    Philippines PH
    Poland PL
    Portugal PT
    Qatar QA
    Romania RO
    Russia RU
    Rwanda RW
    Saint Kitts and Nevis KN
    Saint Lucia LC
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC
    Samoa WS
    San Marino SM
    Sao Tome and Principe ST
    Saudi Arabia SA
    Senegal SN
    Serbia RS
    Seychelles SC
    Sierra Leone SL
    Singapore SG
    Slovakia SK
    Slovenia SI
    Solomon Islands SB
    Somalia SO
    South Africa ZA
    Spain ES
    Sri Lanka LK
    Sudan SD
    Suriname SR
    Swaziland SZ
    Sweden SE
    Switzerland CH
    Syria SY
    Taiwan TW
    Tajikistan TJ
    Tanzania TZ
    Thailand TH
    Timor-Leste (East Timor) TL
    Togo TG
    Tonga TO
    Trinidad and Tobago TT
    Tunisia TN
    Turkey TR
    Turkmenistan TM
    Tuvalu TV
    U.S. Virgin Islands VI
    Uganda UG
    Ukraine UA
    United Arab Emirates AE
    United Kingdom GB
    United States US
    Uruguay UY
    Uzbekistan UZ
    Vanuatu VU
    Vatican City VA
    Venezuela VE
    Vietnam VN
    Yemen YE
    Zambia ZM
    Zimbabwe ZW
    Kosovo XK
    South Sudan SS
    China CN
    Palestine PS
    Curacao CW
    Dominican Republic DO
    Dominican Republic DO
    Gibraltar GI
    New Caledonia NC
    Cook Islands CK
    Reunion RE
    Guernsey GG
    Guadeloupe GP
    Martinique MQ
    French Polynesia PF
    Faroe Islands FO
    Greenland GL
    Jersey JE
    Aruba AW
    Puerto Rico PR
    Isle of Man IM
    Guam GU
    Sint Maarten SX
    Turks and Caicos TC
    Åland Islands AX
    Caribbean Netherlands BQ
    British Indian Ocean Territory IO
    Christmas as Island CX
    Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC
    Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) FK
    Mayotte YT
    Niue NU
    Norfolk Island NF
    Northern Mariana Islands MP
    Pitcairn Islands PN
    Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SH
    Collectivity of Saint Martin MF
    Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM
    Tokelau TK
    Wallis and Futuna WF
    American Samoa AS

    Cancel withdrawal

    You can cancel normal withdrawal requests, but you cannot cancel withdrawal requests on Lightning.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/cancel-withdrawal

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/asset/cancel-withdrawal
    body {
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Cancel withdrawal
    result = fundingAPI.cancel_withdrawal(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    wdId String Yes Withdrawal ID

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "wdId": "1123456"   

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    wdId String Withdrawal ID

    Get withdrawal history

    Retrieve the withdrawal records according to the currency, withdrawal status, and time range in reverse chronological order. The 100 most recent records are returned by default.
    Websocket API is also available, refer to Withdrawal info channel.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/withdrawal-history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/withdrawal-history
    # Query withdrawal history from 2022-06-01 to 2022-07-01
    GET /api/v5/asset/withdrawal-history?ccy=BTC&after=1654041600000&before=1656633600000

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC
    wdId String No Withdrawal ID
    clientId String No Client-supplied ID
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    txId String No Hash record of the deposit
    type String No Withdrawal type
    3: Internal transfer
    4: On-chain withdrawal
    state String No Status of withdrawal

  • Stage 1 : Pending withdrawal
  • 10: Waiting transfer
    0: Waiting withdrawal
    4/5/6/8/9/12: Waiting manual review
    7: Approved

  • Stage 2 : Withdrawal in progress (Applicable to on-chain withdrawals, internal transfers do not have this stage)
  • 1: Broadcasting your transaction to chain
    15: Pending transaction validation
    16: Due to local laws and regulations, your withdrawal may take up to 24 hours to arrive
    -3: Canceling

  • Final stage
  • -2: Canceled
    -1: Failed
    2: Success
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1654041600000
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1656633600000
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100; The default is 100

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "chain": "ETH-Ethereum",
          "fee": "0.007",
          "ccy": "ETH",
          "clientId": "",
          "amt": "0.029809",
          "txId": "0x35c******b360a174d",
          "from": "156****359",
          "areaCodeFrom": "86",
          "to": "0xa30d1fab********7CF18C7B6C579",
          "areaCodeTo": "",
          "state": "2",
          "ts": "1655251200000",
          "wdId": "15447421"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    chain String Chain name, e.g. USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    nonTradableAsset Boolean Whether it is a non-tradable asset or not
    true: non-tradable asset, false: tradable asset
    amt String Withdrawal amount
    ts String Time the withdrawal request was submitted, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1655251200000.
    from String Withdrawal account
    It can be email/phone/sub-account name
    areaCodeFrom String Area code for the phone number
    If from is a phone number, this parameter returns the area code for the phone number
    to String Receiving address
    areaCodeTo String Area code for the phone number
    If to is a phone number, this parameter returns the area code for the phone number
    tag String Some currencies require a tag for withdrawals. This is not returned if not required.
    pmtId String Some currencies require a payment ID for withdrawals. This is not returned if not required.
    memo String Some currencies require this parameter for withdrawals. This is not returned if not required.
    addrEx Object Withdrawal address attachment (This will not be returned if the currency does not require this) e.g. TONCOIN attached tag name is comment, the return will be {'comment':'123456'}
    txId String Hash record of the withdrawal
    This parameter will return "" for internal transfers.
    fee String Withdrawal fee amount
    feeCcy String Withdrawal fee currency, e.g. USDT
    state String Status of withdrawal
    wdId String Withdrawal ID
    clientId String Client-supplied ID

    Get deposit withdraw status

    Retrieve deposit's and withdrawal's detailed status and estimated complete time.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-withdraw-status

    Request Example

    # For deposit
    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-withdraw-status?txId=xxxxxx&to=1672734730284&ccy=USDT&chain=USDT-ERC20
    # For withdrawal
    GET /api/v5/asset/deposit-withdraw-status?wdId=200045249

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    wdId String Conditional Withdrawl ID, use to retrieve withdrawal status
    Required to input one and only one of wdId and txId
    txId String Conditional Hash record of the deposit, use to retrieve deposit status
    Required to input one and only one of wdId and txId
    ccy String Conditional Currency type, e.g. USDT
    Required when retrieving deposit status with txId
    to String Conditional To address, the destination address in deposit
    Required when retrieving deposit status with txId
    chain String Conditional Currency chain infomation, e.g. USDT-ERC20
    Required when retrieving deposit status with txId

    Response Example

                "wdId": "200045249",
                "txId": "16f3638329xxxxxx42d988f97", 
                "state": "Pending withdrawal: Wallet is under maintenance, please wait.",
                "estCompleteTime": "01/09/2023, 8:10:48 PM"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    estCompleteTime String Estimated complete time
    The timezone is UTC+8. The format is MM/dd/yyyy, h:mm:ss AM/PM
    estCompleteTime is only an approximate estimated time, for reference only.
    state String The detailed stage and status of the deposit/withdrawal
    The message in front of the colon is the stage; the message after the colon is the ongoing status.
    txId String Hash record on-chain
    For withdrawal, if the txId has already been generated, it will return the value, otherwise, it will return "".
    wdId String Withdrawal ID
    When retrieving deposit status, wdId returns blank "".

    Small assets convert

    Convert small assets in funding account to OKB. Only 5 convert is allowed within 24 hours.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert-dust-assets

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert-dust-assets
    body {
    import okx.Funding as Funding
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    fundingAPI = Funding.FundingAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Small assets convert
    result = fundingAPI.convert_dust_assets(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy Array of strings Yes Small assets needed to be converted, e.g. ["BTC","USDT"]

    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "data": [
          "details": [
              "amt": "1",
              "ccy": "USDT",
              "cnvAmt": "0.04771642808422",
              "fee": "0.00097380465478"
          "totalCnvAmt": "0.04771642"
      "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    totalCnvAmt String Total quantity of OKB after conversion
    details Array of objects Details of asset conversion
    > ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    > amt String Quantity of currency assets before conversion
    > cnvAmt String Quantity of OKB after conversion
    > fee String Fee for conversion, unit in OKB

    Get exchange list (public)

    Authentication is not required for this public endpoint.

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: IP

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/exchange-list

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/exchange-list

    Request Parameters


    Response Example

      "code": "0",
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
            "exchId": "did:ethr:0xfeb4f99829a9acdf52979abee87e83addf22a7e1",
            "exchName": "1xbet"

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    exchName String Exchange name, e.g. 1xbet
    exchId String Exchange ID, e.g. did:ethr:0xfeb4f99829a9acdf52979abee87e83addf22a7e1

    Apply for monthly statement (last year)

    Apply for monthly statement in the past year.

    Rate Limit: 20 requests per month

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    month String No Month,last month by default. Valid value is Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,May, Jun, Jul,Aug, Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "ts": "1646892328000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ts String Download link generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    GET monthly statement (last year)

    Retrieve monthly statement in the past year.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/monthly-statement?month=Jan

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    month String Yes Month, valid value is Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,May, Jun, Jul,Aug, Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "fileHref": "http://xxx",
                "state": "finished",
                "ts": "1646892328000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    fileHref String Download file link
    ts String Download link generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    state String Download link status
    "finished" "ongoing"

    Get convert currencies

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/currencies

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/currencies

    Response parameters


    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "min": "",  // Deprecated
                "max": "",  // Deprecated
                "ccy": "BTC"
                "min": "",
                "max": "",
                "ccy": "ETH"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    min String Minimum amount to convert ( Deprecated )
    max String Maximum amount to convert ( Deprecated )

    Get convert currency pair

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/currency-pair

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/currency-pair?fromCcy=USDT&toCcy=BTC

    Response parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    fromCcy String Yes Currency to convert from, e.g. USDT
    toCcy String Yes Currency to convert to, e.g. BTC

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "baseCcy": "BTC",
                "baseCcyMax": "0.5",
                "baseCcyMin": "0.0001",
                "instId": "BTC-USDT",
                "quoteCcy": "USDT",
                "quoteCcyMax": "10000",
                "quoteCcyMin": "1"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    instId String Currency pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
    baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    baseCcyMax String Maximum amount of base currency
    baseCcyMin String Minimum amount of base currency
    quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcyMax String Maximum amount of quote currency
    quoteCcyMin String Minimum amount of quote currency

    Estimate quote

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 5 seconds

    Rate limit rule: Instrument

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert/estimate-quote

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert/estimate-quote
        "baseCcy": "ETH",
        "quoteCcy": "USDT",
        "side": "buy",
        "rfqSz": "30",
        "rfqSzCcy": "USDT"

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    baseCcy String Yes Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcy String Yes Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    side String Yes Trade side based on baseCcy
    buy sell
    rfqSz String Yes RFQ amount
    rfqSzCcy String Yes RFQ currency
    clQReqId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    tag String No Order tag
    Applicable to broker user

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "baseCcy": "ETH",
                "baseSz": "0.01023052",
                "clQReqId": "",
                "cnvtPx": "2932.40104429",
                "origRfqSz": "30",
                "quoteCcy": "USDT",
                "quoteId": "quoterETH-USDT16461885104612381",
                "quoteSz": "30",
                "quoteTime": "1646188510461",
                "rfqSz": "30",
                "rfqSzCcy": "USDT",
                "side": "buy",
                "ttlMs": "10000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    quoteTime String Quotation generation time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    ttlMs String Validity period of quotation in milliseconds
    clQReqId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    quoteId String Quote ID
    baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    side String Trade side based on baseCcy
    origRfqSz String Original RFQ amount
    rfqSz String Real RFQ amount
    rfqSzCcy String RFQ currency
    cnvtPx String Convert price based on quote currency
    baseSz String Convert amount of base currency
    quoteSz String Convert amount of quote currency

    Convert trade

    You should make estimate quote before convert trade.

    Rate Limit: 10 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    For the same side (buy/sell), there's a trading limit of 1 request per 5 seconds.

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert/trade

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/asset/convert/trade
        "baseCcy": "ETH",
        "quoteCcy": "USDT",
        "side": "buy",
        "sz": "30",
        "szCcy": "USDT",
        "quoteId": "quoterETH-USDT16461885104612381"

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    quoteId String Yes Quote ID
    baseCcy String Yes Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcy String Yes Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    side String Yes Trade side based on baseCcy
    buy sell
    sz String Yes Quote amount
    The quote amount should no more then RFQ amount
    szCcy String Yes Quote currency
    clTReqId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    tag String No Order tag
    Applicable to broker user

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "baseCcy": "ETH",
                "clTReqId": "",
                "fillBaseSz": "0.01023052",
                "fillPx": "2932.40104429",
                "fillQuoteSz": "30",
                "instId": "ETH-USDT",
                "quoteCcy": "USDT",
                "quoteId": "quoterETH-USDT16461885104612381",
                "side": "buy",
                "state": "fullyFilled",
                "tradeId": "trader16461885203381437",
                "ts": "1646188520338"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    tradeId String Trade ID
    quoteId String Quote ID
    clTReqId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    state String Trade state
    fullyFilled: success
    rejected: failed
    instId String Currency pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
    baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    side String Trade side based on baseCcy
    fillPx String Filled price based on quote currency
    fillBaseSz String Filled amount for base currency
    fillQuoteSz String Filled amount for quote currency
    ts String Convert trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085

    Get convert history

    Rate Limit: 6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/history

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/asset/convert/history

    Request Parameters

    Parameters Types Required Description
    clTReqId String No Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters.
    after String No Pagination of data to return records earlier than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    before String No Pagination of data to return records newer than the requested ts, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.
    tag String No Order tag
    Applicable to broker user
    If the convert trading used tag, this parameter is also required.

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "clTReqId": "",
                "instId": "ETH-USDT",
                "side": "buy",
                "fillPx": "2932.401044",
                "baseCcy": "ETH",
                "quoteCcy": "USDT",
                "fillBaseSz": "0.01023052",
                "state": "fullyFilled",
                "tradeId": "trader16461885203381437",
                "fillQuoteSz": "30",
                "ts": "1646188520000"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    tradeId String Trade ID
    clTReqId String Client Order ID as assigned by the client
    state String Trade state
    fullyFilled : success
    rejected : failed
    instId String Currency pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
    baseCcy String Base currency, e.g. BTC in BTC-USDT
    quoteCcy String Quote currency, e.g. USDT in BTC-USDT
    side String Trade side based on baseCcy
    buy sell
    fillPx String Filled price based on quote currency
    fillBaseSz String Filled amount for base currency
    fillQuoteSz String Filled amount for quote currency
    ts String Convert trade time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085


    Deposit info channel

    A push notification is triggered when a deposit is initiated or the deposit status changes.
    Supports subscriptions for accounts

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/business (required login)

    Request Example

        "op": "subscribe",
        "args": [
                "channel": "deposit-info"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC

    Successful Response Example

        "event": "subscribe",
        "arg": {
            "channel": "deposit-info"
        "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

        "event": "error",
        "code": "60012",
        "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"deposit-info\""}]}",
        "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Operation
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "deposit-info",
            "uid": "289320****60975104"
        "data": [{
            "actualDepBlkConfirm": "0",
            "amt": "1",
            "areaCodeFrom": "",
            "ccy": "USDT",
            "chain": "USDT-TRC20",
            "depId": "88165462",
            "from": "",
            "fromWdId": "",
            "pTime": "1674103661147",
            "state": "0",
            "subAcct": "test",
            "to": "TEhFAqpuHa3LY*****8ByNoGnrmexeGMw",
            "ts": "1674103661123",
            "txId": "bc5376817*****************dbb0d729f6b",
            "uid": "289320****60975104"

    Push data parameters

    Parameters Types Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > uid String User Identifier
    > ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    data Array Subscribed data
    > uid String User Identifier of the message producer
    > subAcct String Sub-account name
    If the message producer is master account, the parameter will return ""
    > pTime String Push time, the millisecond format of the Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    > ccy String Currency
    > chain String Chain name
    > amt String Deposit amount
    > from String Deposit account
    Only the internal Turkey account is returned, not the address on the blockchain.
    > areaCodeFrom String If from is a phone number, this parameter return area code of the phone number
    > to String Deposit address
    > txId String Hash record of the deposit
    > ts String Time of deposit record is created, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1655251200000
    > state String Status of deposit
    0: waiting for confirmation
    1: deposit credited
    2: deposit successful
    8: pending due to temporary deposit suspension on this crypto currency
    11: match the address blacklist
    12: account or deposit is frozen
    13: sub-account deposit interception
    14: KYC limit
    > depId String Deposit ID
    > fromWdId String Internal transfer initiator's withdrawal ID
    If the deposit comes from internal transfer, this field displays the withdrawal ID of the internal transfer initiator, and will return "" in other cases
    > actualDepBlkConfirm String The actual amount of blockchain confirmed in a single deposit

    Withdrawal info channel

    A push notification is triggered when a withdrawal is initiated or the withdrawal status changes.
    Supports subscriptions for accounts

    URL Path

    /ws/v5/business (required login)

    Request Example

        "op": "subscribe",
        "args": [
                "channel": "withdrawal-info"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes Operation
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC

    Successful Response Example

        "event": "subscribe",
        "arg": {
            "channel": "withdrawal-info"
        "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

        "event": "error",
        "code": "60012",
        "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"withdrawal-info\"}]}",
        "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes Operation
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    > ccy String No Currency, e.g. BTC
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "withdrawal-info",
            "uid": "289320*****0975104"
        "data": [{
            "addrEx": null,
            "amt": "2",
            "areaCodeFrom": "",
            "areaCodeTo": "",
            "ccy": "USDT",
            "chain": "USDT-TRC20",
            "clientId": "",
            "fee": "0.8",
            "feeCcy": "USDT",
            "from": "",
            "memo": "",
            "nonTradableAsset": false,
            "pTime": "1674103268578",
            "pmtId": "",
            "state": "0",
            "subAcct": "test",
            "tag": "",
            "to": "TN8CKTQMnpWfT******8KipbJ24ErguhF",
            "ts": "1674103268472",
            "txId": "",
            "uid": "289333*****1101696",
            "wdId": "63754560"

    Push data parameters

    Parameters Types Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    > uid String User Identifier
    > ccy String Currency, e.g. BTC
    data Array Subscribed data
    > uid String User Identifier of the message producer
    > subAcct String Sub-account name
    If the message producer is master account, the parameter will return ""
    > pTime String Push time, the millisecond format of the Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    > ccy String Currency
    > chain String Chain name, e.g. USDT-ERC20, USDT-TRC20
    > nonTradableAsset String Whether it is a non-tradable asset or not
    true: non-tradable asset, false: tradable asset
    > amt String Withdrawal amount
    > ts String Time the withdrawal request was submitted, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1655251200000.
    > from String Withdrawal account
    It can be email/phone/sub-account name
    > areaCodeFrom String Area code for the phone number
    If from is a phone number, this parameter returns the area code for the phone number
    > to String Receiving address
    > areaCodeTo String Area code for the phone number
    If to is a phone number, this parameter returns the area code for the phone number
    > tag String Some currencies require a tag for withdrawals
    > pmtId String Some currencies require a payment ID for withdrawals
    > memo String Some currencies require this parameter for withdrawals
    > addrEx Object Withdrawal address attachment, e.g. TONCOIN attached tag name is comment, the return will be {'comment':'123456'}
    > txId String Hash record of the withdrawal
    This parameter will return "" for internal transfers.
    > fee String Withdrawal fee amount
    > feeCcy String Withdrawal fee currency, e.g. USDT
    > state String Status of withdrawal

  • Stage 1 : Pending withdrawal
  • 10: Waiting transfer
    0: Waiting withdrawal
    4/5/6/8/9/12: Waiting manual review
    7: Approved

  • Stage 2 : Withdrawal in progress (Applicable to on-chain withdrawals, internal transfers do not have this stage)
  • 1: Broadcasting your transaction to chain
    15: Pending transaction validation
    16: Due to local laws and regulations, your withdrawal may take up to 24 hours to arrive
    -3: Canceling

  • Final stage
  • -2: Canceled
    -1: Failed
    2: Success
    > wdId String Withdrawal ID
    > clientId String Client-supplied ID


    The API endpoints of sub-account require authentication.


    Get sub-account list

    Applies to master accounts only

    Rate limit:2 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/users/subaccount/list

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/users/subaccount/list
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get sub-account list
    result = subAccountAPI.get_subaccount_list()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    enable String No Sub-account status
    true: Normal false: Frozen
    subAcct String No Sub-account name
    after String No Query the data earlier than the requested subaccount creation timestamp, the value should be a Unix timestamp in millisecond format. e.g. 1597026383085
    before String No Query the data newer than the requested subaccount creation timestamp, the value should be a Unix timestamp in millisecond format. e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Returned results

                "canTransOut": false,
                "enable": true,
                "frozenFunc": [
                "gAuth": false,
                "label": "D456DDDLx",
                "mobile": "",
                "subAcct": "D456DDDL",
                "ts": "1659334756000",
                "type": "1",
                "uid": "3400***********7413"

    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    type String Sub-account type
    1: Standard sub-account
    2: Managed trading sub-account
    5: Custody sub-account - Copper
    enable Boolean Sub-account status
    true: Normal
    false: Frozen (global)
    subAcct String Sub-account name
    uid String Sub-account uid
    label String Sub-account note
    mobile String Mobile number that linked with the sub-account.
    gAuth Boolean If the sub-account switches on the Google Authenticator for login authentication.
    true: On false: Off
    frozenFunc Array of string Frozen functions
    canTransOut Boolean Whether the sub-account has the right to transfer out.
    true: can transfer out
    false: cannot transfer out
    ts String Sub-account creation time, Unix timestamp in millisecond format. e.g. 1597026383085

    Reset the API Key of a sub-account

    Applies to master accounts only and master accounts API Key must be linked to IP addresses. Only API keys with Trade privilege can call this endpoint.

    Rate limit:1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    POST /api/v5/users/subaccount/modify-apikey

    Request sample

    POST /api/v5/users/subaccount/modify-apikey
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Reset the API Key of a sub-account
    result = subAccountAPI.reset_subaccount_apikey(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter name Type Required Description
    subAcct String Yes Sub-account name
    apiKey String Yes Sub-account APIKey
    label String No Sub-account API Key label. The label will be reset if this is passed through.
    perm String No Sub-account API Key permissions
    read_only: Read
    trade: Trade
    Separate with commas if more than one.
    The permission will be reset if this is passed through.
    ip String No Sub-account API Key linked IP addresses, separate with commas if more than one. Support up to 20 IP addresses.
    The IP will be reset if this is passed through.
    If ip is set to "", then no IP addresses is linked to the APIKey.

    Returned results

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
            "subAcct": "yongxu",
            "label": "v5",
            "apiKey": "arg13sdfgs",
            "perm": "read,trade",
            "ip": "",
            "ts": "1597026383085"

    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    subAcct String Sub-account name
    apiKey String Sub-accountAPI public key
    label String Sub-account API Key label
    perm String Sub-account API Key permissions
    read_only: Read
    trade: Trade
    ip String Sub-account API Key IP addresses that linked with API Key
    ts String Creation time

    Get sub-account trading balance

    Query detailed balance info of Trading Account of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only)

    Rate limit:6 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/account/subaccount/balances

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/account/subaccount/balances?subAcct=test1
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get sub-account trading balance
    result = subAccountAPI.get_account_balance(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    subAcct String Yes Sub-account name

    Returned result

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "adjEq": "10679688.0460531643092577",
                "borrowFroz": "",
                "details": [
                        "availBal": "",
                        "availEq": "9930359.9998",
                        "cashBal": "9930359.9998",
                        "ccy": "USDT",
                        "crossLiab": "0",
                        "disEq": "9439737.0772999514",
                        "eq": "9930359.9998",
                        "eqUsd": "9933041.196999946",
                        "smtSyncEq": "0",
                        "fixedBal": "0",
                        "frozenBal": "0",
                        "imr": "",
                        "interest": "0",
                        "isoEq": "0",
                        "isoLiab": "0",
                        "liab": "0",
                        "maxLoan": "10000",
                        "mgnRatio": "",
                        "mmr": "",
                        "notionalLever": "",
                        "ordFrozen": "0",
                        "twap": "0",
                        "uTime": "1620722938250",
                        "upl": "0",
                        "uplLiab": "0",
                        "borrowFroz": "",
                        "spotIsoBal": "0",
                        "spotBal": "",
                        "openAvgPx": "",
                        "accAvgPx": "",
                        "spotUpl": "",
                        "spotUplRatio": "",
                        "totalPnl": "",
                        "totalPnlRatio": ""
                        "availBal": "",
                        "availEq": "33.6799714158199414",
                        "cashBal": "33.2009985",
                        "ccy": "BTC",
                        "crossLiab": "0",
                        "disEq": "1239950.9687532129092577",
                        "eq": "33.771820625136023",
                        "eqUsd": "1239950.9687532129092577",
                        "smtSyncEq": "0",
                        "fixedBal": "0",
                        "frozenBal": "0.0918492093160816",
                        "imr": "",
                        "interest": "0",
                        "isoEq": "0",
                        "isoLiab": "0",
                        "liab": "0",
                        "maxLoan": "1453.92289531493594",
                        "mgnRatio": "",
                        "mmr": "",
                        "notionalLever": "",
                        "ordFrozen": "0",
                        "twap": "0",
                        "uTime": "1620722938250",
                        "upl": "0.570822125136023",
                        "uplLiab": "0",
                        "borrowFroz": "",
                        "spotIsoBal": "0",
                        "spotBal": "",
                        "openAvgPx": "",
                        "accAvgPx": "",
                        "spotUpl": "",
                        "spotUplRatio": "",
                        "totalPnl": "",
                        "totalPnlRatio": ""
                "imr": "3372.2942371050594217",
                "isoEq": "0",
                "mgnRatio": "70375.35408747017",
                "mmr": "134.8917694842024",
                "notionalUsd": "33722.9423710505978888",
                "ordFroz": "0",
                "totalEq": "11172992.1657531589092577",
                "uTime": "1623392334718",
                "upl": "-7.571730042000012"
        "msg": ""

    Response parameters

    Parameters Types Description
    uTime String The latest time to get account information, millisecond format of Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085
    totalEq String The total amount of equity in USD
    isoEq String Isolated margin equity in USD
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    adjEq String Adjusted / Effective equity in USD
    The net fiat value of the assets in the account that can provide margins for spot, expiry futures, perpetual futures and options under the cross-margin mode.
    In multi-ccy or PM mode, the asset and margin requirement will all be converted to USD value to process the order check or liquidation.
    Due to the volatility of each currency market, our platform calculates the actual USD value of each currency based on discount rates to balance market risks.
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    ordFroz String Margin frozen for pending cross orders in USD
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin
    imr String Initial margin requirement in USD
    The sum of initial margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    mmr String Maintenance margin requirement in USD
    The sum of maintenance margins of all open positions and pending orders under cross-margin mode in USD.
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of the account in USD
    Only applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
    mgnRatio String Margin ratio in USD.
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    notionalUsd String Notional value of positions in USD
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    upl String Cross-margin info of unrealized profit and loss at the account level in USD
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    details Array Detailed asset information in all currencies
    > ccy String Currency
    > eq String Equity of currency
    > cashBal String Cash Balance
    > uTime String Update time, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1597026383085
    > isoEq String Isolated margin equity of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > fixedBal String Frozen balance for Dip Sniper and Peak Sniper
    > availEq String Available equity of currency
    The balance that can be used on margin or futures/swap trading.
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > disEq String Discount equity of currency in USD
    > availBal String Available balance of currency
    > frozenBal String Frozen balance of currency
    > ordFrozen String Margin frozen for open orders
    Applicable to Spot mode/Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin
    > liab String Liabilities of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > upl String The sum of the unrealized profit & loss of all margin and derivatives positions of currency.
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > uplLiab String Liabilities due to Unrealized loss of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > crossLiab String Cross Liabilities of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > isoLiab String Isolated Liabilities of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > mgnRatio String Cross margin ratio of currency
    The index for measuring the risk of a certain asset in the account.
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    > imr String Cross initial margin requirement at the currency level
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    > mmr String Cross maintenance margin requirement at the currency level
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position
    > interest String Interest of currency
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > twap String System's forced repayment(TWAP) indicator
    Divided into multiple levels from 0 to 5, the larger the number, the more likely the auto repayment will be triggered.
    Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > maxLoan String Max loan of currency
    Applicable to cross of Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    > eqUsd String Equity USD of currency
    > borrowFroz String Potential borrowing IMR of currency in USD
    Only applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin. It is "" for other margin modes.
    > notionalLever String Leverage of currency
    Applicable to Spot and futures mode
    > spotIsoBal String SPOT isolated balance. only applicable to copy trading
    > smtSyncEq String Smark sync equity
    The default is "0", only applicable to copy trader
    > spotBal String Spot balance. The unit is currency, e.g. BTC. Clicking knows more
    > openAvgPx Array Spot average cost price. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
    > accAvgPx Array Spot accumulated cost price. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
    > spotUpl String Spot unrealized profit and loss. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
    > spotUplRatio String Spot unrealized profit and loss ratio. Clicking knows more
    > totalPnl String Spot accumulated profit and loss. The unit is USD. Clicking knows more
    > totalPnlRatio String Spot accumulated profit and loss ratio. Clicking knows more

    Get sub-account funding balance

    Query detailed balance info of Funding Account of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only)

    Rate limit:6 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/asset/subaccount/balances

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/asset/subaccount/balances?subAcct=test1
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get sub-account funding balance
    result = subAccountAPI.get_funding_balance(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    subAcct String Yes Sub-account name
    ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies (no more than 20) separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

    Returned result

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [{
                "availBal": "37.11827078",
                "bal": "37.11827078",
                "ccy": "ETH",
                "frozenBal": "0"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    bal String Balance
    frozenBal String Frozen balance
    availBal String Available balance

    Get sub-account maximum withdrawals

    Retrieve the maximum withdrawal information of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only). If no currency is specified, the transferable amount of all owned currencies will be returned.

    Rate limit: 20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/account/subaccount/max-withdrawal

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/account/subaccount/max-withdrawal?subAcct=test1

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    subAcct String Yes Sub-account name
    ccy String No Single currency or multiple currencies (no more than 20) separated with comma, e.g. BTC or BTC,ETH.

    Response Example


    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ccy String Currency
    maxWd String Max withdrawal (excluding borrowed assets under Multi-currency margin)
    maxWdEx String Max withdrawal (including borrowed assets under Multi-currency margin)
    spotOffsetMaxWd String Max withdrawal under Spot-Derivatives risk offset mode (excluding borrowed assets under Portfolio margin)
    Applicable to Portfolio margin
    spotOffsetMaxWdEx String Max withdrawal under Spot-Derivatives risk offset mode (including borrowed assets under Portfolio margin)
    Applicable to Portfolio margin

    Get history of sub-account transfer

    Applies to master accounts only.

    Rate limit:6 requests per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/asset/subaccount/bills

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/asset/subaccount/bills
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Get history of sub-account transfer
    result = subAccountAPI.bills()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String No Currency, such as BTC
    type String No Transfer type
    0: Transfers from master account to sub-account
    1 : Transfers from sub-account to master account.
    subAcct String No Sub-account name
    after String No Query the data prior to the requested bill ID creation time (exclude), the value should be a Unix timestamp in millisecond format. e.g. 1597026383085
    before String No Query the data after the requested bill ID creation time (exclude), the value should be a Unix timestamp in millisecond format. e.g. 1597026383085
    limit String No Number of results per request. The maximum is 100. The default is 100.

    Returned results

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
            "amt": "1.1",
            "billId": "89887685",
            "ccy": "USDT", 
            "subAcct": "hahatest1",
            "ts": "1712560959000",
            "type": "0"

    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    billId String Bill ID
    ccy String Transfer currency
    amt String Transfer amount
    type String Bill type
    subAcct String Sub-account name
    ts String Bill ID creation time, Unix timestamp in millisecond format, e.g. 1597026383085

    Master accounts manage the transfers between sub-accounts

    Applies to master accounts only.

    Only API keys with Trade privilege can call this endpoint.

    Rate limit:1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    POST /api/v5/asset/subaccount/transfer

    Request sample

    POST /api/v5/asset/subaccount/transfer
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Master accounts manage the transfers between sub-accounts
    result = subAccountAPI.subAccount_transfer(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    ccy String Yes Currency
    amt String Yes Transfer amount
    from String Yes Account type of transfer from sub-account
    6: Funding Account
    18: Trading account
    to String Yes Account type of transfer to sub-account
    6: Funding Account
    18: Trading account
    fromSubAccount String Yes Sub-account name of the account that transfers funds out.
    toSubAccount String Yes Sub-account name of the account that transfers funds in.
    loanTrans Boolean No Whether or not borrowed coins can be transferred out under Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
    The default is false
    omitPosRisk String No Ignore position risk
    Default is false
    Applicable to Portfolio margin

    Returned results


    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    transId String Transfer ID

    Set permission of transfer out

    Set permission of transfer out for sub-account (only applicable to master account API key). Sub-account can transfer out to master account by default.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per second

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v5/users/subaccount/set-transfer-out

    Request Example

    POST /api/v5/users/subaccount/set-transfer-out
        "subAcct": "Test001,Test002",
        "canTransOut": true
    import okx.SubAccount as SubAccount
    # API initialization
    apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
    passphrase = "YOUR_PASSPHRASE"
    flag = "1"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    subAccountAPI = SubAccount.SubAccountAPI(apikey, secretkey, passphrase, False, flag)
    # Set permission of transfer out for sub-account
    result = subAccountAPI.set_permission_transfer_out(

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    subAcct String Yes Name of the sub-account. Single sub-account or multiple sub-account (no more than 20) separated with comma.
    canTransOut Boolean No Whether the sub-account has the right to transfer out. The default is true.
    false: cannot transfer out
    true: can transfer out

    Returned result

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": [
                "subAcct": "Test001",
                "canTransOut": true
                "subAcct": "Test002",
                "canTransOut": true

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    subAcct String Name of the sub-account
    canTransOut Boolean Whether the sub-account has the right to transfer out.
    false: cannot transfer out
    true: can transfer out


    The Affiliate API offers affiliate users a flexible function to query the invitee information. Simply enter the UID of your direct invitee to access their relevant information, empowering your affiliate business growth and day-to-day business operation. If you have additional data requirements regarding the Affiliate API, please don't hesitate to contact your BD. We will reach out to you through your BD to provide more comprehensive API support.


    Get the invitee's detail

    Rate limit:20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/affiliate/invitee/detail

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/affiliate/invitee/detail?uid=11111111

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    uid String Yes UID of the invitee. Only applicable to the UID of invitee master account

    Returned results

        "msg": "",
        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "accFee": "0",
                "affiliateCode": "HIIIIII",
                "depAmt": "0",
                "firstTradeTime": "",
                "inviteeLevel": "2",
                "inviteeRebateRate": "0.39",
                "joinTime": "1712546713000",
                "kycTime": "",
                "level": "Lv1",
                "region": "Vietnam",
                "totalCommission": "0",
                "volMonth": "0"

    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    inviteeLv String Invitee's relative level to the affiliate
    If the user is a invitee, the level will be 2.
    joinTime String Timestamp that the rebate relationship is established, Unix timestamp in millisecond format, e.g. 1597026383085
    inviteeRebateRate String Self rebate rate of the invitee (in decimal), e.g. 0.01 represents 10%
    totalCommission String Total commission earned from the invitee, unit in USDT
    firstTradeTime String Timestamp that the first trade is completed after the latest rebate relationship is established with the parent affiliate
    Unix timestamp in millisecond format, e.g. 1597026383085
    If user has not traded, "" will be returned
    level String Invitee trading fee level, e.g. Lv1
    depAmt String Accumulated amount of deposit in USDT
    If user has not deposited, 0 will be returned
    volMonth String Accumulated Trading volume in the current month in USDT
    If user has not traded, 0 will be returned
    accFee String Accumulated Amount of trading fee in USDT
    If there is no any fee, 0 will be returned
    kycTime String KYC2 verification time. Unix timestamp in millisecond format and the precision is in day
    If user has not passed KYC2, "" will be returned
    region String User country or region. e.g. "United Kingdom"
    affiliateCode String Affiliate invite code that the invitee registered/recalled via

    Get the user's affiliate rebate information

    This endpoint will be offline soon, please use Get the invitee's detail

    It is used to get the user's affiliate rebate information for affiliate.

    Rate limit:20 requests per 2 seconds

    Rate limit rule: UserID

    HTTP request

    GET /api/v5/users/partner/if-rebate

    Request sample

    GET /api/v5/users/partner/if-rebate?apiKey=86b02e93-67ab-497d-9970-8cce00a028c3

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    apiKey String Yes The user's API key. Only applicable to the API key of invitee master account

    Returned results

        "code": "0",
        "msg": "",
        "data": {
            "result": true,
            "type": "0"

    Response parameters

    Parameter name Type Description
    result Boolean Whether the user is invited by the current affiliate. true, false
    type String Whether there is affiliate rebate.
    0 There is affiliate rebate
    1 There is no affiliate rebate. Because the account which is requesting this endpoint is not affiliate
    2 There is no affiliate rebate. Because there is no relationship of invitation or recall, e.g. api key does not exist
    4 There is no affiliate rebate. Because the user level is equal to or more than VIP6


    GET / Status

    Get event status of system upgrade.

    Planned system maintenance that may result in short interruption (lasting less than 5 seconds) or websocket disconnection (users can immediately reconnect) will not be announced. The maintenance will only be performed during times of low market volatility.

    Rate Limit: 1 request per 5 seconds

    HTTP Requests

    GET /api/v5/system/status

    Request Example

    GET /api/v5/system/status
    GET /api/v5/system/status?state=canceled
    import okx.Status as Status
    flag = "0"  # Production trading: 0, Demo trading: 1
    statusAPI = Status.StatusAPI(
    # Get event status of system upgrade
    result = statusAPI.status()

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    state String No System maintenance status
    scheduled: waiting
    ongoing: processing
    pre_open: pre_open
    completed: completed
    canceled: canceled
    Generally, pre_open last about 10 minutes. There will be pre_open when the time of upgrade is too long.
    If this parameter is not filled, the data with status scheduled, ongoing and pre_open will be returned by default

    Response Example

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
                "begin": "1672823400000",
                "end": "1672823520000",
                "href": "",
                "preOpenBegin": "",
                "scheDesc": "",
                "serviceType": "8",
                "state": "completed",
                "maintType": "1",
                "env": "1",
                "system": "unified",
                "title": "Trading account system upgrade (in batches of accounts)"
        "msg": ""

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    title String The title of system maintenance instructions
    state String System maintenance status
    begin String Begin time of system maintenance, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1617788463867
    end String Time of resuming trading totally. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1617788463867.
    It is expected end time before completed, changed to actual end time after completed.
    preOpenBegin String The time of pre_open. Canceling orders, placing Post Only orders, and transferring funds to trading accounts are back after preOpenBegin.
    href String Hyperlink for system maintenance details, if there is no return value, the default value will be empty. e.g. ""
    serviceType String Service type
    0: WebSocket
    5: Trading service
    6: Block trading
    7: Trading bot
    8: Trading service (in batches of accounts)
    9: Trading service (in batches of products)
    10: Spread trading
    11: Copy trading
    99: Others (e.g. Suspend partial instruments)
    system String System
    unified: Trading account
    scheDesc String Rescheduled description, e.g. Rescheduled from 2021-01-26T16:30:00.000Z to 2021-01-28T16:30:00.000Z
    maintType String Maintenance type
    1: Scheduled maintenance
    2: Unscheduled maintenance
    3: System disruption
    env String Environment
    1: Production Trading
    2: Demo Trading

    WS / Status channel

    Get the status of system maintenance and push when rescheduling and the system maintenance status and end time changes. First subscription: "Push the latest change data"; every time there is a state change, push the changed content.

    Planned system maintenance that may result in short interruption (lasting less than 5 seconds) or websocket disconnection (users can immediately reconnect) will not be announced. The maintenance will only be performed during times of low market volatility.

    URL Path


    Request Example

      "op": "subscribe",
      "args": [
          "channel": "status"

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    op String Yes subscribe unsubscribe
    args Array Yes List of subscribed channels
    > channel String Yes Channel name

    Successful Response Example

      "event": "subscribe",
      "arg": {
        "channel": "status"
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Failure Response Example

      "event": "error",
      "code": "60012",
      "msg": "Invalid request: {\"op\": \"subscribe\", \"argss\":[{ \"channel\" : \"statuss\"}]}",
      "connId": "a4d3ae55"

    Response parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    event String Yes subscribe unsubscribe error
    arg Object No Subscribed channel
    > channel String Yes Channel name
    code String No Error code
    msg String No Error message
    connId String Yes WebSocket connection ID

    Push Data Example

        "arg": {
            "channel": "status"
        "data": [
                "begin": "1672823400000",
                "end": "1672825980000",
                "href": "",
                "preOpenBegin": "",
                "scheDesc": "",
                "serviceType": "0",
                "state": "completed",
                "system": "unified",
                "maintType": "1",
                "env": "1",
                "title": "Trading account WebSocket system upgrade",
                "ts": "1672826038470"

    Push data parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    arg Object Successfully subscribed channel
    > channel String Channel name
    data Array Subscribed data
    > title String The title of system maintenance instructions
    > state String System maintenance status,scheduled: waiting; ongoing: processing; pre_open: pre_open; completed: completed ;canceled: canceled.
    Generally, pre_open last about 10 minutes. There will be pre_open when the time of upgrade is too long.
    > begin String Start time of system maintenance, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1617788463867
    > end String Time of resuming trading totally. Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1617788463867.
    It is expected end time before completed, changed to actual end time after completed.
    > preOpenBegin String The time of pre_open. Canceling orders, placing Post Only orders, and transferring funds to trading accounts are back after preOpenBegin.
    > href String Hyperlink for system maintenance details, if there is no return value, the default value will be empty. e.g. “”
    > serviceType String Service type, 0: WebSocket ; 5: Trading service; 6: Block trading; 7: Trading bot; 8: Trading service (in batches of accounts); 9: Trading service (in batches of products); 10: Spread trading; 11: Copy trading; 99: Others (e.g. Suspend partial instruments)
    > system String System, unified: Trading account
    > scheDesc String Rescheduled description, e.g. Rescheduled from 2021-01-26T16:30:00.000Z to 2021-01-28T16:30:00.000Z
    > maintType String Maintenance type
    1: Scheduled maintenance; 2: Unscheduled maintenance; 3: System disruption
    > env String Environment.
    1: Production Trading, 2: Demo Trading
    > ts String Push time due to change event, Unix timestamp format in milliseconds, e.g. 1617788463867

    Error Code

    Here is the REST API Error Code


    REST API Error Code is from 50000 to 59999.


    Error Code from 50000 to 53999

    General Class

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    0 200
    1 200 Operation failed.
    2 200 Bulk operation partially succeeded.
    50000 400 Body for POST request cannot be empty.
    50001 503 Service temporarily unavailable. Try again later
    50002 400 JSON syntax error
    50004 400 API endpoint request timeout (does not mean that the request was successful or failed, please check the request result).
    50005 410 API is offline or unavailable.
    50006 400 Invalid Content-Type. Please use "application/JSON".
    50007 200 Account blocked.
    50008 200 User does not exist.
    50009 200 Account is suspended due to ongoing liquidation.
    50010 200 User ID cannot be empty.
    50011 200 Rate limit reached. Please refer to API documentation and throttle requests accordingly.
    50011 429 Too Many Requests
    50012 200 Account status invalid. Check account status
    50013 429 Systems are busy. Please try again later.
    50014 400 Parameter {param0} cannot be empty.
    50015 400 Either parameter {param0} or {param1} is required.
    50016 400 Parameter {param0} and {param1} is an invalid pair.
    50017 200 Position frozen and related operations restricted due to auto-deleveraging (ADL). Try again later
    50018 200 {param0} frozen and related operations restricted due to auto-deleveraging (ADL). Try again later
    50019 200 Account frozen and related operations restricted due to auto-deleveraging (ADL). Try again later
    50020 200 Position frozen and related operations are restricted due to liquidation. Try again later
    50021 200 {param0} frozen and related operations are restricted due to liquidation. Try again later
    50022 200 Account frozen and related operations are restricted due to liquidation. Try again later
    50023 200 Funding fees frozen and related operations are restricted. Try again later
    50024 200 Either parameter {param0} or {param1} should be submitted.
    50025 200 Parameter {param0} count exceeds the limit {param1}.
    50026 500 System error. Try again later
    50027 200 This account is restricted from trading. Please contact customer support for assistance.
    50028 200 Unable to take the order, please reach out to support center for details.
    50029 200 Your account has triggered OKX risk control and is temporarily restricted from conducting transactions. Please check your email registered with OKX for contact from our customer support team.
    50030 200 You don't have permission to use this API endpoint
    50032 200 Your account has been set to prohibit transactions in this currency. Please confirm and try again
    50033 200 Instrument blocked. Please verify trading this instrument is allowed under account settings and try again.
    50035 403 This endpoint requires that APIKey must be bound to IP
    50036 200 The expTime can't be earlier than the current system time. Please adjust the expTime and try again.
    50037 200 Order expired.
    50038 200 This feature is unavailable in demo trading
    50039 200 Parameter "before" isn't supported for timestamp pagination
    50040 200 Too frequent operations, please try again later
    50041 200 Your user ID hasn’t been allowlisted. Please contact customer service for assistance.
    50044 200 Must select one broker type
    50047 200 {param0} has already settled. To check the relevant candlestick data, please use {param1}
    50048 200 Switching risk unit may lead position risk increases and be forced liquidated. Please adjust position size, make sure margin is in a safe status.
    50049 200 No information on the position tier. The current instrument doesn’t support margin trading.
    50050 200 You’ve already activated options trading. Please don’t activate it again.
    50051 200 Due to compliance restrictions in your country or region, you cannot use this feature.
    50052 200 Due to local laws and regulations, you cannot trade with your chosen crypto.
    50053 200 This feature is only available in demo trading.
    50055 200 Reset unsuccessful. Assets can only be reset up to 5 times per day.
    50056 200 You have pending orders or open positions with this currency. Please reset after canceling all the pending orders/closing all the open positions.
    50057 200 Reset unsuccessful. Try again later.
    50058 200 This crypto is not supported in an asset reset.
    50059 200 Before you continue, you'll need to complete additional steps as required by your local regulators. Please visit the website or app for more details.
    50060 200 For security and compliance purposes, please complete the identity verification process to continue using our services.
    50061 200 You've reached the maximum order rate limit for this account.
    50063 200 You can't activate the credits as they might have expired or are already activated.
    50064 200 The borrowing system is unavailable. Try again later.

    API Class

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    50100 400 API frozen, please contact customer service.
    50101 401 APIKey does not match current environment.
    50102 401 Timestamp request expired.
    50103 401 Request header "OK-ACCESS-KEY" cannot be empty.
    50104 401 Request header "OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE" cannot be empty.
    50105 401 Request header "OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE" incorrect.
    50106 401 Request header "OK-ACCESS-SIGN" cannot be empty.
    50107 401 Request header "OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP" cannot be empty.
    50108 401 Exchange ID does not exist.
    50109 401 Exchange domain does not exist.
    50110 401 Your IP {param0} is not included in your API key's IP whitelist.
    50111 401 Invalid OK-ACCESS-KEY.
    50112 401 Invalid OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP.
    50113 401 Invalid signature.
    50114 401 Invalid authorization.
    50115 405 Invalid request method.
    50116 200 Fast API is allowed to create only one API key
    50118 200 To link the app using your API key, your broker needs to share their IP to be whitelisted
    50119 200 API key doesn't exist
    50120 200 This API key doesn't have permission to use this function
    50120 200 This API key doesn't have permission to use this function
    50121 200 You can't access our services through the IP address ({param0})
    50122 200 Order amount must exceed minimum amount

    Trade Class

    Error Code HTTP Status code Error Message
    51000 400 Parameter {param0} error
    51001 200 Instrument ID does not exist
    51002 200 Instrument ID does not match underlying index
    51003 200 Either client order ID or order ID is required
    51004 200 Order failed. For isolated long/short mode of {instId}, the sum of current order size, position quantity in the same direction, and pending orders in the same direction cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current order size: {size} contracts, position quantity in the same direction: {posNumber} contracts, pending orders in the same direction: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For cross long/short mode of {instId}, the sum of current order size, position quantity in the long and short directions, and pending orders in the long and short directions cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current order size: {size} contracts, position quantity in the long and short directions: {posLongShortNumber} contracts, pending orders in the long and short directions: {pendingLongShortNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of current order size, current instId position quantity in the long and short directions, current instId pending orders in the long and short directions, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current order size: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity in the long and short directions: {posLongShortNumber} contracts, current instId pending orders in the long and short directions: {pendingLongShortNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For buy/sell mode of {instId}, the sum of current buy order size, position quantity, and pending buy orders cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current buy order size: {size} contracts, position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, pending buy orders: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For buy/sell mode of {instId}, the sum of current sell order size, position quantity, and pending sell orders cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current sell order size: {size} contracts, position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, pending sell orders: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of current buy order size, current instId position quantity, current instId pending buy orders, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current buy order size: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, current instId pending buy orders: {pendingNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51004 200 Order failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of current sell order size, current instId position quantity, current instId pending sell orders, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, current sell order size: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, current instId pending sell orders: {pendingNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For isolated long/short mode of {instId}, the sum of increment order size by amendment, position quantity in the same direction, and pending orders in the same direction cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amendment: {size} contracts, position quantity in the same direction: {posNumber} contracts, pending orders in the same direction: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For cross long/short mode of {instId}, the sum of increment order size by amendment, position quantity in the long and short directions, and pending orders in the long and short directions cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amendment: {size} contracts, position quantity in the long and short directions: {posLongShortNumber} contracts, pending orders in the same direction: {pendingLongShortNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of increment order size by amendment, current instId position quantity in the long and short directions, current instId pending orders in the long and short directions, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amendment: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity in the long and short directions: {posLongShortNumber} contracts, current instId pending orders in the long and short directions: {pendingLongShortNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For buy/sell mode of {instId}, the sum of increment order size by amending current buy order, position quantity, and pending buy orders cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amending current buy order: {size} contracts, position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, pending buy orders: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For buy/sell mode of {instId}, the sum of increment order size by amending current sell order, position quantity, and pending sell orders cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amending current sell order: {size} contracts, position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, pending sell orders: {pendingNumber} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of increment order size by amending current buy order, current instId position quantity, current instId pending buy orders, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amending current buy order: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, current instId pending buy orders: {pendingNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51004 200 Order amendment failed. For cross buy/sell mode of {businessType} and instFamily {instFamily}, the sum of increment order size by amending current sell order, current instId position quantity, current instId pending sell orders, and other contracts of the same instFamily cannot be more than {tierLimitQuantity}(contracts) which is the maximum position amount under current leverage. Please lower the leverage or use a new sub-account to place the order again (current leverage: {leverage}×, increment order size by amending current sell order: {size} contracts, current instId position quantity: {posNumber} contracts, current instId pending sell orders: {pendingNumber} contracts, other contracts of the same instFamily: {otherQuote} contracts).
    51005 200 Your order amount exceeds the max order amount.
    51006 200 Order price is not within the price limit (max buy price: {param0} min sell price: {param1})
    51007 200 Order failed. Please place orders of at least 1 contract or more.
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} balance in account
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} margin in account
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} balance in account, and Auto Borrow is not enabled
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} margin in account and auto-borrow is not enabled (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51008 200 Order failed. The requested borrow amount is larger than the available {param0} borrow amount of your position tier (Existing pending orders and the new order are required to borrow {param1}, Remaining limit {param2}, Limit {param3}, Limit used {param4})
    51008 200 Order failed. Exceeds {param0} borrow limit (Limit of master account plus the allocated VIP quota for the current account) (Existing pending orders and the new order are required to borrow {param1}, Remaining limit {param2}, Limit {param3}, Limit used {param4})
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} crypto limitation causes insufficient available to borrow
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} available in loan pool to borrow.
    51008 200 Order failed. Insufficient account balance, and the adjusted equity in USD is less than IMR (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51008 200 Order failed. The order didn't pass delta verification because if the order were to succeed, the change in adjEq would be smaller than the change in IMR. Increase adjEq or reduce IMR (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51009 200 Order blocked. Please contact customer support for assistance.
    51010 200 Request unsupported under current account mode
    51011 200 Order ID already exists.
    51012 200 Token does not exist.
    51014 200 Index does not exist.
    51015 200 Instrument ID does not match instrument type.
    51016 200 Client order ID already exists.
    51017 200 Loan amount exceeds borrowing limit.
    51018 200 User with option account cannot hold net short positions.
    51019 200 No net long positions can be held under cross margin mode in options.
    51020 200 Order amount should be greater than the min available amount.
    51021 200 The pair or contract is not yet listed
    51022 200 Contract suspended.
    51023 200 Position does not exist.
    51024 200 Trading account is blocked.
    51024 200 In accordance with the terms of service, we regret to inform you that we cannot provide services for you. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 According to your request, this account has been frozen. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account has recently changed some security settings. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed for now. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 You have withdrawn all assets in the account. To protect your personal information, the account has been permanently frozen. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your identity could not be verified. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your verified age doesn't meet the requirement. To protect the security of your funds, we cannot proceed with your request. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 In accordance with the terms of service, trading is currently unavailable in your verified country or region. Close all open positions or contact customer support if you have any questions.
    51024 200 In accordance with the terms of service, multiple account is not allowed. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account is in judicial freezing, and this action is not allowed for now. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Based on your previous requests, this action is not allowed for now. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account has disputed deposit orders. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed for now. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Unable to proceed. Please resolve your existing P2P disputes first.
    51024 200 Your account might have compliance risk. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed for now. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Based on your trading requests, this action is not allowed for now. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account has triggered risk control. This action is not allowed for now. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 This account is temporarily unavailable. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Withdrawal function of this account is temporarily unavailable. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Transfer function of this account is temporarily unavailable. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 You violated the "Fiat Trading Rules" when you were doing fiat trade, so we'll no longer provide fiat trading-related services for you. The deposit and withdrawal of your account and other trading functions will not be affected.
    51024 200 Please kindly check your mailbox and reply to emails from the verification team.
    51024 200 According to your request, this account has been closed. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account might have security risk. To protect the security of your funds, this action is not allowed for now. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Your account might have security risk. Convert is now unavailable. Please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 Unable to proceed due to account restrictions. We've sent an email to your OKX registered email address regarding this matter, or you can contact customer support via Chat with AI chatbot on our support center page.
    51024 200 In accordance with the terms of service, trading is currently unavailable in your verified country or region. Cancel all orders or contact customer support if you have any questions.
    51024 200 In accordance with the terms of service, trading is not available in your verified country. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.
    51024 200 This product isn’t available in your country or region due to local laws and regulations. If you don’t reside in this area, you may continue using OKX Exchange products with a valid government-issued ID.
    51024 200 Please note that you may not be able to transfer or trade in the first 30 minutes after establishing custody trading sub-accounts. Please kindly wait and try again later.
    51024 200 Feature unavailable. Complete Advanced verification to access this feature.
    51024 200 You can't trade or deposit now. Update your personal info to restore full account access immediately.
    51025 200 Order count exceeds the limit.
    51026 200 Instrument type does not match underlying index.
    51027 200 Contract expired.
    51028 200 Contract under delivery.
    51029 200 Contract is being settled.
    51030 200 Funding fee is being settled.
    51031 200 This order price is not within the closing price range.
    51032 200 Closing all positions at market price.
    51033 200 The total amount per order for this pair has reached the upper limit.
    51034 200 Fill rate exceeds the limit that you've set. Please reset the market maker protection to inactive for new trades.
    51035 200 Account does not have permission to submit MM quote order
    51036 200 Only Options instrument of the PM account supports MMP orders.
    51411 200 Account does not have permission for mass cancellation
    51042 200 Under the Portfolio margin account, users can only place MMP orders in cross margin mode in Options.
    51043 200 This isolated position doesn't exist.
    59509 200 Account does not have permission to reset MMP status
    51037 200 This account only supports placing IOC orders to reduce account risk.
    51038 200 IOC order already exists under the current risk module.
    51039 200 Leverage cannot be adjusted for the cross positions of Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures under the PM account.
    51040 200 Cannot adjust margins for long isolated options positions
    51041 200 Portfolio margin account only supports net mode.
    51044 200 The order type {param0}, {param1} is not allowed to set stop loss and take profit
    51046 200 The take profit trigger price must be higher than the order price
    51047 200 The stop loss trigger price must be lower than the order price
    51048 200 The take profit trigger price must be lower than the order price
    51049 200 The stop loss trigger price must be higher than the order price
    51050 200 The take profit trigger price must be higher than the best ask price
    51051 200 The stop loss trigger price must be lower than the best ask price
    51052 200 The take profit trigger price must be lower than the best bid price
    51053 200 The stop loss trigger price must be higher than the best bid price
    51054 500 Request timed out. Please try again.
    51055 200 Futures Grid is not available in Portfolio Margin mode
    51056 200 Action not allowed
    51057 200 This bot isn’t available in current account mode. Switch mode in Settings > Account mode to continue.
    51058 200 No available position for this algo order
    51059 200 Strategy for the current state does not support this operation
    51065 200 algoClOrdId already exists.
    51068 200 {param0} already exists within algoClOrdId and attachAlgoClOrdId.
    51069 200 The option contracts related to current {param0} do not exist
    51070 200 You do not meet the requirements for switching to this account mode. Please upgrade the account mode on the OKX website or App
    51071 200 You've reached the maximum limit for tag level cancel all after timers.
    51072 200 As a spot lead trader, you need to set tdMode to 'spot_isolated' when configured buying lead trade pairs
    51073 200 As a spot lead trader, you need to use '/copytrading/close-subposition' for selling assets through lead trades
    51074 200 Only the tdMode for lead trade pairs configured by spot lead traders can be set to 'spot_isolated'
    51076 200 TP/SL orders in Split TPs only support one-way TP/SL. You can not use slTriggerPx&slOrdPx and tpTriggerPx&tpOrdPx at the same time.
    51077 200 You cannot set ‘amendPxOnTriggerTyp’ as 1 for spot and margin trading
    51078 200 You are a lead trader. Split TPs are not supported.
    51079 200 The number of TP orders with Split TPs attached in a same order cannot exceed {param0}
    51080 200 Take-profit trigger price types (tpTriggerPxType) must be the same in an order with Split TPs attached
    51081 200 Take-profit trigger prices (tpTriggerPx) cannot be the same in an order with Split TPs attached
    51082 200 Take-profit order prices (tpOrdPx) must be market prices in an order with Split TPs attached
    51083 200 The total size of TP orders with Split TPs attached in a same order should equal the size of this order
    51084 200 The number of SL orders with Split TPs attached in a same order cannot exceed {param0}
    51085 200 The number of TP orders cannot be less than 2 when cost-price SL is enabled (amendPxOnTriggerType set as 1) for Split TPs
    51086 200 The number of orders with Split TPs attached in a same order cannot exceed {param0}
    51538 200 You need to use attachAlgoOrds if you used attachAlgoOrds when placing an order. attachAlgoOrds is not supported if you did not use attachAlgoOrds when placing this order.
    51539 200 attachAlgoId or attachAlgoClOrdId cannot be identical when modifying any TP/SL within your split TPs order
    51527 200 Order modification failed. At least 1 of the attached TP/SL orders does not exist.
    51087 200 Listing canceled for this crypto
    51088 200 You can only place 1 TP/SL order to close an entire position
    51089 200 The size of the TP order among split TPs attached cannot be empty
    51090 200 You can't modify the amount of an SL order placed with a TP limit order.
    51091 200 All TP orders in one order must be of the same type.
    51092 200 TP order prices (tpOrdPx) in one order must be different.
    51093 200 TP limit order prices (tpOrdPx) in one order can't be –1 (market price).
    51094 200 You can't place TP limit orders in spot, margin, or options trading.
    51095 200 To place TP limit orders at this endpoint, you must place an SL order at the same time.
    51096 200 cxlOnClosePos needs to be true to place a TP limit order
    51098 200 You can't add a new TP order to an SL order placed with a TP limit order.
    51099 200 You can't place TP limit orders as a lead trader.
    51178 200 tpTriggerPx&tpOrdPx or slTriggerPx&slOrdPx can't be empty when using attachAlgoClOrdId.
    51100 200 Unable to place order. Take profit/Stop loss conditions cannot be added to reduce-only orders.
    51101 200 Order failed. The size of the current order cannot be more than {maxSzPerOrder} (contracts).
    51102 200 Order failed. The number of pending orders for this instId cannot be more than {maxNumberPerInstrument} (orders).
    51103 200 Order failed. The number of pending orders across all instIds under the current {businessType} instFamily cannot be more than {maxNumberPerInstFamily} (orders).
    51104 200 Order failed. The aggregated contract quantity for all pending orders across all instIds under the current {businessType} instFamily cannot be more than {maxSzPerInstFamily} (contracts).
    51105 200 Order failed. The maximum sum of position quantity and pending orders in the same direction for current instId cannot be more than {maxPositionSzPerInstrument} (contracts).
    51106 200 Order failed. The maximum sum of position quantity and pending orders in the same direction across all instIds under the current {businessType} instFamily cannot be more than {maxPostionSzPerInstFamily51106} (contracts).
    51107 200 Order failed. The maximum sum of position quantity and pending orders in both directions across all instIds under the current {businessType} instFamily cannot be more than {maxPostionSzPerInstFamily51107} (contracts).
    51108 200 Positions exceed the limit for closing out with the market price.
    51109 200 No available offer.
    51110 200 You can only place a limit order after Call Auction has started.
    51111 200 Maximum {param0} orders can be placed in bulk.
    51112 200 Close order size exceeds your available size.
    51113 429 Market-price liquidation requests too frequent.
    51115 200 Cancel all pending close-orders before liquidation.
    51116 200 Order price or trigger price exceeds {param0}.
    51117 200 Pending close-orders count exceeds limit.
    51120 200 Order quantity is less than {param0}. Please try again.
    51121 200 Order quantity must be a multiple of the lot size.
    51122 200 Order price must be higher than the minimum price {param0}.
    51124 200 You can only place limit orders during call auction.
    51125 200 Currently there are pending reduce + reverse position orders in margin trading. Please cancel all pending reduce + reverse position orders and continue.
    51126 200 Currently there are pending reduce only orders in margin trading. Please cancel all pending reduce only orders and continue.
    51127 200 Available balance is 0.
    51128 200 Multi-currency margin accounts cannot do cross-margin trading.
    51129 200 The value of the position and buy order has reached the position limit. No further buying is allowed.
    51130 200 Fixed margin currency error.
    51131 200 Insufficient balance.
    51132 200 Your position amount is negative and less than the minimum trading amount.
    51133 200 Reduce-only feature is unavailable for spot transactions in multi-currency margin accounts.
    51134 200 Closing failed. Please check your margin holdings and pending orders. Turn off the Reduce-only to continue.
    51135 200 Your closing price has triggered the limit price. The maximum buy price is {param0}.
    51136 200 Your closing price has triggered the limit price. The minimum sell price is {param0}.
    51137 200 The highest price limit for buy orders is {param0}
    51138 200 The lowest price limit for sell orders is {param0}
    51139 200 Reduce-only feature is unavailable for the spot transactions by spot mode.
    51143 200 Your inquiry failed, please try again later.
    51145 200 Placing orders in advance is not supported when margins are self-tranferred in isolated mode.
    51147 200 To trade options, make sure you have more than 20,000 USD worth of assets in your trading account first, then activate options trading
    51148 200 Failed to place order. The new order may execute an opposite trading direction of your existing reduce-only positions. Cancel or edit pending orders to continue order
    51149 500 Order timed out. Please try again.
    51150 200 The precision of the number of trades or the price exceeds the limit.
    51152 200 Unable to place an order that mixes automatic buy with automatic repayment or manual operation in Quick margin mode.
    51155 200 Due to local compliance requirements, trading of this pair or contract is restricted.
    51169 200 Failed to place order. You don’t have any positions of this contract. Turn off the Reduce-only to continue.
    51170 200 Failed to place order. A reduce-only order can’t be the same trading direction as your existing positions.
    51171 200 Failed to edit order. The edited order may execute an opposite trading direction of your existing reduce-only positions. Cancel or edit pending orders to continue.
    51174 200 Order failed. The number of {param0} pending orders reached the upper limit of {param1} (orders).
    51175 200 Parameters {param0} {param1} and {param2} cannot be empty at the same time
    51176 200 Only one parameter can be filled among Parameters {param0} {param1} and {param2}
    51177 200 Unavailable to amend {param1} because the price type of the current options order is {param0}
    51179 200 Unavailable to place options orders using {param0} in spot mode
    51180 200 The range of {param0} should be ({param1}, {param2})
    51181 200 ordType must be limit when placing {param0} orders
    51182 200 The total number of pending orders under price types pxUsd and pxVol for the current account cannot exceed {param0}.
    51185 200 The maximum value allowed per order is {maxOrderValue} USD
    51186 200 Order failed. The leverage for {param0} in your current margin mode is {param1}x, which exceeds the platform limit of {param2}x.
    51187 200 Order failed. For {param0} {param1} in your current margin mode, the sum of your current order amount, position sizes, and open orders is {param2} contracts, which exceeds the platform limit of {param3} contracts. Reduce your order amount, cancel orders, or close positions.
    51201 200 Value of per market order cannot exceed 1,000,000 USDT.
    51202 200 Market order amount exceeds the maximum amount.
    51203 200 Order amount exceeds the limit {param0}.
    51204 200 The price for the limit order cannot be empty.
    51205 200 Reduce Only is not available.
    51206 200 Please cancel the Reduce Only order before placing the current {param0} order to avoid opening a reverse position.
    51220 200 Lead and follow bots only support “Sell” or “Close all positions” when bot stops
    51221 200 The profit-sharing ratio must be between 0% and 30%
    51222 200 Profit sharing isn’t supported for this type of bot
    51223 200 Only lead bot creators can set profit-sharing ratio
    51224 200 Profit sharing isn’t supported for this crypto pair
    51225 200 Instant trigger isn’t available for follow bots
    51226 200 Editing parameters isn’t available for follow bots
    51250 200 Algo order price is out of the available range.
    51251 200 Bot order type error occurred when placing iceberg order
    51252 200 Algo order amount is out of the available range.
    51253 200 Average amount exceeds the limit of per iceberg order.
    51254 200 Iceberg average amount error occurred.
    51255 200 Limit of per iceberg order: Total amount/1000 < x <= Total amount.
    51256 200 Iceberg order price variance error.
    51257 200 Trailing stop order callback rate error. The callback rate should be {min}< x<={max}%.
    51258 200 Trailing stop order placement failed. The trigger price of a sell order must be higher than the last transaction price.
    51259 200 Trailing stop order placement failed. The trigger price of a buy order must be lower than the last transaction price.
    51260 200 Maximum of {param0} pending trailing stop orders can be held at the same time.
    51261 200 Each user can hold up to {param0} pending stop orders at the same time.
    51262 200 Maximum {param0} pending iceberg orders can be held at the same time.
    51263 200 Maximum {param0} pending time-weighted orders can be held at the same time.
    51264 200 Average amount exceeds the limit of per time-weighted order.
    51265 200 Time-weighted order limit error.
    51267 200 Time-weighted order strategy initiative rate error.
    51268 200 Time-weighted order strategy initiative range error.
    51269 200 Time-weighted order interval error. Interval must be {%min}<= x<={%max}.
    51270 200 The limit of time-weighted order price variance is 0 < x <= 1%.
    51271 200 Sweep ratio must be 0 < x <= 100%.
    51272 200 Price variance must be 0 < x <= 1%.
    51273 200 Total amount must be greater than {param0}.
    51274 200 Total quantity of time-weighted order must be larger than single order limit.
    51275 200 The amount of single stop-market order cannot exceed the upper limit.
    51276 200 Prices cannot be specified for stop market orders.
    51277 200 TP trigger price cannot be higher than the last price.
    51278 200 SL trigger price cannot be lower than the last price.
    51279 200 TP trigger price cannot be lower than the last price.
    51280 200 SL trigger price cannot be higher than the last price.
    51281 200 Trigger order do not support the tgtCcy parameter.
    51282 200 The range of Price variance is {param0}~{param1}
    51283 200 The range of Time interval is {param0}~{param1}
    51284 200 The range of Average amount is {param0}~{param1}
    51285 200 The range of Total amount is {param0}~{param1}
    51286 200 The total amount should not be less than {param0}
    51287 200 This bot doesn't support current instrument
    51288 200 Bot is currently stopping. Do not make multiple attempts to stop.
    51289 200 Bot configuration does not exist. Please try again later
    51290 200 The Bot engine is being upgraded. Please try again later
    51291 200 This Bot does not exist or has been stopped
    51292 200 This Bot type does not exist
    51293 200 This Bot does not exist
    51294 200 This Bot cannot be created temporarily. Please try again later
    51295 200 Portfolio margin account does not support ordType {param0} in Trading bot mode
    51298 200 Trigger orders are not available in the net mode of Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures
    51299 200 Order did not go through. You can hold a maximum of {param0} orders of this type.
    51300 200 TP trigger price cannot be higher than the mark price
    51302 200 SL trigger price cannot be lower than the mark price
    51303 200 TP trigger price cannot be lower than the mark price
    51304 200 SL trigger price cannot be higher than the mark price
    51305 200 TP trigger price cannot be higher than the index price
    51306 200 SL trigger price cannot be lower than the index price
    51307 200 TP trigger price cannot be lower than the index price
    51308 200 SL trigger price cannot be higher than the index price
    51309 200 Cannot create trading bot during call auction
    51310 200 Strategic orders with Iceberg and TWAP order type are not supported when margins are self-transferred in isolated mode.
    51311 200 Failed to place trailing stop order. Callback rate should be within {min}<x<={max}
    51312 200 Failed to place trailing stop order. Order amount should be within {min}<x<={max}
    51313 200 Manual transfer in isolated mode does not support bot trading
    51317 200 Trigger orders are not available by margin
    51327 200 closeFraction is only available for Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures
    51328 200 closeFraction is only available for reduceOnly orders
    51329 200 closeFraction is only available in NET mode
    51330 200 closeFraction is only available for stop market orders
    51331 200 closeFraction is only available for close position orders
    51332 200 closeFraction is not applicable to Portfolio Margin
    51333 200 Close position order in hedge-mode or reduce-only order in one-way mode cannot attach TPSL
    51340 200 Used margin must be greater than {0}{1}
    51341 200 Position closing not allowed
    51342 200 Closing order already exists. Please try again later
    51343 200 TP price must be less than the lower price
    51344 200 SL price must be greater than the upper price
    51345 200 Policy type is not grid policy
    51346 200 The highest price cannot be lower than the lowest price
    51347 200 No profit available
    51348 200 Stop loss price must be less than the lower price in the range.
    51349 200 Take profit price must be greater than the highest price in the range.
    51350 200 No recommended parameters
    51351 200 Single income must be greater than 0
    51352 200 You can have {0} to {1} trading pairs
    51353 200 Trading pair {0} already exists
    51354 200 The percentages of all trading pairs should add up to 100%
    51355 200 Select a date within {0} - {1}
    51356 200 Select a time within {0} - {1}
    51357 200 Select a time zone within {0} - {1}
    51358 200 The investment amount of each crypto must be greater than {amount}
    51359 200 Recurring buy not supported for the selected crypto {0}
    51370 200 The range of lever is {0}~{1}
    51380 200 Market conditions do not meet the strategy running configuration. You can try again later or adjust your tp/sl configuration.
    51381 200 Per grid profit ratio must be larger than 0.1% and less or equal to 10%
    51382 200 Stop triggerAction is not supported by the current strategy
    51383 200 The min_price is lower than the last price
    51384 200 The trigger price must be greater than the min price
    51385 200 The take profit price needs to be greater than the min price
    51386 200 The min price needs to be greater than 1/2 of the last price
    51387 200 Stop loss price must be less than the bottom price
    51388 200 This Bot is in running status
    51389 200 Trigger price should be lower than {0}
    51390 200 Trigger price should be lower than the TP price
    51391 200 Trigger price should be higher than the SL price
    51392 200 TP price should be higher than the trigger price
    51393 200 SL price should be lower than the trigger price
    51394 200 Trigger price should be higher than the TP price
    51395 200 Trigger price should be lower than the SL price
    51396 200 TP price should be lower than the trigger price
    51397 200 SL price should be higher than the trigger price
    51398 200 Current market meets the stop condition. The bot cannot be created.
    51399 200 Max margin under current leverage: {amountLimit} {quoteCurrency}. Enter a smaller amount and try again.
    51400 200 Cancellation failed as the order has been filled, canceled or does not exist.
    51400 200 Cancellation failed as the order does not exist. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51401 200 Cancellation failed as the order is already canceled. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51402 200 Cancellation failed as the order is already completed. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51403 200 Cancellation failed as the order type does not support cancellation.
    51404 200 Order cancellation unavailable during the second phase of call auction.
    51405 200 Cancellation failed as you do not have any pending orders.
    51406 400 Canceled order count exceeds the limit {param0}.
    51407 200 Either order ID or client order ID is required.
    51408 200 Pair ID or name does not match the order info.
    51409 200 Either pair ID or pair name ID is required.
    51410 200 Cancellation failed as the order is already under cancelling status.
    51411 200 Account does not have permission for mass cancellation.
    51412 200 Cancellation timed out, please try again later.
    51412 200 The order has been triggered and can't be canceled.
    51413 200 Cancellation failed as the order type is not supported by endpoint.
    51415 200 Unable to place order. Spot trading only supports using the last price as trigger price. Please select "Last" and try again.
    51500 200 You must enter a price, quantity, or TP/SL
    51501 400 Maximum of {param0} orders can be modified.
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} balance in account
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} margin in account
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} balance in account and Auto Borrow is not enabled
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient {param0} margin in account and Auto Borrow is not enabled (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51502 200 Order failed. The requested borrowing amount is larger than the available {param0} borrowing amount of your position tier. Existing pending orders and the new order need to borrow {param1}, remaining quota {param2}, total quota {param3}, used {param4}
    51502 200 Order failed. The requested borrowing amount is larger than the available {param0} borrowing amount of your position tier. Existing pending orders and the new order need to borrow {param1}, remaining quota {param2}, total quota {param3}, used {param4}
    51502 200 Order failed. The requested borrowing amount is larger than the available {param0} borrowing amount of your main account and the allocated VIP quota. Existing pending orders and the new order need to borrow {param1}, remaining quota {param2}, total quota {param3}, used {param4}
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient available borrowing amount in {param0} crypto pair
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient available borrowing amount in {param0} loan pool
    51502 200 Order failed. Insufficient account balance and the adjusted equity in USD is smaller than the IMR (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51502 200 Order failed. The order didn't pass delta verification. If the order succeeded, the change in adjEq would be smaller than the change in IMR. Increase adjEq or reduce IMR (Portfolio margin mode can try IOC orders to lower the risks)
    51503 200 Order modification failed as the order has been filled, canceled or does not exist.
    51503 200 Order modification failed as the order does not exist. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51505 200 {instId} is not in call auction
    51506 200 Order modification unavailable for the order type.
    51508 200 Orders are not allowed to be modified during the call auction.
    51509 200 Modification failed as the order has been canceled. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51510 200 Modification failed as the order has been completed. (Only applicable to Nitro Spread)
    51511 200 Operation failed as the order price did not meet the requirement for Post Only.
    51512 200 Failed to amend orders in batches. You cannot have duplicate orders in the same amend-batch-orders request.
    51513 200 Number of modification requests that are currently in progress for an order cannot exceed 3.
    51514 200 Order modification failed. The price length must be 32 characters or shorter.
    51523 200 Unable to modify the order price of a stop order that closes an entire position. Please modify the trigger price instead.
    51524 200 Unable to modify the order quantity of a stop order that closes an entire position. Please modify the trigger price instead.
    51525 200 Stop order modification is not available for quick margin
    51526 200 Order modification unsuccessful. Take profit/Stop loss conditions cannot be added to or removed from stop orders.
    51527 200 Order modification unsuccessful. The stop order does not exist.
    51528 200 Unable to modify trigger price type
    51529 200 Order modification unsuccessful. Stop order modification only applies to Expiry Futures and Perpetual Futures.
    51530 200 Order modification unsuccessful. Take profit/Stop loss conditions cannot be added to or removed from reduce-only orders.
    51531 200 Order modification unsuccessful. The stop order must have either take profit or stop loss attached.
    51536 200 Unable to modify the size of the options order if the price type is pxUsd or pxVol
    51537 200 pxUsd or pxVol are not supported by non-options instruments
    51600 200 Status not found.
    51601 200 Order status and order ID cannot exist at the same time.
    51602 200 Either order status or order ID is required.
    51603 200 Order does not exist.
    51604 200 Initiate a download request before obtaining the hyperlink
    51605 200 You can only download transaction data from the past 2 years
    51606 200 Transaction data for the current quarter is not available
    51607 200 Your previous download request is still being processed
    51608 200 No transaction data found for the current quarter
    51610 200 You can't download billing statements for the current quarter.
    51611 200 You can't download billing statements for the current quarter.
    51620 200 Only affiliates can perform this action
    51621 200 The user isn’t your invitee
    51156 200 You're leading trades in long/short mode and can't use this API endpoint to close positions
    51159 200 You're leading trades in buy/sell mode. If you want to place orders using this API endpoint, the orders must be in the same direction as your existing positions and open orders.
    51162 200 You have {instrument} open orders. Cancel these orders and try again
    51163 200 You hold {instrument} positions. Close these positions and try again
    51165 200 The number of {instrument} reduce-only orders reached the upper limit of {upLimit}. Cancel some orders to proceed.
    51166 200 Currently, we don't support leading trades with this instrument
    51167 200 Failed. You have block trading open order(s), please proceed after canceling existing order(s).
    51168 200 Failed. You have reduce-only type of open order(s), please proceed after canceling existing order(s)
    51320 200 The range of coin percentage is {0}%-{1}%
    51321 200 You're leading trades. Currently, we don't support leading trades with arbitrage, iceberg, or TWAP bots
    51322 200 You're leading trades that have been filled at market price. We've canceled your open stop orders to close your positions
    51323 200 You're already leading trades with take profit or stop loss settings. Cancel your existing stop orders to proceed
    51324 200 As a lead trader, you hold positions in {instrument}. To close your positions, place orders in the amount that equals the available amount for closing
    51325 200 As a lead trader, you must use market price when placing stop orders
    51326 200 As a lead trader, you must use market price when placing orders with take profit or stop loss settings
    54000 200 Margin trading is not supported.
    54001 200 Only Multi-currency margin account can be set to borrow coins automatically.
    54004 200 Order placement or modification failed because one of the orders in the batch failed.
    54005 200 Switch to isolated margin mode to trade pre-market expiry futures.
    54006 200 Pre-market expiry future position limit is {posLimit} contracts.
    54007 200 Instrument {instId} is not supported
    54008 200 This operation is disabled by the 'mass cancel order' endpoint. Please enable it using this endpoint.
    54009 200 The range of {param0} should be [{param1}, {param2}].
    54011 200 Pre-market trading contracts are only allowed to reduce the number of positions within 1 hour before delivery. Please modify or cancel the order.

    Data class

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    52000 200 No market data found.


    Error Code from 54000 to 54999

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    54000 200 Margin trading is not supported.
    54001 200 Only Multi-currency margin account can be set to borrow coins automatically.
    54004 200 Order placement or modification failed because one of the orders in the batch failed.


    Error Code from 58000 to 58999

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    58002 200 Please activate Savings Account first.
    58003 200 Savings does not support this currency type
    58004 200 Account blocked
    58005 200 The {behavior} amount must be equal to or less than {minNum}
    58006 200 Service unavailable for token {0}.
    58007 200 Assets interface is currently unavailable. Try again later
    58008 200 You do not have assets in this currency.
    58009 200 Crypto pair doesn't exist
    58010 200 Chain {chain} isn't supported
    58011 200 Due to local laws and regulations, our services are unavailable to unverified users in {region}. Please verify your account.
    58012 200 Due to local laws and regulations, OKX does not support asset transfers to unverified users in {region}. Please make sure your recipient has a verified account.
    58013 200 Withdrawals not supported yet, contact customer support for details
    58014 200 Deposits not supported yet, contact customer support for details
    58015 200 Transfers not supported yet, contact customer support for details
    58016 200 The API can only be accessed and used by the trading team's main account
    58100 200 The trading product triggers risk control, and the platform has suspended
    the fund transfer-out function with related users. Please wait patiently.
    58101 200 Transfer suspended
    58102 429 Rate limit reached. Please refer to API docs and throttle requests accordingly.
    58103 200 This account transfer function is temporarily unavailable. Please contact customer service for details.
    58104 200 Since your P2P transaction is abnormal, you are restricted from making
    fund transfers. Please contact customer support to remove the restriction.
    58105 200 Since your P2P transaction is abnormal, you are restricted from making
    fund transfers. Please transfer funds on our website or app to complete
    identity verification.
    58106 200 USD verification failed.
    58107 200 Crypto verification failed.
    58110 200 Transfers are suspended due to market risk control triggered by your {businessType} {instFamily} trades or positions. Please try again in a few minutes. Contact customer support if further assistance is needed.
    58111 200 Fund transfers are unavailable while perpetual contracts are charging funding fees. Try again later.
    58112 200 Transfer failed. Contact customer support for assistance
    58113 200 Unable to transfer this crypto
    58114 400 Transfer amount must be greater than 0
    58115 200 Sub-account does not exist.
    58116 200 Transfer exceeds the available amount.
    58117 200 Transfer failed. Resolve any negative assets before transferring again
    58119 200 {0} Sub-account has no permission to transfer out, please set first.
    58120 200 Transfers are currently unavailable. Try again later
    58121 200 This transfer will result in a high-risk level of your position, which may lead to forced liquidation. You need to re-adjust the transfer amount to make sure the position is at a safe level before proceeding with the transfer.
    58122 200 A portion of your spot is being used for Delta offset between positions. If the transfer amount exceeds the available amount, it may affect current spot-derivatives risk offset structure, which will result in an increased Maintenance Margin Requirement (MMR) rate. Please be aware of your risk level.
    58123 200 The From parameter cannot be the same as the To parameter.
    58124 200 Your transfer is being processed, transfer id:{trId}. Please check the latest state of your transfer from the endpoint (GET /api/v5/asset/transfer-state)
    58125 200 Non-tradable assets can only be transferred from sub-accounts to main accounts
    58126 200 Non-tradable assets can only be transferred between funding accounts
    58127 200 Main account API key does not support current transfer 'type' parameter. Please refer to the API documentation.
    58128 200 Sub-account API key does not support current transfer 'type' parameter. Please refer to the API documentation.
    58129 200 {param} is incorrect or {param} does not match with 'type'
    58131 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to unverified users. Verify your identity to make a transfer.
    58132 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to users with Basic verification (Level 1). Complete Advanced verification (Level 2) to make a transfer.
    58200 200 Withdrawal from {0} to {1} is currently not supported for this currency.
    58201 200 Withdrawal amount exceeds daily withdrawal limit.
    58202 200 The minimum withdrawal amount for NEO is 1, and the amount must be an integer.
    58203 200 Please add a withdrawal address.
    58204 200 Withdrawal suspended due to your account activity triggering risk control. Please contact customer support for assistance.
    58205 200 Withdrawal amount exceeds the upper limit.
    58206 200 Withdrawal amount is less than the lower limit.
    58207 200 Withdrawal address isn't on the verified address list. (The format for withdrawal addresses with a label is “address:label”.)
    58208 200 Withdrawal failed. Please link your email.
    58209 200 Sub-accounts don't support withdrawals or deposits. Please use your main account instead
    58210 200 Withdrawal fee exceeds the upper limit.
    58211 200 Withdrawal fee is lower than the lower limit (withdrawal endpoint: incorrect fee).
    58212 200 Withdrawal fee must be {0}% of the withdrawal amount
    58213 200 The internal transfer address is illegal. It must be an email, phone number, or account name
    58214 200 Withdrawals suspended due to {chainName} maintenance
    58215 200 Withdrawal ID does not exist.
    58216 200 Operation not allowed.
    58217 200 Withdrawals are temporarily suspended for your account due to a risk detected in your withdrawal address. Contact customer support for assistance
    58218 200 The internal withdrawal failed. Please check the parameters toAddr and areaCode.
    58219 200 You cannot withdraw crypto within 24 hours after changing your mobile number, email address, or Google Authenticator.
    58220 200 Withdrawal request already canceled.
    58221 200 The toAddr parameter format is incorrect, withdrawal address needs labels. The format should be "address:label".
    58222 200 Invalid withdrawal address
    58223 200 This is a contract address with higher withdrawal fees
    58224 200 This crypto currently doesn't support on-chain withdrawals to OKX addresses. Withdraw through internal transfers instead
    58225 200 Asset transfers to unverified users in {region} are not supported due to local laws and regulations.
    58226 200 {chainName} is delisted and not available for crypto withdrawal.
    58227 200 Withdrawal of non-tradable assets can be withdrawn all at once only
    58228 200 Withdrawal of non-tradable assets requires that the API key must be bound to an IP
    58229 200 Insufficient funding account balance to pay fees {fee} USDT
    58230 200 According to the OKX compliance policy, you will need to complete your identity verification (Level 1) in order to withdraw
    58231 200 The recipient has not completed personal info verification (Level 1) and cannot receive your transfer
    58232 200 You’ve reached the personal information verification (L1) withdrawal limit, complete photo verification (L2) to increase the withdrawal limit
    58233 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to unverified users. Verify your identity to withdraw.
    58234 200 For compliance, the recipient can't receive your transfer yet. They'll need to verify their identity to receive your transfer.
    58235 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to users with Basic verification (Level 1). Complete Advanced verification (Level 2) to withdraw.
    58236 200 For compliance, a recipient with Basic verification (Level 1) is unable to receive your transfer. They'll need to complete Advanced verification (Level 2) to receive it.
    58237 200 According to local laws and regulations, please provide accurate recipient information (rcvrInfo). For the exchange address, please also provide exchange information and recipient identity information ({consientParameters}).
    58238 200 Incomplete info. The info of the exchange and the recipient are required if you're withdrawing to an exchange platform.
    58240 200 For security and compliance purposes, please complete the identity verification process to use our services. If you prefer not to verify, contact customer support for next steps. We're committed to ensuring a safe platform for users and appreciate your understanding.
    58241 200 Due to local compliance requirements, internal withdrawal is unavailable
    58242 200 The recipient can't receive your transfer due to their local compliance requirements
    58243 200 Your recipient can't receive your transfer as they haven't made a cash deposit yet
    58244 200 Make a cash deposit to proceed
    58248 200 Due to local regulations, API withdrawal isn't allowed. Withdraw using OKX app or web.
    58249 200 API withdrawal for this currency is currently unavailable. Try withdrawing via our app or website.
    58300 200 Deposit-address count exceeds the limit.
    58301 200 Deposit-address not exist.
    58302 200 Deposit-address needs tag.
    58303 200 Deposit for chain {chain} is currently unavailable
    58304 200 Failed to create invoice.
    58305 200 Unable to retrieve deposit address, please complete identity verification and generate deposit address first.
    58306 200 According to the OKX compliance policy, you will need to complete your identity verification (Level 1) in order to deposit
    58307 200 You've reached the personal information verification (L1) deposit limit, the excess amount has been frozen, complete photo verification (L2) to increase the deposit limit
    58308 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to unverified users. Verify your identity to deposit.
    58309 200 For compliance, we're unable to provide services to users with Basic verification (Level 1). Complete Advanced verification (Level 2) to deposit.
    58310 200 Unable to create new deposit address, try again later
    58350 200 Insufficient balance.
    58351 200 Invoice expired.
    58352 200 Invalid invoice.
    58353 200 Deposit amount must be within limits.
    58354 200 You have reached the daily limit of 10,000 invoices.
    58355 200 Permission denied. Please contact your account manager.
    58356 200 The accounts of the same node do not support the Lightning network deposit or withdrawal.
    58358 200 The fromCcy parameter cannot be the same as the toCcy parameter.
    58370 200 You have exceeded the daily limit of small assets conversion.
    58373 200 The minimum {ccy} conversion amount is {amount}
    58374 200 Small assets should be less than the maximum limit {exchangeOKBLimitMax} {currency}.
    58375 200 Small assets should be more than the minimum limit {exchangeOKBLimitMin} {currency}.


    Error Code from 59000 to 59999

    Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
    59000 200 Settings failed. Close any open positions or orders before modifying settings.
    59001 200 Switching unavailable as you have borrowings.
    59002 200 Sub-account settings failed. Close any open positions, orders, or trading bots before modifying settings.
    59004 200 Only IDs with the same instrument type are supported
    59005 200 When margin is manually transferred in isolated mode, the value of the asset intially allocated to the position must be greater than 10,000 USDT.
    59006 200 This feature is unavailable and will go offline soon.
    59101 200 Leverage can't be modified. Please cancel all pending isolated margin orders before adjusting the leverage.
    59102 200 Leverage exceeds the maximum limit. Please lower the leverage.
    59103 200 Account margin is insufficient and leverage is too low. Please increase the leverage.
    59104 200 The borrowed position has exceeded the maximum position of this leverage. Please lower the leverage.
    59105 400 Leverage can't be less than {0}. Please increase the leverage.
    59106 200 The max available margin corresponding to your order tier is {0}.
    Please adjust your margin and place a new order.
    59107 200 Leverage can't be modified. Please cancel all pending cross-margin orders before adjusting the leverage.
    59108 200 Your account leverage is too low and has insufficient margins. Please increase the leverage.
    59109 200 Account equity less than the required margin amount after adjustment.
    Please adjust the leverage .
    59110 200 The instrument type corresponding to this {0} does not support the tgtCcy parameter.
    59111 200 Leverage query isn't supported in portfolio margin account mode
    59112 200 You have isolated/cross pending orders. Please cancel them before adjusting your leverage
    59113 200 According to local laws and regulations, margin trading service is not available in your region. If your citizenship is at a different region, please complete KYC2 verification.
    59114 200 According to local laws and regulations, margin trading services are not available in your region
    59125 200 {0} does not support the current operation.
    59200 200 Insufficient account balance.
    59201 200 Negative account balance.
    59202 200 No access to max opening amount in cross positions for PM accounts.
    59300 200 Margin call failed. Position does not exist.
    59301 200 Margin adjustment failed for exceeding the max limit.
    59302 200 Margin adjustment failed due to pending close order. Please cancel any pending close orders.
    59303 200 Insufficient available margin, add margin or reduce the borrowing amount
    59304 200 Insufficient equity for borrowing. Keep enough funds to pay interest for at least one day.
    59305 200 Use VIP loan first to set the VIP loan priority
    59306 200 Your borrowing amount exceeds the max limit
    59307 200 You are not eligible for VIP loans
    59308 200 Unable to repay VIP loan due to insufficient borrow limit
    59309 200 Unable to repay an amount that exceeds the borrowed amount
    59310 200 Your account does not support VIP loan
    59311 200 Setup cannot continue. An outstanding VIP loan exists.
    59312 200 {currency} does not support VIP loans
    59313 200 Unable to repay. You haven't borrowed any ${ccy} (${ccyPair}) in Quick margin mode.
    59314 200 The current user is not allowed to return the money because the order is not borrowed
    59315 200 viploan is upgrade now. Wait for 10 minutes and try again
    59316 200 The current user is not allowed to borrow coins because the currency is in the order in the currency borrowing application.
    59317 200 The number of pending orders that are using VIP loan for a single currency cannot be more than {maxNumber} (orders)
    59319 200 You can’t repay your loan order because your funds are in use. Make them available for full repayment.
    59320 200 Borrow quota exceeded
    59321 200 Borrowing isn't available in your region.
    59322 200 This action is unavailable for this order.
    59323 200 Borrowing amount is less than minimum
    59324 200 No available lending offer
    59325 200 Loan can only be repaid in full.
    59326 200 Invalid lending amount. Lending amount has to be between {minLend} to {lendQuota}.
    59327 200 You can’t renew your loan order automatically because the amount you’re renewing isn’t enough to cover your current liability. Repay manually to avoid high overdue interest.
    59328 200 Lending APR has to be between {minRate} to {maxRate}.
    51152 200 Unable to place an order that mixes automatic buy with automatic repayment or manual operation in Quick margin mode.
    59401 200 Holdings already reached the limit.
    59402 200 No passed instIDs are in a live state. Please verify instIDs separately.
    59500 200 Only the API key of the main account has permission.
    59501 200 Each account can create up to 50 API keys
    59502 200 This note name already exists. Enter a unique API key note name
    59503 200 Each API key can bind up to 20 IP addresses
    59504 200 Sub-accounts don't support withdrawals. Please use your main account for withdrawals.
    59505 200 The passphrase format is incorrect.
    59506 200 API key does not exist.
    59507 200 The two accounts involved in a transfer must be 2 different sub-accounts under the same main account.
    59508 200 The sub account of {0} is suspended.
    59509 200 Account doesn't have permission to reset market maker protection (MMP) status.
    59510 200 Sub-account does not exist
    59512 200 Unable to set up permissions for ND broker subaccounts. By default, all ND subaccounts can transfer funds out.
    59601 200 Subaccount name already exists.
    59603 200 Maximum number of subaccounts reached.
    59604 200 Only the API key of the main account can access this API.
    59606 200 Failed to delete sub-account. Transfer all sub-account funds to your main account before deleting your sub-account.
    59608 200 Only Broker accounts have permission to access this API.
    59609 200 Broker already exists
    59610 200 Broker does not exist
    59611 200 Broker unverified
    59612 200 Cannot convert time format
    59613 200 No escrow relationship established with the subaccount.
    59614 200 Managed subaccount does not support this operation.
    59615 200 The time interval between the Begin Date and End Date cannot be greater than 180 days.
    59616 200 The Begin Date cannot be later than the End Date.
    59617 200 Sub-account created. Account level setup failed.
    59618 200 Failed to create sub-account.
    59619 200 This endpoint does not support ND sub accounts. Please use the dedicated endpoint supported for ND brokers.
    59622 200 You're creating a sub-account for a non-existing or incorrect sub-account. Create a sub-account under the ND broker first or use the correct sub-account code.
    59623 200 Couldn't delete the sub-account under the ND broker as the sub-account has one or more sub-accounts, which must be deleted first.
    59648 200 Your modified spot-in-use amount is insufficient, which may lead to liquidation. Adjust the amount.
    59649 200 Disabling spot-derivatives risk offset mode may increase the risk of liquidation. Adjust the size of your positions and ensure your margin-level status is safe.
    59650 200 Switching your offset unit may increase the risk of liquidation. Adjust the size of your positions and ensure your margin-level status is safe.
    59651 200 Enable spot-derivatives risk offset mode to set your spot-in-use amount.
    59652 200 You can only set a spot-in-use amount for crypto that can be used as margin.



    Error Code from 60000 to 64002

    General Class

    Error Code Error Message
    60004 Invalid timestamp
    60005 Invalid apiKey
    60006 Timestamp request expired
    60007 Invalid sign
    60008 The current WebSocket endpoint does not support subscribing to {0} channels. Please check the WebSocket URL
    60009 Login failure
    60011 Please log in
    60012 Invalid request
    60013 Invalid args
    60014 Requests too frequent
    60018 Wrong URL or {0} doesn't exist. Please use the correct URL, channel and parameters referring to API document.
    60019 Invalid op: {op}
    60020 APIKey subscription amount exceeds the limit {0}.
    60021 This operation does not support multiple accounts login.
    60022 Bulk login partially succeeded
    60023 Bulk login requests too frequent
    60024 Wrong passphrase
    60025 token subscription amount exceeds the limit {0}
    60026 Batch login by APIKey and token simultaneously is not supported.
    60027 Parameter {0} can not be empty.
    60028 The current operation is not supported by this URL. Please use the correct WebSocket URL for the operation.
    60029 Only users who are VIP5 and above in trading fee tier are allowed to subscribe to this channel.
    60030 Only users who are VIP4 and above in trading fee tier are allowed to subscribe to books50-l2-tbt channel.
    60031 The WebSocket endpoint does not allow multiple or repeated logins.
    60032 API key doesn't exist.
    63999 Login failed due to internal error. Please try again later.
    64000 Subscription parameter uly is unavailable anymore, please replace uly with instFamily. More details can refer to:
    64001 This channel has been migrated to the '/business' URL. Please subscribe using the new URL. More details can refer to:
    64002 This channel is not supported by "/business" URL. Please use "/private" URL(for private channels), or "/public" URL(for public channels). More details can refer to:
    64003 Your trading fee tier doesn't meet the requirement to access this channel

    Close Frame

    Status Code Reason Text
    1009 Request message exceeds the maximum frame length
    4001 Login Failed
    4002 Invalid Request
    4003 APIKey subscription amount exceeds the limit 100
    4004 No data received in 30s
    4005 Buffer is full, cannot write data
    4006 Abnormal disconnection
    4007 API key has been updated or deleted. Please reconnect.
    4008 The number of subscribed channels exceeds the maximum limit.
    4009 The number of subscription channels for this connection exceeds the limit